--- title: about created: Tue, 26 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600 updated: Mon, 14 Nov 2022 18:16:30 -0700 public: yes --- ## About This is a game that me and the kids in the basement are playing over email. [www thread](https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-07/msg00004.html) You can [read from the beginning](#chapter-1), or jump into the [current story arc](#current-story). If you're not on the mailing list and want to keep up with the story, you can [subscribe to the rss feed](https://tilde.town/~dozens/quest/rss.xml). ## Stats Total length: zxWORDS words / zxMINUTES minute read. (Mind you, that's the length of this entire page, including all the extra bits and bobs. Not just the story.) There have been zxNOMESSAGES messages posted over zxDAYS days since the first post on July 13, 2022 for a daily post rate of zxPOSTRATE.