--- title: 00008 created: Sat, 30 Jul 2022 19:19:20 -0600 updated: Thu, 18 Aug 2022 11:47:09 -0600 public: yes syndicated: yes --- ### 00008 > Inky blinks down at their pinecrab apple leather boots consideringly. "Tea's got the fanciest footgear, but at least we aren't sporting fetid foot fungi like stockings. Maybe we could persuade the egre to let us through? It might set us back half a day trying to find any kobit holes that aren't just non-portable potties." You look down at your boots. How serendipitous that you just had them shined by the blahoblins! You feel confident in your footwear. > Corraidhín: I may have a solution to the Egre problem. I gesture grandly, as it so happens I always come prepared for a fashion show. > > With a grand gesture I cast a spell to transform my robes into a stunning suit, complete with top hat, monocle, and cane > > I'm certain we can convince the fine fellow to let us pass if we look the part. Or better yet, I'm almost certain I can distract him while the rest of you sneak past, I've been told I can be quite verbose and boisterous. Corraidhín successfully conjures up a stunning suit, surely the envy of every dandy, fop, and gentleman in the southern continent, if not all of Basmentaria! A nearby gnome gets flush, starts to fan herself excitedly, and then explodes dramatically. > "A splendid idea, with an equally splendid outfit to match!" Inky exclaimed. "Then, shall we proceed? Master Corraidhín, at your signal." You proceed down into the gnome hole. Retrieval Team 70 glares at you from behind their smoked glass goggles as you zip line past them. They continue their slow, defeated climb up the scaffolding. Vest shakes its gopher fist at you and swears, "You haven't seen the last of us, Retrieval Team 43!" At the bottom, on solid ground, you approach the entrance to the kobit caves. Standing guard at the entrance to the kobit tunnels is a massive egre, a fearsome bird beast, muscles rippling and bulging beneath its beautiful white plumage. It turns its head and regards you with one jet black eye and then the other, snapping its sharp beak in the air as it tosses its head back and forth. It looks you up and down, and its gaze rests on your freshly polished shoes. It huffs and grunts, "Your shoes look clean." It rests its scrutinizing gaze on Corraidhín's garments. "And YOU look FABULOUS!" it exclaims as it tosses its head and beats it wings excitedly. "You may enter." It graciously steps aside with a flourish. The smallest of you can stand upright in the kobit tunnels. The largest of you have to crawl. Kobits are small, vaguely mammalian, vaguely reptilian bipedal cave creatures. They are scaly and furry, and live in tunnels deep in the earth. They have huge yellow eyes, and long fine whiskers on their snouts and faces, all of which help them find their way around in the dark. They also have long, thick, coarse, drooping mustaches. The overall effect is that they look like tiny, monstrous, perpetually startled cowboys. You follow the winding tunnel down into the earth. You come around a corner and almost bump right into a kobit. It has eyes like saucers and an awe-inspiring mustache. It wears a name tag ("Corey") and carries a clipboard. It blinks at you in surprise and then asks, "Who are you? What are you doing in here?" Corey flips through the pages on its clipboard. "There are no upsiders scheduled to arrive today. I don't think you're supposed to be here!" Corey glances around nervously with its huge eyes and looks about ready to cry out for help. WHAT DO YOU DO? [www](https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-08/msg00012.html)