tilde.town gallery
by Severák
I really like Neocities browse page. I was wondering how would it look for tilde.town.
So here is it:
(please note that this is just first prototype, not a final product)
$regex = '/[\w]+<\/a>/';
$matches = [];
preg_match_all($regex, $html, $matches);
foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
$download[] = sprintf('echo downloading %s...', $match);
$download[] = sprintf('capture-website --overwrite --no-javascript --scale-factor 0.5 http://tilde.town/~%s/ --output %s.png', $match, $match);
$gallery[] = sprintf('
', $match, $match, $match, $match);
$download[] = 'echo ALL OK';
$gallery[] = <<
Generated using this code. Updated manually, because you need headless browser to generate all these thumbnails.