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town signup
The point of this command is to enable signing up for tilde.town via an ssh connection. It is designed to be run when join@tilde.town
is SSH'd to.
- finish this command
- interactive guts
- logging
- write answers to disk
- take out sidebar
- add /help
- make copy clearer (that you say whatever and then type verb)
- enter to send
- splash screen - put off
- easter egg commands - put off
- inactivity timer(?) - put off
- review tool
- iterate over answers
- accept
- notate
- reject
- send email with directions on key upload
- actual account creation
- accept key
- accept username
- create user
- backlog
- get a manual dump from psql of json
- convert into files in the review directory
On disk assumptions:
exists and is owned by userjoin
and groupadmin
exists and is owned by userjoin
and groupadmin
Assumes the following has been run:
sqlite3 /town/var/signups/signups.db < /town/src/town/sql/create_signups_table.sql
sudo chown join:admin /town/var/signups/signups.db
It assumes, in sshd_config
Match User join
ForceCommand /town/src/town/cmd/signup/signup
PubkeyAuthentication no
KbdInteractiveAuthentication no
PasswordAuthentication yes
PermitEmptyPasswords yes
DisableForwarding yes
and in /etc/pam.d/sshd
auth [success=done default=ignore] pam_succeed_if.so user ingroup join
initial thoughts
I need a script for how this interaction should go. It should feel more organic and fluid than just filling out a form. It shouldn't, however, take more than 10 minutes to get through stuff. The end result is to collect:
- an email address
- how a user found out about the town
- if they have a referral from an existing member
- what interests them about the town
- any links to personal websites or social media
A given is that the applicant is interacting with a "host" that guides them through the process. Should there be more than one host?
How many rooms should there be? 1? more?
in terms of data collection, I intend to just save the transcript of their interaction instead of more structured data. The only real structured data are email and referral.
another idea/thought/dream:
the whole point of this is to spatialize a form. it's a form! a set of questions and corresponding textarea elements. but in order to trigger self reflection -- as well as a feeling of being seen by another (in a good way) -- i want to turn the form into a shape. i'm thinking about this like the room in Eclipse Penumbra:
(For the Hollow Head was drug paraphenalia you could walk into. The building itself was the syringe, or the hookah, or the sniff-tube)
so, spatialized, every room is a question. the rooms take shape as a linear script the user moves through by:
- answering a question
- executing a verb
and finally at the end, a verb to confirm submission.