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2022-09-03 23:26:07 +00:00
<rss version="2.0"><channel><title>cleric + thief</title>
<link></link><description>behind the scenes of cleric + thief</description><atom:link rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" href=""/>
<title>Feed Esoterica</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2022-09-03 Feed Esoterica</guid>
<pubDate>Sat Sep 3 00:00:00 MDT 2022
Okay some of you will get a kick out of this.
I decided I needed to roll my own feeds, and so I used ED to programatically edit my source files into recfiles, used an m4 include in one instance, and then used recfmt templates to create the rss items.
That is right. Ed, m4, and recutils.
<title>Blow Me Down</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2022-09-02 Blow Me Down</guid>
<pubDate>Fri Sep 2 00:00:00 MDT 2022
It is definitely *not* true that I based the looks of Iofi and Maddox on Shelley Duvall and Robin Williams from the 1980 American musical comedy smash hit *Popeye*.
<title>episodes rss feed</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2022-09-01 episodes rss feed</guid>
<pubDate>Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 MDT 2022
Made an update that will hopefully fix the links in the Episodes feed.
If not, I might need to start handrolling a feed instead of relying on [](
In fact, I just noticed that the journal feed is kind of borked too.
Yeah I may just need to create my own feeds..
<title>00002. Meadowgloom</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2022-09-01 00002. Meadowgloom</guid>
<pubDate>Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 MDT 2022
Hey gamers it's ya boy dozens!
This update focuses briefly on Meadowgloom. Which is a name I snatched up from a fantasy name generator. It also generated the astounding name "Eccentric Kevin". Who is a character I have every intention of introducing at some point as a perfectly normal, sane, and reasonable straight man.
<title>00001. Cleric + Thief</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2022-08-30 00001. Cleric + Thief</guid>
<pubDate>Tue Aug 30 00:00:00 MDT 2022
Hey I started a new thing!
This is the narrative version of a solo roleplaying game.
It is based on the mechanics and the *callings* of [Brighter Worlds by awkwardturtle][brighter]. It is a lovely game and I wanted to play it. I came up with the setting and the starting scenario using [GRAPES and WTAF?! tarot spreads as described by Sean F. Smith][grapes]. And then I used the [One Page Solo Engine][opse] to answer questions during play.
My thief almost friggin died in the very first scenario. Yikes! Combat is lethal.