diff --git a/cmd/signup/main.go b/cmd/signup/main.go
index 1c66a3c..20f8c8b 100644
--- a/cmd/signup/main.go
+++ b/cmd/signup/main.go
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ func cli(s *streams) error {
mainFlex := tview.NewFlex()
innerFlex := tview.NewFlex()
input := tview.NewTextArea()
+ input.SetBorder(true).SetBorderColor(tcell.ColorPaleTurquoise)
+ input.SetTitle("press ctrl+d to send")
title := tview.NewTextView()
@@ -54,10 +56,14 @@ func cli(s *streams) error {
msgScroll := tview.NewTextView()
+ msgScroll.SetBackgroundColor(tcell.ColorBlack)
+ msgScroll.SetTextColor(tcell.ColorWhite)
sidebar := tview.NewTextView()
+ sidebar.SetBackgroundColor(tcell.ColorBlack)
+ sidebar.SetTextColor(tcell.ColorGray)
[-:-:b]hey here are some hints[-:-:-]
@@ -68,12 +74,12 @@ func cli(s *streams) error {
try a [-:-:b]verb[-:-:-] using [-:-:b]/[-:-:-] like:
- [-:-:b]/go north[-:-:-]
+ [-:-:b]/nod[-:-:-]
- innerFlex.AddItem(msgScroll, 0, 2, false)
+ innerFlex.AddItem(msgScroll, 0, 3, false)
innerFlex.AddItem(sidebar, 0, 1, false)
@@ -88,9 +94,146 @@ func cli(s *streams) error {
player := newCharacter("you", "TODO")
+ currentScreen := "start"
+ sceneTransition := func(text string) {
+ fmt.Fprintln(msgScroll, heredoc.Doc(`
+ [purple]----------[-:-:-]
+ `))
+ fmt.Fprintln(msgScroll, text)
+ }
+ scenes := map[string]func(){
+ "start": func() {
+ fmt.Fprintln(msgScroll, heredoc.Doc(`
+ You open your eyes.
+ You're in some kind of workshop.
+ Wires and computers in various state of disrepair are strewn across
+ tables and shelves. It smells faintly of burnt cedar.
+ The wires and components before you slowly drag
+ themselves into the shape of a small humanoid.
+ [-:-:b]wire guy says:[-:-:-]
+ hello, welcome to the application for membership in tilde town.
+ first, please let me know what a good [-:-:b]email address[-:-:-] is for you?
+ just say it out loud. as many times as you need. to get it right.
+ when you're ready to move on, [-:-:b]/nod[-:-:-]
+ `))
+ },
+ "nodded": func() {
+ sceneTransition(heredoc.Doc(`
+ The workshop fades away. You hear the sound of a dial up modem
+ in the distance.
+ Trees spring up out of the ground around you: birches, oaks, maples,
+ firs, yews, pines, cypresses complete with tiny swamps around their trunks,
+ junipers, redwoods, cedars, towering palms waving gently in a breeze, eucalyptus,
+ banyan. the smell is riotous like a canvas with all the colors splashed on. birds
+ start to sing.
+ a shrike alights on a branch in front of you.
+ [-:-:b]the shrike says:[-:-:-]
+ phweeturpff. how did you find out about the town? did anyone refer you?
+ just say your answer out loud. when you've said what you want, [-:-:b]/lean[-:-:-]
+ against a tree.
+ `))
+ },
+ "leaned": func() {
+ sceneTransition(heredoc.Doc(`
+ You sink backwards into the forest. You find yourself floating in darkness.
+ At the far reaches of your vision you can make out a faint neon grid. Around you
+ float pieces of consumer electronic appliances from 1980s Earth. A VCR approaches
+ you and speaks, flapping its tape slot cover with each word.
+ [-:-:b]the vcr says:[-:-:-]
+ welcome! thank you for coming this far. just two questions left. what about
+ tilde town interests you? what kind of stuff might you want to get up to here?
+ as usual, just say your answer. when you're satisfied, please [-:-:b]/spin[-:-:-]
+ around in this void.
+ `))
+ },
+ "spun": func() {
+ sceneTransition(heredoc.Doc(`
+ You realize your eyes have been shut. You open them and, in an instant,
+ the neon grid and polygons are gone. You're in a convenience store. Outside
+ it's dark besides a single pool of light coming from a street lamp. it's illuminating
+ some litter and a rusty, blue 1994 pontiac grand am.
+ The shelves around you are stocked with products you've never heard of before like
+ Visible Pants, Petty Burgers, Gentle Rice, Boo Sponge, Power Banjo, Superware, Kneephones,
+ and Diet Coagulator. A mop is mopping the floor and turns to you.
