#!/usr/bin/python3 import pinhook.plugin import util.tilde @pinhook.plugin.command('&eval', help_text='Evaluates a string in the bot', ops=True, ops_msg='This command is ops only for safety reasons') def eval_cmd(msg): if msg.nick in msg.ops: try: def r(txt): msg.privmsg(msg.channel,str(txt)) return pinhook.plugin.message(str(eval(msg.arg))) except Exception as e: return pinhook.plugin.message('error {}'.format(e)) @pinhook.plugin.command('&exec', help_text='Executes a string in the bot', ops=True, ops_msg='This command is ops only for safety reasons') def exec_cmd(msg): try: def r(txt): msg.privmsg(msg.channel,str(txt)) exec(msg.arg) return False #pinhook.plugin.message('executed {}'.format(msg.arg)) except Exception as e: return pinhook.plugin.message('error {}'.format(e))