Disabled !tilde commands as I think that's fairer

jmjl 2024-10-27 11:12:50 +00:00
parent 273f1b3e6f
commit 6a111e48e5
2 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def tildescore_plugin(msg):
def jackpot_plugin(msg):
return pinhook.plugin.message(util.tilde.show_jackpot())
@pinhook.plugin.command('!tilde', help_text='Alias -- &tilde')
#@pinhook.plugin.command('!tilde', help_text='Alias -- &tilde')
@pinhook.plugin.command('&tilde', help_text='Play the tildegame!')
def tilde_plugin(msg):
if util.tilde.ADMIN_ONLY and msg.nick not in msg.ops:

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ def tilde_wait(msg):
@pinhook.plugin.command('!tw',help_text='Alias -- !tildewait')
@pinhook.plugin.command('!tildewait',help_text='See how much time you have to wait for tildebot, (obsolete)')
def tildebot_wait(msg):
return pinhook.plugin.message("Disabled, as tildebot is no longer running. Please contact the bot operator to re-enable when it comes back up, (probably never)")
found = False
if msg.arg: nicktouse = ''.join(msg.arg.split(' '))
else: nicktouse = msg.nick