--- title: 00061 created: Mon, 06 Feb 2023 09:59:55 -0700 updated: Mon, 06 Feb 2023 09:59:55 -0700 public: yes syndicated: yes --- ### 00061 {#00061} Alex the Octopus and Inky the Noogle stand on a tree branch as wide a street in the heart of the great white upside-down forest. A cry of anguish and anger echoes through the forest, and the branches below you sway and rustle as something rises up from the depths. You keep catching a glimpse of scarlet between the silvery white leaves. The large black ravens perched below you scream in agitation and fly up past you to the thicker branches up above, where they hop side to side and loudly scold and protest the disturbance. A single black feather the length of your hand settles to the ground at your feet, knocked loose during their flight. You finally see the fearsome beast crashing through the branches below you. Its crazed, yellow eyes as large and round as dinner plates, a great eight-legged rodent leaps from branch to branch as it swiftly ascends. It is a bloody, crimson red. Its long tufted ears lay flat against its elongated, grinning skull. Its ribbon-like tail twitches as it trails along behind it like a river of blood. It cries out again in anger, showing its overgrown incisors, and grinds and gnashes its back teeth. Its eyes bore into you with wild fury and blind madness as it climbs. "She's not herself," sighs the chipmunk, suddenly at your side once more. When you look down at the chipmunk, however, it has suddenly turned into a small featureless black turtle with a sticky sweet roll instead of a shell. Its smooth little head pokes timidly out of the roll. "The Red Squirrel," laments the turtle. "She's being ridden by a ghost. An angry ghost who isn't from here. Somebody left the door open, and it blew in on the breeze." The turtle's voice trails off until its final words are barely a whisper. You can still feel two currents tugging at you and trying to pull you under. One inward toward your host's deep, core memories. And the second pulling you outward toward the Sea of Dreams. You have but a moment before the Red Squirrel is upon you. WHAT DO YOU DO