# show all commands default: just --list --unsorted # build htmls html: make # dev dev: ls src/*.md | entr just html # copy assets to www assets: cp assets/* www/ alias all := up # upload it up: html rss rsync -azP --exclude=.git www/* tilde:public_html/clericthief/ # make episodes rss episoderss: #!/usr/bin/env zsh echo 'cleric + thief' > www/episodes.xml echo 'http://tilde.town/~dozens/clericthief/index.htmladventures of iofi and maddox' >> www/episodes.xml ed -s << HEREDOC src/index.md | recfmt -f templates/blogitem.rec.template | m4 >> www/episodes.xml /BEGIN/ka /END/kb 1,'ad 'b,d %s/^- // %s,,time: \1|, %s, - \[\(.*\)\],title: \1|, %s,(\(.*\))$,source: \1|link: \1|, %s/html/md/ %s/|/\\ /g ,w /dev/stdout Q HEREDOC echo '' >> www/episodes.xml # make journal rss journalrss: #!/usr/bin/env zsh echo 'cleric + thief' > www/journal.xml echo 'http://tilde.town/~dozens/clericthief/index.htmlbehind the scenes of cleric + thief' >> www/journal.xml ed -s !'markdown src/journal.md' << HEREDOC | recfmt -f templates/journalitem.rec.template | m4 >> www/journal.xml /BEGIN/ka /END/kb 1,'ad 'b,d g/^

/+s/^/note: / v/^note/s/^/+ / %s/+


/ %s_^

- \(.*\)

_\\ time: \1\\ title: \2_ g/^+ $/d ,w /dev/stdout Q HEREDOC echo '
' >> www/journal.xml # build all rss rss: episoderss journalrss # one random NPC npc: @recsel -P name,note -m 1 db/npc.rec # one random plot thread thread: @recsel -P name,note -m 1 db/threads.rec