# Works _every_ townie is encouraged to submit something (or multiple things) to town con. Seriously: please submit anything that can be consumed via a computer in under 60 minutes. Some ideas: - a pre-recorded talk - a live talk to be transmitted over a video call - a web page - an essay, short story, or poem - some ascii art - a soft ware - a game for us all to play right then and there - some XML - a picture of a cool rock you found - a picture of your cat - a picture of someone else's cat **The whole purpose of this event is to reflect and celebrate the town's vibrant and idiosyncratic community.** No work is too small. **The DEADLINE to submit is October 6th, 2024.** I am downright excited to talk to you about ideas and offer suggestions! Please reach out to `vilmibm` via email or come chat about it in `town chat`. It's okay to submit something you haven't finished or even started -- I'll confirm right before the event that you still want your work shown.