You will need - 1 - 2 six-sided dice - pen and paper Every time you think about the game, or any time you notice yourself getting stressed, or every thirty minutes (whichever happens first), roll 2d6. Read them left to right, the first number being the tens digit and the second number being the ones digit. For example, if you rolled a 2 and a 3, that's a 23. Look up your number on the tables below and do as instructed. Repeat as many times as you like. When finished, write a 1 - 3 sentences in your journal about how you feel in this moment. TIP: you can also just pick your favorite thing from the tables below and just do that 10 mind 11 what is the most story-worthy thing that has happened to you today? 12 repeat to yourself "I am enough" on each inhale, and "I have enough" on each exhale 13 what are you thankful for right now 14 what has delighted you today 15 visualize your favorite place 16 imagine happiness, health, and peace for yourself. for a friend. for a stranger. 20 body 21 massage your temples and your scalp 22 touch your toes and dangle. sway side to side. 23 trunk twists, march in place 24 take a short walk 25 roll out your neck clockwise and anticlockwise 26 massage your hands and roll out your wrist 30 breath 31 breathe in for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4. Repeat 4 times. 32 breathe on quarter of the way full and pause. halfway full, pause. three quarters, pause. Fill all the way up, pause. Exhale. Repeat. 33 close your eyes and count to ten. repeat. 34 place one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest. feel your stomach and ribs fill up and deflate as you breathe 35 close one nostril and breathe in. close that nostril and open the other and breathe out. breathe in again through that same nostril, then out the other. repeat. 36 trace the fingers of one hand from thumb to pinkie. breathe in on the way up, breathe out on the way down. 40 balance 41 stand on one foot for 8 breaths. repeat on the other side 42 drink some water 43 do tree pose 44 eat some fresh fruit 45 say hi to a friend 46 look at something far away for 8 breaths 50 rest 51 close your eyes 52 rub your hands together really fast to build heat. close your eyes and cup them with your hands. feel the warmth. 53 go get a chocolate or tasty treat 54 enjoy a hot cup of nice tea 55 put some cold water on your face 56 squeeze all your muscles one by one then relax them 60 place 61 put one thing away 62 declutter 63 scan your body from toes to head 64 listen to a favorite song 65 go get some sunshine 66 go get some good smells MINI GAMES 1. After rolling, choose between your number written backwards or forwards, or do both! Example: if you roll a 2 and a 3, choose between 23 and 32. (or do both) 2. If both dice are a 1, 2, or a 3, that is a MINOR ROLL. Soften or lessen something. Roll again. If both dice are a 4, 5, or a 6, that is a MAJOR ROLL. Increase or enhance something. Roll again. 3. If you roll doubles, that is a MIGHTY PORTENT. Something great is happening. Roll again.