#!/usr/bin/python ''' ttbp: tilde town blogging platform (also known as the feels engine) a console-based blogging program developed for tilde.town copyright (c) 2016 ~endorphant (endorphant@tilde.town) ttbp.py: the main console interface Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. the complete codebase is available at: https://github.com/modgethanc/ttbp ''' from __future__ import absolute_import import os import tempfile import subprocess import time import json from email.mime.text import MIMEText import datetime import inflect from . import config from . import core from . import chatter from . import gopher from . import util __version__ = "0.11.1" __author__ = "endorphant {leftover}\n".format(leftover=leftover)) def main(): ''' main engine head * called on program start * calls config check * proceeds to main menu * handles ^c and ^d ejects ''' redraw() print(""" if you don't want to be here at any point, press and it'll all go away. just keep in mind that you might lose anything you've started here.\ """) try: print(check_init()) except EOFError: print(stop()) return redraw() while 1: try: print(main_menu()) except EOFError: print(stop()) break except KeyboardInterrupt: redraw(EJECT) else: break def stop(): ''' returns an exit message. ''' return "\n\n\t"+chatter.say("bye")+"\n\n" def check_init(): ''' user environment validation * checks for presence of ttbprc * checks for last run version ''' print("\n\n") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".ttbp")): if config.USER == "endorphant": print("hey boss! :D\n") else: print("{greeting}, {user}".format(greeting=chatter.say("greet"), user=config.USER)) ## ttbp env validation if not user_up_to_date(): update_user_version() if not valid_setup(): setup_repair() else: raw_input("press to explore your feels.\n\n") core.load(SETTINGS) return "" else: return init() def init(): """Initializes new user by setting up ~/.ttbp directory and config file. """ try: raw_input(""" i don't recognize you, stranger. let's make friends. press to begin, or to get out of here.""") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n\nthanks for checking in! i'll always be here.\n\n") quit() print("\nokay! gimme a second to get you set up!") time.sleep(1) print("...") time.sleep(1) ## record user in source list users = open(config.USERFILE, 'a') users.write(config.USER+"\n") users.close() #subprocess.call(['chmod', 'a+w', config.USERFILE]) ## make .ttbp directory structure print("\ngenerating feels at {path}...".format(path=config.PATH).rstrip()) subprocess.call(["mkdir", config.PATH]) subprocess.call(["mkdir", config.USER_CONFIG]) subprocess.call(["mkdir", config.USER_DATA]) versionFile = os.path.join(config.PATH, "version") open(versionFile, "w").write(__version__) ## create header file header = gen_header() headerfile = open(os.path.join(config.USER_CONFIG, "header.txt"), 'w') for line in header: headerfile.write(line) headerfile.close() ## copy footer and default stylesheet with open(os.path.join(config.USER_CONFIG, 'footer.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write(config.DEFAULT_FOOTER) with open(os.path.join(config.USER_CONFIG, 'style.css'), 'w') as f: f.write(config.DEFAULT_STYLE) ## run user-interactive setup and load core engine time.sleep(1) print("done setting up feels!") print("\nthese are the default settings. you can change any of them now, or change them later at any time!!") setup() core.load(SETTINGS) raw_input("\nyou're all good to go, "+chatter.say("friend")+"! hit to continue.\n\n") return "" def gen_header(): ''' header generator builds header to insert username ''' header =""" ~"""+config.USER+""" on TTBP
\ """ return header def valid_setup(): ''' Checks to see if user has a valid ttbp environment. ''' global SETTINGS if not os.path.isfile(config.TTBPRC): return False try: SETTINGS = json.load(open(config.TTBPRC)) except ValueError: return False core.load(SETTINGS) for option in iter(DEFAULT_SETTINGS): if option != "publish dir" and SETTINGS.get(option, None) is None: return False if core.publishing(): if SETTINGS.get("publish dir", None) is None: print("CONFIG ERROR! publishing is enabled but no directory is set") return False if (not os.path.exists(config.WWW) or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.PUBLIC, SETTINGS.get("publish dir")))): print("something's weird with your publishing directories. let's try rebuilding them!") update_publishing() return True def setup_repair(): ''' setup repair function * calls setup() * handles ^c ''' global SETTINGS print("\nyour ttbp configuration doesn't look right. let me try to fix it....