--- title: 00009 created: Fri, 19 Aug 2022 07:16:14 -0600 updated: Mon, 22 Aug 2022 11:24:41 -0600 public: yes syndicated: yes --- ### 00009 > Inky smiles at Corey. "Hullo! We're the waterworks crew from the neaby town, here to check the outhouse tunnels, inspect all the pipes and so on. We received reports of a blockage somewhere inside the networks. Have the tunnels been flushing well lately?" While speaking, Inky flashes a waterworker's ID briefly at the kobit before pocketing it and pulling out a pressure gauge, giving the little handle on one side of the device a few cranks, and looking back at Corey expectantly. Corey slowly blinks its eyes. "Inspektor?" ASIDE: I rolled for Inky and rolled a six, which according to the rules means GREAT SUCCESS, and also Inky gets to Level Up: they gain the skill Persuasive 2. "Of course! Inspektors! Yes, yes, right this way! A surprise inspection, how exciting!" Corey continues to chatter excitedly as it leads you further into the branching, winding tunnels, pointing out particular bits of stonework and engineering, and also baubles and trinkets and fossils and artifacts that the kobits uncovered in the process of digging their tunnels. Your tour eventually brings you into a large cavern with tunnels exactly like the one from which you just entered branching off in all directions. It makes you dizzy to think of finding your way through this labyrinth without a guide. In the middle of the cavern is a deep pool with a fountain. At the bottom of the pool, a SWORD is thrust into the ground almost up to its hilt. A large jewel set deep in the pommel rolls around like an eye in a socket and tracks your movement around cavern. A few bubbles float up to the surface of the pool. And set into the wall on the far side of the room is a massive stone door reinforced with thick iron bands. There is a keypad and a small printer on the wall next to it. "....and so our tour concludes here in the central atrium!" Corey concludes excitedly. "Behind this door is the VAULT, where we keep all the valuables. Gemstones, gold, crystals, et cetera." "Top notch security!" Corey exclaims tapping the keypad. The printer spits out a square of paper. It reads ed v1.16 * ? * ? *e door 19 *,n 1 the door is Locked *wq "Ha ha!" Corey shakes its head in amazement. "I have no idea how this thing works!" The eye in the sword watches as Corey clips the small printout to its clipboard. "Now, I trust you'll find that everything was in tip-top order! Yes, indeed!" Corey wriggles its mustache proudly. "Now if you'll excuse me," it flips through the pages on its clipboard, "I am late for my next appointment. Good day!" Corey turns and walks toward one of the twisty little passageways, all alike. WHAT DO YOU DO? [www](https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-08/msg00016.html)