+ [-:-:b]the mop says:[-:-:-]
+ swishy slop. last question. where online can we get to know you? do you have a personal
+ website or social media presence? we'll take whatever.
+ say some links and words out loud, you know the drill.
+ when you're happy you can submit this whole experience by leaving the
+ store. just [-:-:b]/open[-:-:-] the door.
+ `))
+ },
+ "done": func() {
+ sceneTransition(heredoc.Doc(`
+ thank you for applying to tilde.town!
+ please be on the look out for an email from [-:-:b]root@tilde.town[-:-:-]
+ you can [-:-:b]/quit[-:-:-] now
+ ok bye have a good one~
+ `))
+ },
+ }
handleInput := func(msg string) {
- if strings.HasPrefix(msg, "/") {
- // TODO handle command
+ trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(msg)
+ if trimmed == "" {
+ return
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(trimmed, "/") {
+ split := strings.Split(trimmed, " ")
+ if len(split) > 0 {
+ trimmed = split[0]
+ }
+ switch strings.TrimPrefix(trimmed, "/") {
+ case "quit":
+ os.Exit(0)
+ // TODO refactor into a state machine
+ case "nod":
+ if currentScreen != "start" {
+ return
+ }
+ currentScreen = "nodded"
+ scenes[currentScreen]()
+ case "lean":
+ if currentScreen != "nodded" {
+ return
+ }
+ currentScreen = "leaned"
+ scenes[currentScreen]()
+ case "spin":
+ if currentScreen != "leaned" {
+ return
+ }
+ currentScreen = "spun"
+ scenes[currentScreen]()
+ case "open":
+ if currentScreen != "spun" {
+ return
+ }
+ currentScreen = "done"
+ scenes[currentScreen]()
+ }
+ return
fmt.Fprintln(msgScroll, player.Say(msg))
@@ -106,9 +249,78 @@ func cli(s *streams) error {
return event
+ app.SetAfterDrawFunc(func(_ tcell.Screen) {
+ scenes[currentScreen]()
+ app.SetAfterDrawFunc(nil)
+ })
return app.Run()
+I need a script for how this interaction should go. It should feel more organic and fluid than just filling out a form. It shouldn't, however, take more than 10 minutes to get through stuff. The end result is to collect:
+- an email address
+- how a user found out about the town
+- if they have a referral from an existing member
+- what interests them about the town
+- any links to personal websites or social media
+A given is that the applicant is interacting with a "host" that guides them through the process. Should there be more than one host?
+How many rooms should there be? 1? more?
+in terms of data collection, I intend to just save the transcript of their interaction instead of more structured data. The only real structured data are email and referral.
+another idea/thought/dream:
+the whole point of this is to spatialize a form. it's a form! a set of questions and corresponding textarea elements. but in order to trigger self reflection -- as well as a feeling of being seen by another (in a good way) -- i want to turn the form into a shape. i'm thinking about this like the room in Eclipse Penumbra:
+(For the Hollow Head was drug paraphenalia you could walk into. The building itself was the syringe, or the hookah, or the sniff-tube)
+so, spatialized, every room is a question. the rooms take shape as a linear script the user moves through by:
+1. answering a question
+2. executing a verb
+and finally at the end, a verb to confirm submission.
+one idea but i'm scratchin:
+It's dark. Before you a button appears. It's a pink circle with a ~ at the center. It looks like a button. You could press it.
+/press button
+A thin seam splits the darkness from the top and buttom of the button. The darkness splits apart and you're standing in a forest clearing. Birds are singing in strange octaves.
+A cube is here, floating.
+cube: hello! how are you? you can respond to me by typing anything and pressing "ctrl+d"
+cube: thank you for telling me. i'm just a program so i can't really understand. i hope you forgive me.
+cube: i'm here to help you apply for a homestead over there in tilde town.
+the cube inclines in the direction of what looks like a far off town.
+cube: first, what is an email address we can use to contact you?
+cube: cool, thank you. that's right? if so, you can /nod to confirm. otherwise just tell me again what your email is.
+cube: excellent. next, you'll talk to
type character struct {
Name string
Description string
@@ -145,6 +357,16 @@ func main() {
+From the start point the player advances the "form" by performing a tactile action. for now it's a button press but it could be something more interesting later. Keeping this as a one room, limited-verb thing is good for accessibility.
+so the script is a list of strings that advance by tactility...is it dialogue? or scene description? i think i should fake dialogue /as/ scene description.
+You open your eyes. You're standing in a small room. It's dim, lit softly by a mix of candles and electro-luminescent wire. Computers.
type answers struct {
username string