\n\n") time.sleep(1) settings_map = { "editor": select_editor, "publishing": select_publishing, "publish dir": select_publish_dir, "gopher": gopher.select_gopher, "rainbows": toggle_rainbows } for option in iter(settings_map): if SETTINGS.get(option, None) is None: SETTINGS.update({option: "NOT SET"}) SETTINGS.update({option: settings_map[option]()}) update_publishing() core.reload_ttbprc(SETTINGS) save_settings() print("...") time.sleep(1) raw_input("\nyou're all good to go, "+chatter.say("friend")+"! hit to continue.\n\n") def setup(): ''' master setup function * editor selection * publishing toggle (publish/unpublish as needed) * directory selection * gopher opt in/out TODO: break this out better? ''' global SETTINGS menuOptions = [] settingList = sorted(list(SETTINGS)) for setting in settingList: menuOptions.append(setting + ": \t" + str(SETTINGS.get(setting))) util.print_menu(menuOptions, SETTINGS.get("rainbows", False)) try: choice = raw_input("\npick a setting to change (or type 'q' to exit): ") except KeyboardInterrupt: redraw(EJECT) return SETTINGS if choice in QUITS: redraw() return SETTINGS # editor selection if settingList[int(choice)] == "editor": SETTINGS.update({"editor": select_editor()}) redraw("text editor set to: {editor}".format(editor=SETTINGS["editor"])) save_settings() return setup() # publishing selection elif settingList[int(choice)] == "publishing": SETTINGS.update({"publishing":select_publishing()}) core.reload_ttbprc(SETTINGS) update_publishing() redraw("publishing set to {publishing}".format(publishing=SETTINGS.get("publishing"))) save_settings() return setup() # publish dir selection elif settingList[int(choice)] == "publish dir": publish_dir = select_publish_dir() SETTINGS.update({"publish dir": publish_dir}) #update_publishing() if publish_dir is None: redraw("sorry, i can't set a publish directory for you if you don't have html publishing enabled. please enable publishing to continue.") else: redraw("publishing your entries to {url}/index.html".format( url="/".join([config.LIVE+config.USER, str(SETTINGS.get("publish dir"))]))) save_settings() return setup() # gopher opt-in elif settingList[int(choice)] == "gopher": SETTINGS.update({'gopher': gopher.select_gopher()}) redraw('gopher publishing set to: {gopher}'.format(gopher=SETTINGS['gopher'])) update_gopher() save_settings() return setup() # rainbow menu selection elif settingList[int(choice)] == "rainbows": SETTINGS.update({"rainbows": toggle_rainbows()}) redraw("rainbow menus set to {rainbow}".format(rainbow=SETTINGS.get("rainbows"))) save_settings() return setup() raw_input("\nyou're all good to go, {friend}! hit to continue.\n\n".format(friend=chatter.say("friend"))) redraw() return SETTINGS def save_settings(): """ Save current settings. """ ttbprc = open(config.TTBPRC, "w") ttbprc.write(json.dumps(SETTINGS, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',',':'))) ttbprc.close() ## menus def main_menu(): ''' main navigation menu ''' menuOptions = [ "record your feels", "review your feels", "check out your neighbors", "browse global feels", "scribble some graffiti", "change your settings", "send some feedback", "see credits", "read documentation"] print("you're at ttbp home. remember, you can always press to come back here.\n") util.print_menu(menuOptions, SETTINGS.get("rainbows", False)) try: choice = raw_input("\ntell me about your feels (or type 'q' to exit): ") except KeyboardInterrupt: redraw(EJECT) return main_menu() if choice == '0': redraw() today = time.strftime("%Y%m%d") write_entry(os.path.join(config.USER_DATA, today+".txt")) core.www_neighbors() elif choice == '1': if core.publishing(): intro = "here are some options for reviewing your feels:" redraw(intro) review_menu(intro) core.load_files() core.write("index.html") else: redraw("your recorded feels, listed by date:") view_feels(config.USER) elif choice == '2': users = core.find_ttbps() prompt = "the following {usercount} {are} recording feels on ttbp:".format( usercount=p.no("user", len(users)), are=p.plural("is", len(users))) redraw(prompt) view_neighbors(users, prompt) elif choice == '3': redraw("most recent global entries") view_feed() elif choice == '4': graffiti_handler() elif choice == '5': redraw("now changing your settings. press if you didn't mean to do this.") core.load(setup()) # reload settings to core elif choice == '6': redraw("you're about to send mail to ~endorphant