from pinhook import plugin as p @p.command('&echo', ops=True, help_text='Replies the current message to the current channel/user') def echo(msg): if msg.nick in msg.ops: return p.message(msg.arg) @p.command('&ech', ops=True, help_text='Sends a message to a channel you specify') def echo(msg): if msg.nick in msg.ops: arg = msg.arg.split(' ') chan = arg[0] mesg = ' '.join(arg[1:]) msg.privmsg(chan, mesg) return p.message(f'"{mesg}" sent to {chan}') @p.command('&nech', ops=True, help_text='Sends a notice to a channel you specify') def notice(msg): if msg.nick in msg.ops: arg = msg.arg.split(' ') chan = arg[0] mesg = ' '.join(arg[1:]) msg.notice(chan, mesg) return p.message(f'notice: "{mesg}" sent to {chan}')