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Written By Keiko Nobumoto
Dialogue Translation By Bandai Entertainment, INC.
Transcript By RFBlues
Clips from the previous episode.
The Bebop hanger.
SPIKE: I'm gonna go look.
JET: What?
SPIKE: I'm gonna look for my woman. You can look for that other woman.
Faye meets Gren at Rester House.
The vacant lot. Spike approaches Vicious and Lin.
SPIKE: Are you dating Julia behind my back?
Gren's apartment.
FAYE: I feel like I'm in a confessional... Have you ever had experience as
a minister?
The vacant lot.
VICIOUS: You were always the one leaving others out of the loop.
Vicious grasps the handle of his katana.
SPIKE: We still haven't settled the score from earlier.
Spike points his gun at him.
VICIOUS: Anytime.
Lin stands guard in front of Vicious.
The bathroom at Gren's apartment. Gren showers, Faye pulls away the
The vacant lot.
SPIKE: Hey, out of the way, Lin!
Lin points his gun at Spike.
SPIKE: Lin...
Lin fires.
Faye discovers Gren's secret. Gren corners her.
Session #13
Spike is unconscious in the snow.
Gren's apartment. The living room.
GREN: I was in the same unit as Vicious on Titan. You said that you didn't
need comrades... but I'm attracted to that word... to the point of
tears... On Titan, we were all comrades...
Gren remineces the past. Titan. A constant sand storm. Gun and canon fire.
Mines. A skeleton with a rifle.
Gren lies back in a trench. He hears a music box to his side. In that
direction, he sees Vicious. He approaches Vicious.
GREN: What song is that?
VICIOUS: Julia...
GREN: That's a good tune. Would you mind if I played that tune on my sax
when I go home after all this?
Vicious gives him the music box. Vicious gets up. Suddenly, he turns around
and thrusts a combat knife next to Gren's head. Gren looks to his side. A
scorpion is split in two. Vicious walks away.
Gren's apartment.
GREN: After I came home from the war, I was imprisoned. They suspected that
I was a spy. I heard that Vicious testified against me. In prison, I
went insane from insomnia. As a result, I became a drug addict. There
were side effects... My hormonal balance went out of whack, and this is what happened. You're the second person to know Vicious since I
arrived here. And the second that I've talked about this to...
FAYE: Why are you going to see Vicious? Didn't you just say that he framed
GREN: I want to see if he really did.
FAYE: You're going to die.
GREN: I'm not afraid to die.
FAYE: You're lying.
GREN: Either way, I won't last much longer.
FAYE: Why did you bring me here?
GREN: Perhaps I wanted to be with someone...
FAYE: You selfishly help people, and bring them along and then you go off
to die?
Faye fires at Gren. Gren dodges and binds her.
Rester House. Jet talks to the bartender, presenting a photograph of Faye.
All stools are up on the counter except for the corner bar stool.
JET: Are you sure it was this woman?
BARTENDER: Yeah... It's been six months since I last saw a woman in the
flesh... and two years since I saw someone that good-looking. Of
course I wouldn't make a mistake!
JET: I never wanna live in this town...
BARTENDER: She sat there, and was talking to Gren. Julia always sat in that
seat, too.
JET: Julia?
BARTENDER: She suddenly wandered in two years ago, and disappeared before a
month passed.
JET: What kinda woman was she?
BARTENDER: She was a real babe.
Memories, visions and voices.
VICIOUS: I'm the only one that can keep you alive... And I'm the only one
that can kill you...
SPIKE: I'm only watching a dream that I never awakened from.
JULIA: It's like I am watching a dream...
VICIOUS: Be careful when you're with that woman.
JULIA: Women are all liars...
SPIKE: When this is over, I'm getting out of all this. And then... will you
come with me?
VICIOUS: Are you going to betray me?
JULIA: They're going to kill you...
FAYE: Oh, you're finally up. You've slept too much. It's been three days.
JULIA: Your left eye and right eye are different colors...
SPIKE: My left eye sees the past...
JULIA: Then what about your right eye?
Spike regains consciousness. A crow stands on his chest.
SPIKE: I'm not dead... Which way is west?
The crow flies away.
SPIKE: Thanks.
He feels his wound.
SPIKE: Tranquilizer, huh? They're mocking me...
A dark alley. Jet finds the suspicious man Spike and Faye met earlier.
JET: Sorry, but can I ask ya something? Where is a blue apartment building
called Orlando?
MAN: Don't ask me! I don't know anything!
JET: Um, come on...
MAN: I want nothing to do with foreigners from now on...
JET: I'm just asking!
MAN: I'm gonna go find an honest job...
The man tosses himself into a garbage truck.
JET: What the hell?
Jet turns his head and sees the building.
JET: It's HERE...
Gren's apartment. Jet enters a room and sees Faye lying on a bed.
JET: Hey! Hey, get it together!
FAYE: Jet?
JET: What the hell are you doing? What's all this about?
He turns her and sees handcuffs. JET: He was one of THOSE kinds of guys?
FAYE: What are you saying? Gren... isn't like that.
JET: Gren?
Spike flies in Swordfish, searching for Vicious.
SPIKE: "Mangan" with "ura-dora"... He's using an ancient code...
He thinks.
VICIOUS: Julia was here... in this town.
Spike receives a call from Jet.
JET: Yo.
SPIKE: Yeah?
JET: Got anything?
SPIKE: None.
JET: I got something good.
SPIKE: Catch 'em yourself.
JET: I know about the guy from that code name "Julia". It's a guy named
Gren. He's an escaped convict, and has a hefty bounty on his head. If
you catch him, I'll let you back on.
Jet disconnects.
Gren calls Vicious.
VICIOUS: Hello? I'm overhead. GREN: Come to the roof of the building closest to the sky. I'll send a
woman over.
VICIOUS: I don't care... Although I would have liked to see you as well...
Jet flies Hammerhead with Faye in Red Tail attached to the bottom.
JET: You broke the Bebop, but kept the Swordfish and Hammerhead mobile. Did
you leave that message so that we'd come find you?
FAYE: You've got to be kidding.
JET: Were you just testing us?
FAYE: Why did you come here?
JET: I want my money back.
FAYE: The safe only had 20,000 in it.
JET: Is that so?
FAYE: Dummy. Hey... Who is Julia?
JET: Dunno... but she has something to do with Spike. That's all I know.
The Bebop. Ed lures Ein to her with a trail of food items.
ED: Souvenir, souvenir, is it here yet?
Atop a building. Gren, in women's clothing, stands several yards away from
Vicious and Lin. He puts down a bag full of viles of Red-Eye. Lin
approaches Gren and examines a vile with spectrum device.
LIN: It has an EX+ ranking. It's real.
VICIOUS: Hand it over.
Lin puts down a suitcase in front of Gren.
LIN: This is the Titan Opal that you requested.
VICIOUS: Give Gren my regards.
Vicious walks away.
GREN: You saved me from that scorpion back then... Yet you sold me out...
Vicious stops. Gren slides the suitcase over to Vicious. He shoots at it
until it opens, revealing an explosive device. The case detonates.
From a distance, Spike is alerted to the explosion and boards Swordfish.
Atop the building. Lin is hurt from the explosion. Gren points his gun at
GREN: Long time no see.
VICIOUS: What are you up to?
GREN: You gave me that music box because you never thought I'd take it
apart and examine it?
VICIOUS: You found the transmitter...
GREN: Julia was the one who found it. She realized as soon as she heard it
was a gift from you.
VICIOUS: And what about it?
GREN: Are you trying to kill me again? We fought in the war together... We
were comrades... We fought together... on that desert battlefield...
I looked up to you... I believed in you...
VICIOUS: There is nothing there to believe. Nor is there a need to
Gren fires at Vicious. Vicious dodges the bullets. Lin runs in to protect
LIN: Sir Vicious!
Lin is shot dead. From above, Spike witnesses Lin's death in Swordfish.
VICIOUS: In this world there is nothing to believe in...
Vicious tosses the bag into his fighter. Vicious and Gren board their
fighters. Spike fires at Vicious.
SPIKE: Vicious! Lin's soul won't be saved since he lost his life protecting
someone like you!
VICIOUS: I'm not what he was protecting! He protected the rules!
Vicious fires at Spike. Spike dodges. Gren fires at Vicious. Vicious
targets Gren.
VICIOUS: You're in the way!
Vicious fires two missiles at Gren. One of them hits the engine. Gren
coughs violently. Spike destroys the other missile. Gren's ship steadily
loses altitude. Vicious fires two missiles at Spike. Spike maneuvers one
into a building and destroys the other one with the laser canon. Vicious
continues to fire at Spike. Suddenly, Vicious hears the music box from
inside the bag of Red-Eye. The music box explodes, destroying his right
wing. He escapes onto a Red Dragon cruiser.
Spike lands Swordfish next to Gren's crashed fighter. He finds Gren, lying
in the snow.
SPIKE: Hey! Come on, get a grip! Hey! Where is Julia? Where did she go?!
GREN: Do you know her?
SPIKE: Where is she now?
Gren coughs blood.
SPIKE: He hit some vital organs.
Spike takes out his communicator and begins to dial.
SPIKE: Shit, would an ambulance come to a place like this?
Gren pushes the communicator away.
GREN: Can you lift me up into the pod again? I want to go to Titan...
SPIKE: You can't possibly last in your condition! It would take too long!
GREN: I won't last long anyway... Dying during the voyage would be a good
way to go... I want to return there... one more time. I want to be as
close as I can... Please...
Spike puts Gren in his fighter.
GREN: I see. You are Spike. Julia was always talking about you... That your
two eyes were of different colors... That's what she said... That you
get a strange feeling when you look into his eyes...
SPIKE: What was she doing?
GREN: In the corner seat of the bar... She always sat there while I wasn't
paying attention... She always requested the same song... and smiled.
Sadly... smiled.
Spike launches Gren's fighter on a course to Titan.
Spike fies back to the Bebop.
JET: What do you have?
SPIKE: Nothing.
JET: Hurry up and get in. We're taking off.
The Bebop living room. Ed paints Faye's toenails all different colors.
FAYE: Julia...
ED: What?
FAYE: Mm... nothing. Just an adult's idle muttering.
ED: Where did all of you guys go?
FAYE: Someplace good.
ED: Ed's the only one left out!
FAYE: I'll tell you someday.
ED: Nah, it's okay, really.
Ed paints her right big toenail blue.
FAYE: You're not being cute.
Somewhere. Sometime. Laughing Bull and a child sit by a tent. The two spot
a shooting star.
CHILD: The star fell, Bull.
BULL: That is no ordinary star. That is the tear of a warrior.
CHILD: What is a warrior?
BULL: One who has finished his battle somewhere on this planet. A pitiful
soul that could not believe in the Great Spirit...
SPIKE: "What is going on with this world? In life, darkness looms one inch
away from you. This world is truly full of mistakes. In that case,
we'll step away from the mainstream and lead the life of a dropout."
A psychedelic rhapsody for someone just like you. Next episode:
"Bohemian Rhapsody." Now, won't you waste away your life with us?
Next Session