about ttbp") feedback_menu() elif choice == '7': redraw() show_credits() elif choice == '8': subprocess.call(["lynx", os.path.join(config.INSTALL_PATH, "..", "README.html")]) redraw() elif choice in QUITS: return stop() else: redraw(INVALID) return main_menu() def feedback_menu(): ''' feedback handling menu * selects feedback type * calls feedback writing function ''' util.print_menu(SUBJECTS, SETTINGS.get("rainbows", False)) choice = raw_input("\npick a category for your feedback: ") cat = "" if choice in ['0', '1', '2', '3']: cat = SUBJECTS[int(choice)] entered = raw_input(""" composing a {mail_category} to ~endorphant. press to open an external text editor. mail will be sent once you save and quit. """.format(mail_category=cat)) redraw(send_feedback(entered, cat)) return else: redraw(INVALID) return feedback_menu() def review_menu(intro=""): ''' submenu for reviewing feels. ''' menuOptions = [ "read over feels", "modify feels publishing" ] util.print_menu(menuOptions, SETTINGS.get("rainbows", False)) choice = util.list_select(menuOptions, "what would you like to do with your feels? (or 'back' to return home) ") if choice is not False: if choice == 0: redraw("your recorded feels, listed by date:") view_feels(config.USER) elif choice == 1: redraw("publishing status of your feels:") list_nopubs(config.USER) else: redraw() return redraw(intro) return review_menu() def view_neighbors(users, prompt): ''' generates list of all users on ttbp, sorted by most recent post * if user is publishing, list publish directory ''' userList = [] ## assumes list of users passed in all have valid config files for user in users: userRC = json.load(open(os.path.join("/home", user, ".ttbp", "config", "ttbprc"))) ## retrieve publishing url, if it exists url="\t\t\t" if userRC.get("publish dir"): url = config.LIVE+user+"/"+userRC.get("publish dir") ## find last entry try: files = os.listdir(os.path.join("/home", user, ".ttbp", "entries")) except OSError: files = [] files.sort() lastfile = "" for filename in files: if core.valid(filename): lastfile = os.path.join("/home", user, ".ttbp", "entries", filename) ## generate human-friendly timestamp ago = "never" if lastfile: last = os.path.getctime(lastfile) since = time.time()-last ago = util.pretty_time(int(since)) + " ago" else: last = 0 ## some formatting handwavin urlpad = "" if ago == "never": urlpad = "\t" userpad = "" if len(user) < 7: userpad = "\t" userList.append(["\t~{user}{userpad}\t({ago}){urlpad}\t{url}".format(user=user, userpad=userpad, ago=ago, urlpad=urlpad, url=url), last, user]) # sort user by most recent entry for display userList.sort(key = lambda userdata:userdata[1]) userList.reverse() sortedUsers = [] userIndex = [] for user in userList: sortedUsers.append(user[0]) userIndex.append(user[2]) choice = menu_handler(sortedUsers, "pick a townie to browse their feels, or type 'back' or 'q' to go home: ", 15, SETTINGS.get("rainbows", False), prompt) if choice is not False: redraw("~{user}'s recorded feels, listed by date: \n".format(user=userIndex[choice])) view_feels(userIndex[choice]) view_neighbors(users, prompt) else: redraw() return def view_feels(townie): ''' generates a list of all feels by given townie and displays in date order; allows selection of one feel to read. ''' metas, owner = generate_feels_list(townie) if len(metas) > 0: entries = [] for entry in metas: pub = "" if core.nopub(entry[0]): pub = "(nopub)" entries.append(""+entry[4]+" ("+p.no("word", entry[2])+") "+"\t"+pub) return list_entries(metas, entries, owner+" recorded feels, listed by date: ") else: redraw("no feels recorded by ~"+townie) def generate_feels_list(user): """create a list of feels for display from the named user. """ filenames = [] showpub = False if user == config.USER: entryDir = config.USER_DATA owner = "your" if core.publishing(): showpub = True else: owner = "~"+user+"'s" entryDir = os.path.join("/home", user, ".ttbp", "entries") for entry in os.listdir(entryDir): filenames.append(os.path.join(entryDir, entry)) metas = core.meta(filenames) metas.sort(key = lambda entry:entry[4]) metas.reverse() return metas, owner def show_credits(): ''' prints author acknowledgements and commentary ''' print(""" ttbp was written for tilde.town by ~endorphant in python. the codebase is publicly available on github at https://github.com/modgethanc/ttbp other contributors: ~vilmibm, packaging help and gopher support ~sanqui, the bug swatter if you have ideas for ttbp, you are welcome to contact me to discuss them; please send me tildemail or open a github issue. i am not a very experienced developer, and ttbp is one of my first public-facing projects, so i appreciate your patience while i learn how to be a better developer! i'd love to hear about your ideas and brainstorm about new features! thanks to everyone who reads, listens, writes, and feels.\ """) raw_input("\n\npress to go back home.\n\n") redraw() return ## handlers def write_entry(entry=os.path.join(config.USER_DATA, "test.txt")): ''' main feels-recording handler ''' entered = raw_input(""" feels will be recorded for today, {today}. if you've already started recording feels for this day, you can pick up where you left off. you can write your feels in plaintext, markdown, html, or a mixture of these. press to begin recording your feels in your chosen text editor. """.format(today=time.strftime("%d %B %Y"))) if entered: entryFile = open(entry, "a") entryFile.write("\n"+entered+"\n") entryFile.close() subprocess.call([SETTINGS.get("editor"), entry]) left = "" if core.publishing(): core.load_files() core.write("index.html") left = "posted to {url}/index.html\n\n>".format( url="/".join( [config.LIVE+config.USER, str(SETTINGS.get("publish dir"))])) if SETTINGS.get('gopher'): gopher.publish_gopher('feels', core.get_files()) left += " also posted to your ~/public_gopher!\n" redraw(left + " thanks for sharing your feels!") return def list_nopubs(user): ''' handler for toggling nopub on individual entries ''' metas, owner = generate_feels_list(user) if len(metas) > 0: return set_nopubs(metas, user, "publishing status of your feels:") else: redraw("no feels recorded by ~"+user) def set_nopubs(metas, user, prompt): """displays a list of entries for pub/nopub toggling. """ entries = [] for entry in metas: pub = "" if core.nopub(entry[0]): pub = "(nopub)" entries.append(""+entry[4]+" ("+p.no("word", entry[2])+") "+"\t"+pub) choice = menu_handler(entries, "pick an entry from the list, or type 'q' to go back: ", 10, SETTINGS.get("rainbows", False), prompt) if choice is not False: target = os.path.basename(metas[choice][0]) action = core.toggle_nopub(target) redraw(prompt) core.write("index.html") if SETTINGS["gopher"]: gopher.publish_gopher('feels', core.get_files()) return set_nopubs(metas, user, prompt) else: redraw() return def send_feedback(entered, subject="none"): ''' main feedback/bug report handler ''' message = "" temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() if entered: msgFile = open(temp.name, "a") msgFile.write(entered+"\n") msgFile.close() subprocess.call([SETTINGS["editor"], temp.name]) message = open(temp.name, 'r').read() if message: id = "#"+util.genID(3) mail = MIMEText(message) mail['To'] = config.FEEDBOX mail['From'] = config.USER+"@tilde.town" mail['Subject'] = " ".join(["[ttbp]", subject, id]) m = os.popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -oi", 'w') m.write(mail.as_string()) m.close() exit = """\ thanks for writing! for your reference, it's been recorded > as """+ " ".join([subject, id])+""". i'll try to respond to you soon.\ """ else: exit = """\ i didn't send your blank message. if you made a mistake, please try running through the feedback option again!\ """ return exit def list_entries(metas, entries, prompt): ''' displays a list of entries for reading selection, allowing user to select one for display. ''' choice = menu_handler(entries, "pick an entry from the list, or type 'q' to go back: ", 10, SETTINGS.get("rainbows", False), prompt) if choice is not False: redraw("now reading ~{user}'s feels on {date}\n> press to return to feels list.\n\n".format(user=metas[choice][5], date=metas[choice][4])) show_entry(metas[choice][0]) redraw(prompt) return list_entries(metas, entries, prompt) else: redraw() return def show_entry(filename): ''' call less on passed in filename ''' subprocess.call(["less", filename]) return def view_feed(): ''' generate and display list of most recent global entries ''' feedList = [] for townie in core.find_ttbps(): entryDir = os.path.join("/home", townie, ".ttbp", "entries") try: filenames = os.listdir(entryDir) except OSError: filenames = [] for entry in filenames: ## hardcoded display cutoff at 30 days if core.valid(entry): year = int(entry[0:4]) month = int(entry[4:6]) day = int(entry[6:8]) datecheck = datetime.date(year, month, day) displayCutoff = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=30) if datecheck > displayCutoff: feedList.append(os.path.join(entryDir, entry)) metas = core.meta(feedList) metas.sort(key = lambda