# https://foreignplanets.blogspot.com/2024/05/name-generator-morphemewordepithet.html :: name ## Entry point / origin [morpheme.c][word] [epithet] [prefix] [morpheme.c][word] [prefix] [morpheme.c][word.s] [prefix] [morpheme.c][word] [epithet] [morpheme.c][word]'[morpheme.c] [morpheme.c] [morpheme.c][word] :: morpheme ## A random sound brog guyn driz oy poin broin dray hoy khu elbb zee teg thig volor moror zarn zark zarzl zhong zok krinc prunc seld serd quo quog wast writ wub eem eo ev wuld rond trop yhoo urdd ing ogg phef aph fro drov frol gis hirn wilk rof roch thip throg teng tirk tenk twu twal yuth yirg ull uk iv irch ok ort ool oon oos oop pur purth pux pix ang ank ack arr arc sor shri sarc sib spo snil dral dax druz droon tiong snid phra vang gawp hool grul dhoop jair qim quisl fiaz prax aal righ ugh yog yig yair var vaq skog drij volg dem ghil uvar err azil obil zanzil zhat blug blig hroo waf xar grar lorp vuh ee ay oo ux ix whal mun ilun fargl xab frang bao bif xif zij quix vonch van klanc lug nirm zirm sil wev vil vran quiv squan squank squop akun apar epar iq exy eny ery uth ist ost hrosh imb omb onk arem urum irim irik eliv wep wroov droov seef hiqa ayy jaal khee ish xiliv whij koj krong swue aur eth qeth neth veth yeth aer aen ain aun uon xiv ung ong eng ehal dhar dhom hom kom rom qom eez dhezz elpz upz akz auz goaz goz mepz tepz crunz grenz purb ony igy eart ehng leng jub zhoon zhewt juju lhop lhow ewl ewil avul ap ip ep eb en el ek eh ez es ej ol om ob oc ot oz os oq mork morg borg franken pranken lankim khim khem vinken inken swohd glup blubil bulbil ziz miz lilip soong yolp grang grunc gharn bral criv durn flom griv harn jurn klom larn mird norl plen qarn rilk skiv tarm ulm vorn wim yorn blen cril dorn frel glim jiln kren lom morn nix polm quen ralk shil trok ulk vlim yiln brim crev dril flon gril jorn kliv lorn mirk norn plim qril rik skon trel ulv vril :: word ## A regular old word strong sour queer wait want egg earth end bib eye chin leer cheek butt yo evil ebb when wrath rude ruse red root rose thin toad thing young urn utter itch ilk old trust rust oak odd pole prole prude pong pink purse poke fist ache asp age angst soul south cried sad stung song bite cries mile scar dead dog dork drink forth for fool ford gem goad good goat grow guide grab greed game hide hurl hulk hung joke job joy arm leg jump know lord long link lynx zoo crown crow vault vat bat bird bank brink bad bang brain bong birch nut north man mouth monk milk hold king love zazz cane vein bald nail mail quail wail eel rail enter ink prose add down dark spur axe wash wink toil pit poor far way walk pounce hound flung leap clench twist crude lewd stab grip choke snore bore gore blood grind weird bone spit bile vile jest snort snarl snatch busy blue spurt whoop slime pin fox ape miser mister foil wraith slow quick mad lush boom panda spies dies claws play stick beer wine vine gross belch burp roar kiss grunt corn stone flight pig hog sly wish soap mud hill sure mean pain hurt strike lapse probe prod stamp chimp pinch spurn quote rinse pincer spank drool stink stein bud gun gunner hum gum wallow wallop wasp hook herb glare crank wrench snap willow berry spire spoil well head burn line cube cub trot ochre flay drown gander lick swirl thistle dapple mingle flounder grapple dazzle slumber bumble sizzle ripple wither tingle murmur tremble twirl slink flicker quiver rustle giggle whisper mumble flutter shimmer crinkle snicker quaver blaze glare blight blush whisk chirp bloom clang thud wisp flare rumble drift way brisk gust fleck shrub blurt parch whim scour pluck squirm glimpse grasp whisker foam breeze thrum hiss mirth dusk fuzz tusk jolt thrift glint trill ridge glimmer purr gleam perch grumble rattle puddle glisten mutter nudge spark dabble fizzle dribble flinch crackle throb sputter glide nuzzle green :: epithet ## A title, a moniker, a descriptor Long-Beard Silver-Shins the Hanged the Beetlekind the Big the Small Long-Tongue the Elder the Younger Tower-Master who squashed the butterfly Pig-Thief The Man-Farmer the Sage the Wise Thick-Thewed the Red the Black the Blue the