from pinhook import plugin as p import random import json import requests import typing import datetime as _datetime import dateutil.relativedelta import enum ISO8601_FORMAT_DT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" ISO8601_FORMAT_TZ = "%z" TIME_HUMAN = "%H:%M:%S" DATE_HUMAN = "%Y-%m-%d" class TimeSpec(enum.Enum): NORMAL = 1 MILLISECOND = 2 TIME_SECOND = 1 TIME_MINUTE = TIME_SECOND*60 TIME_HOUR = TIME_MINUTE*60 TIME_DAY = TIME_HOUR*24 TIME_WEEK = TIME_DAY*7 SECONDS_MINUTES = 60 SECONDS_HOURS = SECONDS_MINUTES*60 SECONDS_DAYS = SECONDS_HOURS*24 SECONDS_WEEKS = SECONDS_DAYS*7 UNIT_MINIMUM = 6 UNIT_SECOND = 5 UNIT_MINUTE = 4 UNIT_HOUR = 3 UNIT_DAY = 2 UNIT_WEEK = 1 UNIT_MONTH = 1 UNIT_YEAR = 1 def utcnow() -> _datetime.datetime: return _datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=_datetime.timezone.utc) def timestamp(seconds: float) -> _datetime.datetime: return _datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(seconds).replace( tzinfo=_datetime.timezone.utc) def seconds_since(dt: _datetime.datetime) -> float: return (utcnow()-dt).total_seconds() class RelativeDirection(enum.Enum): FORWARD = 1 BACKWARD = 2 LISTEN_URL = "" SCHEDULE_URL = "" SOURCE_URL = "" AZURACAST_API_BASE = "" ICECAST_API_BASE = "" now_playing = "" dj = "" song = "" listeners = 0 is_online = False def save_nowplaying(jsontxt): if jsontxt == "": data = requests.get(AZURACAST_API_BASE + "/nowplaying/1").json() else: data = json.loads(jsontxt) # get the song name directly from icecast icecast_data = requests.get(ICECAST_API_BASE + "/status-json.xsl").json() np = icecast_data["icestats"]["source"] song = np[0]["yp_currently_playing"] listeners = sum(i["listeners"] for i in np) # azuracast's now playing info is broken # # song = data["now_playing"]["song"]["text"] is_online = data["live"]["is_live"] dj = data["live"]["streamer_name"] broadcast_start = data["live"]["broadcast_start"] # listeners = data["listeners"]["current"] def format_nowplaying(): ret = "" if is_online: ret = f"({dj}) " ret += f"Now playing: {song} /|\ {listeners} listeners" return ret def on_load(): save_nowplaying("") # &np &nowplaying [Show the current song on tilderadio] @p.command("&np", help_text="Show the current song on tilderadio") def nowplaying(event): save_nowplaying("") return p.message(format_nowplaying()); # &schedule [Show a link to the tilderadio schedule] def schedule(event): return p.message(f"You can find the schedule here: {SCHEDULE_URL}") # &un [Show who's up next to stream (schedule)] @p.command("&un", help_text="Show who's up next to stream (schedule)") def upnext(event): js = requests.get( AZURACAST_API_BASE + "/station/1/schedule" ).json() if len(js) < 1: return p.message("Nothing scheduled") else: data = js[0] #print(data["start"]); start = iso8601(data["start"]) now = utcnow() total_secs = (start - now).total_seconds() return p.message( "{} is up next at {} UTC in {}!".format( data["name"], datetime_human(start), to_pretty_time(total_secs), ) ) # &unn [Show who's up after the next to stream (schedule)] def upnextnext(event): js = utils.http.request( AZURACAST_API_BASE + "/station/1/schedule" ).json() if len(js) < 1: return p.message("Nothing scheduled") else: data = js[1] start = iso8601(data["start"]) now = utils.datetime.utcnow() total_secs = (start - now).total_seconds() return p.message( "{} is up next next at {} UTC in {}!".format( data["name"], datetime_human(start), to_pretty_time(total_secs), ) ) # &dj [View who is streaming if any] def showdj(event): if dj == "": message = "No one is currently on the air" else: message = f"{dj} is now streaming!" if broadcast_start: now = utils.datetime.utcnow().timestamp() total_seconds = now - broadcast_start message += " (for {})".format( to_pretty_time(total_seconds) ) return p.message(message) # Funtions for this to work def datetime_human(dt: _datetime.datetime, timespec: TimeSpec=TimeSpec.NORMAL): date = _datetime.datetime.strftime(DATE_HUMAN) # removed dt, time = _datetime.datetime.strftime(TIME_HUMAN) # removed dt, if timespec == TimeSpec.MILLISECOND: time += ".%s" % str(int(dt.microsecond/1000)).zfill(3) def iso8601(dt: _datetime.datetime, timespec: TimeSpec=TimeSpec.NORMAL ) -> str: dt_format = dt.strftime(ISO8601_FORMAT_DT) tz_format = dt.strftime(ISO8601_FORMAT_TZ) ms_format = "" if timespec == TimeSpec.MILLISECOND: ms_format = ".%s" % str(int(dt.microsecond/1000)).zfill(3) return "%s%s%s" % (dt_format, ms_format, tz_format) def datetime_human(dt: _datetime.datetime, timespec: TimeSpec=TimeSpec.NORMAL): date = _datetime.datetime.strftime(DATE_HUMAN) # removed dt, time = _datetime.datetime.strftime(TIME_HUMAN) # removed dt, if timespec == TimeSpec.MILLISECOND: time += ".%s" % str(int(dt.microsecond/1000)).zfill(3) return "%s %s" % (date, time) def date_human(dt: _datetime.datetime, timespec: TimeSpec=TimeSpec.NORMAL): return _datetime.datetime.strftime(DATE_HUMAN) # removed dt, def to_pretty_time(total_seconds: int, max_units: int=UNIT_MINIMUM, direction: typing.Optional[RelativeDirection]=None) -> str: if total_seconds < 1: return "0s" if not direction == None: now = utcnow() later = now mod = _datetime.timedelta(seconds=total_seconds) if direction == RelativeDirection.FORWARD: later += mod else: later -= mod dts = [later, now] relative = dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(max(dts), min(dts)) years = relative.years months = relative.months weeks, days = divmod(relative.days, 7) hours = relative.hours minutes = relative.minutes seconds = relative.seconds else: years, months = 0, 0 weeks, days = divmod(total_seconds, SECONDS_WEEKS) days, hours = divmod(days, SECONDS_DAYS) hours, minutes = divmod(hours, SECONDS_HOURS) minutes, seconds = divmod(minutes, SECONDS_MINUTES) out: typing.List[str] = [] if years and len(out) < max_units: out.append("%dy" % years) if months and len(out) < max_units: out.append("%dmo" % months) if weeks and len(out) < max_units: out.append("%dw" % weeks) if days and len(out) < max_units: out.append("%dd" % days) if hours and len(out) < max_units: out.append("%dh" % hours) if minutes and len(out) < max_units: out.append("%dm" % minutes) if seconds and len(out) < max_units: out.append("%ds" % seconds) return " ".join(out) on_load();