entry:entry[3]) metas.reverse() entries = [] for entry in metas[0:10]: pad = "" if len(entry[5]) < 8: pad = "\t" entries.append("~{user}{pad}\ton {date} ({wordcount})".format( user=entry[5], pad=pad, date=entry[3], wordcount=p.no("word", entry[2]))) list_entries(metas, entries, "most recent global entries:") redraw() return def graffiti_handler(): ''' Main graffiti handler. ''' if os.path.isfile(config.WALL_LOCK): redraw("sorry, {friend}, but someone's there right now. try again in a few!".format(friend=chatter.say("friend"))) else: subprocess.call(["touch", config.WALL_LOCK]) redraw() print("""\ the graffiti wall is a world-writeable text file. anyone can scribble on it; anyone can move or delete things. please be considerate of your neighbors when writing on it. no one will be able to visit the wall while you are here, so don't worry about overwriting someone else's work. anything you do to the wall will be recorded if you save the file, and you can cancel your changes by exiting without saving. """) raw_input("press to visit the wall\n\n") subprocess.call([SETTINGS.get("editor"), config.WALL]) subprocess.call(["rm", config.WALL_LOCK]) redraw("thanks for visiting the graffiti wall!") ## misc helpers def toggle_rainbows(): """setup helper for rainbow toggling """ if SETTINGS.get("rainbows", False) is True: status = "enabled" else: status = "disabled" print("\nRAINBOW MENU TOGGLING") print("rainbow menus are currently {status}".format(status=status)) publish = util.input_yn("""\ would you like to have rainbow menus? please enter\ """) return publish def select_editor(): ''' setup helper for editor selection ''' print("\nTEXT EDITOR SELECTION") print("your current editor is: "+SETTINGS.get("editor")) util.print_menu(EDITORS, SETTINGS.get("rainbows", False)) choice = util.list_select(EDITORS, "pick your favorite text editor, or type 'q' to go back: ") if choice is False: # if selection is canceled, return either previously set editor or default return SETTINGS.get("editor", EDITORS[0]) return EDITORS[int(choice)] def select_publish_dir(): ''' setup helper for publish directory selection ''' if not core.publishing(): return None current = SETTINGS.get("publish dir") republish = False print("\nUPDATING HTML PATH") if current: print("\ncurrent publish dir:\t"+os.path.join(config.PUBLIC, SETTINGS["publish dir"])) republish = True choice = raw_input("\nwhere do you want your blog published? (leave blank to use default \"blog\") ") if not choice: choice = "blog" publishDir = os.path.join(config.PUBLIC, choice) while os.path.exists(publishDir): second = raw_input("\n"+publishDir+"""\ already exists! setting this as your publishing directory means this program may delete or overwrite file there! if you're sure you want to use it, hit to confirm. otherwise, pick another location: """) if second == "": break choice = second publishDir = os.path.join(config.PUBLIC, choice) return choice def select_publishing(): ''' setup helper for toggling publishing ''' publish = util.input_yn("""\ SETTING UP PUBLISHING do you want to publish your feels online? if yes, your feels will be published to a directory of your choice in your public_html. i'll confirm the location of that directory in a moment. if not, your feels will only be readable from within the tilde.town network. if you already have a publishing directory, i'll remove it for you (don't worry, your written entries will still be saved!) you can change this option any time. please enter\ """) return publish def unpublish(): '''remove all published entries in html and gopher. ''' global SETTINGS directory = SETTINGS.get("publish dir") if directory: publishDir = os.path.join(config.PUBLIC, directory) subprocess.call(["rm", publishDir]) if SETTINGS.get("gopher"): SETTINGS.update({"gopher": False}) subprocess.call(["rm", config.GOPHER_PATH]) def update_publishing(): ''' updates publishing directory if user is publishing. otherwise, wipe it. ''' global SETTINGS if core.publishing(): oldDir = SETTINGS.get("publish dir") newDir = select_publish_dir() SETTINGS.update({"publish dir": newDir}) if oldDir: subprocess.call(["rm", os.path.join(config.PUBLIC, oldDir)]) make_publish_dir(newDir) core.load_files() core.write("index.html") else: unpublish() SETTINGS.update({"publish dir": None}) core.load(SETTINGS) def make_publish_dir(dir): ''' setup helper to create publishing directory ''' if not os.path.exists(config.WWW): subprocess.call(["mkdir", config.WWW]) subprocess.call(["ln", "-s", os.path.join(config.USER_CONFIG, "style.css"), os.path.join(config.WWW, "style.css")]) subprocess.call(["touch", os.path.join(config.WWW, "index.html")]) index = open(os.path.join(config.WWW, "index.html"), "w") index.write("