White the Golden the White the Gilt the Guilty the Snatcher the Liar the Fist the Foot the Fox the Silent of the Heptarchy of the Greater Peace the Flea the Fool of the Winterlands the Swift the Horse the Snake the Thrice-Cursed the Yellow the Howler the Foul the Unready the Conqueror the Ant the Stone the Feather of the Great Jungle of Many Colours of Spindle-Spire of the Depths of the Deep Darkness of Many Teeth of Many Talents the Smooth the Notorious the Coward the Beggar the Weak the Spiteful the Uncomely the Fair the Ape the Worm the Crawler the Nobody the Wit the Wiseman the Undertaker the Ghoul the Mole the Vile of Six-Fingers the Hemicastrated the Energumen the Eunuch the Beast the Mad the Weird the Mouse the Wrathful the Monk the Bulging the Pumpkin the Traitor the Omnibenevolent the Oaf the Imbecile the Witch-Sniffer the Rake of the Waters of the Smokeless Fire the Flagellant the Arrow-Catcher the Peculiar the Slobberer the One-Eyed the Three-Eyed the Twelve-Souled the Fanged the Bellringer the Luxurious the Unavoidable the Unfortunate the Caped the Unmysterious the Fateless the First the 88th the Shrew the Shrimp the Shameful the Shameless the Usurper the Gourmand the Nice the BeeBiter the Salubrious the Onanist the Stork the one who stalks panthers the one who runs at night the Night-Whistler the Beast-Brained the Clone the Squid-Staker the Gorilla-Charmer the Debrained the Half-Formed the Whistler the Onomatopoeic the Needle-like the Eel-Baiter the Beautifier The Slatternly the Superior the Defier the Undefiled the Narcissist the Lowest Knave The Lord of Men the High-Hearted the White-Armed the Oread the Man-Killer the Albicant the Amaranthine the Eburnean the Mazarine the Sarcoline the Xanthic the Zinnober the Nice Chap the Conqueror the Great the Magician the Sorcerer the Sorceress the Night-Walker the Whisper in the Woods the Enchantress the Demon the Dragon-Slayer who is bound by many rings the Groper the Handler the Marvellous the Leaper the Rake the Puddle the Precarious the Unravelling the Weeping the Yellow the Meaty the Impaler the Phlogistonal the Magophile the Striated the Unfaltering the Personable the Human the Benthic the Challenger the Fat the Bald the Twice-Murdered the Burnt the Second-Sighted the Muscle the Troll-Buster Ill-Luck Slender-Legs the Fair-Haired Axe-Nose the Worm-Mouthed the Mutagenised the Pontifical the Aberrant the Abominable who is like living fire the Aggressionist the Agrarian the Antediluvian the Bicephalist the Plotter the Absolute The King-Killer Broke-Nose Spider-Eater Nose-Picker Parrot-Masher Ink-Drinker without whose consent no king ascends the throne Prayer-Stealer who boasts of his perfection who is wife of the gods who bathes in poison the Bear-Butcher the Bloated who is as sweet as honey Blood-Licker Horse-Flesh the Elastic the Alarmist whose warcry fills the enemy with fear who shouts 'OOOBLARGHOO!' the Apiarist the Wake who is like the effulgence of fire who is unsullied by arrows the Unborn Lord the stealer of pure hearts the Exuberant the Resplendent Gold-Groveller whose blade hums for blood who devours red roses who endlessly utters "Ua, Ua, Ua!" whose heart is iron whose blood is black the Alabaster the Sinewy the Tattooed the Corsair the Small-Brained the Dust-Snorter the Knife the Self-Immolator the Neck-Twister the Arm-Breaker the Snail Battle-Butcher Battle-Axe the Sipahi the Eunuch Pasha the Shah of Shahs whose mantra is "[morpheme]-[morpheme]-[morpheme]" who eats sand the Clock-Winder the Gravedigger the Leech the Star-Formed the Formican the Iron-Scribe of the Teeth Broken-Shins the Beetling the Cloud-Gazer the Nephomancer the Molybdomancer the Star-Namer who loves [morpheme][word] who slew [morpheme][word] the [morpheme][word] of [morpheme]land the [morpheme]man the [morpheme]woman :: prefix ## A title, a descriptor, a vocation Uncle Mr Miss Mrs Doctor Professor Captain General Master Lord Lady Emperor Chief Count Wild Old Young Honest Good Bad Poxy Toothsome Supple Devilish Sweet Screaming Brother Father Mother Sister Sour Pickled The Machine known as # vim:set filetype=tbls: