196 lines
7.6 KiB
196 lines
7.6 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Advent24
internal class Day5
private static void IngestRule(String rule, Dictionary<Int32, List<(Int32, Int32)>> ruleDict)
var ruleArray = rule.Split('|');
var ruleArrayInt32 = Array.ConvertAll(ruleArray, System.Convert.ToInt32);
// if the ruleDict index doesn't already exists, add an empty list to it
ruleDict.TryAdd(ruleArrayInt32[0], new List<(int, int)>(2));
ruleDict[ruleArrayInt32[0]].Add((ruleArrayInt32[0], ruleArrayInt32[1]));
ruleDict.TryAdd(ruleArrayInt32[1], new List<(int, int)>(2));
ruleDict[ruleArrayInt32[1]].Add((ruleArrayInt32[0], ruleArrayInt32[1]));
private static void IngestPageRow(String pageRow, List<Dictionary<Int32, Int32>> pageRowDictsList)
var pageRowArray = pageRow.Split(',');
var pageRowArrayInt32 = Array.ConvertAll(pageRowArray, System.Convert.ToInt32);
pageRowDictsList.Add(new Dictionary<Int32, Int32>(pageRowArray.Length));
Int32 pageRowIndex = 1;
foreach (var pageInt32 in pageRowArrayInt32)
pageRowDictsList[pageRowDictsList.Count - 1].Add(pageInt32, pageRowIndex);
private static Int32 GetPageRowMiddle(Dictionary<Int32, Int32> pageRowDict)
var pageRowMiddleEnumerable = pageRowDict.Where(keyValuePair => keyValuePair.Value == (pageRowDict.Count + 1) / 2);
return pageRowMiddleEnumerable.ElementAt(0).Key;
private static Boolean PageRowIsCorrect(Dictionary<Int32, Int32> pageRowDict, Dictionary<Int32, List<(Int32, Int32)>> ruleDict)
Boolean pageRowIsCorrect = true;
foreach(Int32 page in pageRowDict.Keys)
if (ruleDict.TryGetValue(page, out List<(int, int)>? rules))
foreach (var rule in rules)
// check if the rule pertains to our pageRow
if(pageRowDict.TryGetValue(rule.Item1, out Int32 leftHandIndex) &&
pageRowDict.TryGetValue(rule.Item2, out Int32 rightHandIndex))
// if rule violation detected, set pageRowIsCorrect to false
// and break as we don't need to check the rest of the pageRow
if (leftHandIndex >= rightHandIndex)
pageRowIsCorrect = false;
// break out of outer foreach loop if nner foreach
// was broken due to finding a rule violation
if (!pageRowIsCorrect) break;
return pageRowIsCorrect;
private static Int32 GetCorrectMiddlesSum(Dictionary<Int32, List<(Int32, Int32)>> ruleDict, List<Dictionary<Int32, Int32>> pageRowDictsList)
Int32 correctMiddlesSum = 0;
foreach (var pageRowDict in pageRowDictsList)
if (PageRowIsCorrect(pageRowDict, ruleDict))
correctMiddlesSum += GetPageRowMiddle(pageRowDict);
return correctMiddlesSum;
private static void CorrectPageRow(out Dictionary<Int32, Int32> correctedPageRowDict, Dictionary<Int32, Int32> pageRowDict, Dictionary<Int32, List<(Int32, Int32)>> ruleDict)
correctedPageRowDict = pageRowDict.ToDictionary();
Boolean correctionWasRequired;
correctionWasRequired = false;
foreach (Int32 page in pageRowDict.Keys)
if (ruleDict.TryGetValue(page, out List<(int, int)>? rules))
foreach (var rule in rules)
// check if the rule pertains to our pageRow
if (correctedPageRowDict.TryGetValue(rule.Item1, out Int32 leftHandIndex) &&
correctedPageRowDict.TryGetValue(rule.Item2, out Int32 rightHandIndex))
// if rule violation detected, swap the positions
if (leftHandIndex >= rightHandIndex)
// swap indices, i.e., swap positions
correctedPageRowDict[rule.Item1] = rightHandIndex;
correctedPageRowDict[rule.Item2] = leftHandIndex;
correctionWasRequired = true;
} while(correctionWasRequired);
private static Int32 GetCorrectedMiddlesSum(Dictionary<Int32, List<(Int32, Int32)>> ruleDict, List<Dictionary<Int32, Int32>> pageRowDictsList)
Int32 correctMiddlesSum = 0;
foreach (var pageRowDict in pageRowDictsList)
if (!PageRowIsCorrect(pageRowDict, ruleDict))
CorrectPageRow(out Dictionary<int, int> correctedPageRowDict, pageRowDict, ruleDict);
correctMiddlesSum += GetPageRowMiddle(correctedPageRowDict);
return correctMiddlesSum;
public Day5()
String fileData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"..\..\..\inputd5.txt");
var rulesAndPageRowsArray = fileData.Split('\n');
// indicates when we stop ingesting rules and start ingesting page rows
Boolean amIngestingRules = true;
// a dictionary to map from a page number to a rule containing that page number
// the rule is that p1 must appear before p2 if the Tuple is (p1, p2), i.e.,
// index of p1 must be less than index of p2
Dictionary<Int32, List<(Int32, Int32)>> ruleDict = [];
// a dictionary to map from a page number to its position in the array
List<Dictionary<Int32, Int32>> pageRowDictsList = [];
Int32 sumOfCorrectMiddles;
Int32 sumOfCorrectedMiddles;
foreach (var ruleOrPageRow in rulesAndPageRowsArray)
// empty line indicates end of rules and beginning of page rows
if (ruleOrPageRow == "")
amIngestingRules = false;
IngestRule(ruleOrPageRow, ruleDict);
// am ingesting page rows now
IngestPageRow(ruleOrPageRow, pageRowDictsList);
sumOfCorrectMiddles = GetCorrectMiddlesSum(ruleDict, pageRowDictsList);
sumOfCorrectedMiddles = GetCorrectedMiddlesSum(ruleDict, pageRowDictsList);
Console.WriteLine("sumOfCorrectMiddles = {0:d}", sumOfCorrectMiddles);
Console.WriteLine("sumOfCorrectedMiddles = {0:d}", sumOfCorrectedMiddles);
// to keep the console window from closing