ttbp blog placeholder

") index.close() publishDir = os.path.join(config.PUBLIC, dir) if os.path.exists(publishDir): subprocess.call(["rm", publishDir]) subprocess.call(["ln", "-s", config.WWW, publishDir]) print("\n\tpublishing to "+config.LIVE+config.USER+"/"+SETTINGS.get("publish dir")+"/\n\n") def update_gopher(): ''' helper for toggling gopher settings ''' # TODO for now i'm hardcoding where people's gopher stuff is generated. if # there is demand for this to be configurable we can expose that. if SETTINGS.get("gopher"): gopher.setup_gopher('feels') gopher.publish_gopher("feels", core.get_files()) else: subprocess.call(["rm", config.GOPHER_PATH]) redraw("gopher publishing set to {gopher}".format(gopher=SETTINGS.get("gopher"))) ##### PATCHING UTILITIES def user_up_to_date(): ''' checks to see if current user is up to the same version as system ''' versionFile = os.path.join(config.PATH, "version") if not os.path.exists(versionFile): return False ver = open(versionFile, "r").read() if ver == __version__: return True return False def update_user_version(): ''' updates user to current version, printing relevant release notes and stepping through new features. ''' global SETTINGS versionFile = os.path.join(config.PATH, "version") print("ttbp had some updates!") print("\ngive me a second to update you to version "+__version__+"...\n") time.sleep(1) print("...") time.sleep(1) userVersion = "" (x, y, z) = [0, 0, 0] if not os.path.isfile(versionFile): # updates from 0.8.5 to 0.8.6, before versionfile existed # change style.css location if core.publishing(): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(config.WWW, "style.css")): subprocess.call(["mv", os.path.join(config.WWW, "style.css"), config.USER_CONFIG]) # change www symlink if os.path.exists(config.WWW): subprocess.call(["rm", config.WWW]) subprocess.call(["mkdir", config.WWW]) subprocess.call(["ln", "-s", os.path.join(config.USER_CONFIG, "style.css"), os.path.join(config.WWW, "style.css")]) publishDir = os.path.join(config.PUBLIC, SETTINGS.get("publish dir")) if os.path.exists(publishDir): subprocess.call(["rm", "-rf", publishDir]) subprocess.call(["ln", "-s", config.WWW, os.path.join(config.PUBLIC, SETTINGS.get("publish dir"))]) # repopulate html files core.load_files() core.write("index.html") # add publishing setting print("\nnew feature!\n") SETTINGS.update({"publishing":select_publishing()}) update_publishing() ttbprc = open(config.TTBPRC, "w") ttbprc.write(json.dumps(SETTINGS, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',',':'))) ttbprc.close() else: # version at least 0.8.6 userVersion = open(versionFile, "r").read().rstrip() x, y, z = [int(num) for num in userVersion.split(".")] # from 0.8.6 if userVersion == "0.8.6": print("\nresetting your publishing settings...\n") SETTINGS.update({"publishing":select_publishing()}) update_publishing() ttbprc = open(config.TTBPRC, "w") ttbprc.write(json.dumps(SETTINGS, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',',':'))) ttbprc.close() # from earlier than 0.10.1 if y < 10: # select gopher print("[ NEW FEATURE ]") print(""" * thanks to help from ~vilmibm, ttbp now supports publishing to gopher! * if you enable gopher publishing, feels will automatically publish to gopher://tilde.town/1/~"""+config.USER+"""/feels """) SETTINGS.update({'gopher': gopher.select_gopher()}) if SETTINGS.get('gopher'): print("opting into gopher: " + str(SETTINGS['gopher'])) gopher.setup_gopher('feels') else: print("okay, passing on gopher for now. this option is available in settings if you change\nyour mind!") if y < 11: # set rainbow menu for 0.11.0 print("[ NEW FEATURE ]") SETTINGS.update({"rainbows": toggle_rainbows()}) print(""" you're all good to go, """+chatter.say("friend")+"""! please contact ~endorphant if something strange happened to you during this update. """) if y < 10: # version 0.10.1 patch notes print(config.UPDATES["0.10.1"]) if y < 11: # version 0.11.0 patch notes print(config.UPDATES["0.11.0"]) if y < 11 or z < 1: # version 0.11.1 patch notes print(config.UPDATES["0.11.1"]) confirm = "" while confirm not in ("x", "", "X", ""): confirm = raw_input("\nplease type when you've finished reading about the updates! ") print("\n\n") open(versionFile, "w").write(__version__) ##### if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())