%rec: feed %doc: metadata about a recfeed %type: updated date %type: author,title,summary,location line %mandatory: author title location updated %allowed: author title summary location updated contact author: dozens title: wellness game summary: games that are good for you location: /Users/cb/wellnessrpg/feed.rec updated: 2024-02-17T19:22:17-07:00 %rec: item %doc: an item belonging to a recfeed %key: id %type: id int %auto: id %type: title,summary,location line %type: published,updated date %mandatory: id title location published %allowed: id title location published summary updated id: 0 title: wellness d66 summary: 36 good things location: /Users/cb/wellnessrpg/d66/wellness-d66.t published: 2024-02-17T19:23:08-07:00 updated: 2024-02-17T19:23:08-07:00 id: 1 title: wellness lite summary: smol good things location: /Users/cb/wellnessrpg/lite/wellness-lite.t published: 2024-02-17T19:23:08-07:00 updated: 2024-02-17T19:23:08-07:00 id: 2 title: wellness dodeca summary: smol good things location: /Users/cb/wellnessrpg/dodeca/wellness-dodeca.t published: 2024-02-22T11:17:08-07:00 updated: 2024-02-22T11:17:08-07:00