--- layout: post title: "Hexaflexago: the friendly hexaflexagon template generator" slug: hexaflexago date: 2017-05-25 12:05:00 categories: projects --- I was originally turned on to [hexaflexagons] while watching a [video by vihart]. I’ve since become a tad obsessed. My partner, [Jane Meredith], and I created [Hexaflexago], a hexaflexagon template generator. [![Hexaflexago screenshot](/images/hexaflexago.png)](http://hexaflexago.motevets.com/) # Features - Generates a printable trihexaflexagon template - Upload up the three images; Hexaflexago splices them into the template for you # Technical Notes Written with: - React.js using [create-react-app] - the vanilla [SVG standard] # What’s Next? There are some improvements I’d like to make to Hexaflexago eventually. - enable users to crop added images *(currently Hexaflexago letterboxes images that are not regular hexagons)* - add documentation on how to fold the hexaflexagon template - support adding six images to make hexahexaflexagons I’m also currently working with [Littoral Press] to make hexaflexagon business cards. Here’s a prototype: ![Hexaflexagon business cards](/images/hexaflexagon_business_cards.jpg) [Jane Meredith]: https://jane.biz/ [hexaflexagons]: http://vihart.com/hexaflexagons/ [video by vihart]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIVIegSt81k [Hexaflexago]: http://hexaflexago.motevets.com/ [create-react-app]: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app [Littoral Press]: http://littoralpress.com/ [SVG standard]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG