%rec: npc %doc: all of the non-player characters %key: id %type: id int %type: updated date %auto: id updated id: 1 name: Meadowgloom desc: An older balding man with watery eyes, a fine goatee and mustache, jowls, and a high, soft voice. status: active contact: 2 note: roughed up by the westerners note: now ~~being roughed up by~~ living with the heroes? id: 2 name: Blackguard desc: merchant status: missing contact: 1 note: he's kind of the macguffin. the Hand wants him to appear before them. note: illegally smuggling stuff (drugs? weapons? people?) in from Givzien. Sahtor found out and wants the count to fund the trade to strain relations with Onq. id: 3 name: Count Dindrati desc: Half-Dragon Governor of Kriteach County. Got scales on his face like scarab shells. And one eye like molten metal. note: Dindrati is going to let Blackguard take the fall if he needs to, but he also isn't ready to give him up just yet. He thinks the H and has him, so he's going to crack down on them to show his displeasure / to get them to give him up id: 4 name: Sahtor desc: Dragon King of Sahtor'larath. note: he is a fucking dragon id: 5 name: the Hand desc: the governing body of the Kriteach vigilante underground note: Is looking to judge and punish Blackguard for hoarding wealth because Dindrati is turning a blind eye. id: 6 name: Onq desc: Goblin empire in the west note: Longtime peace with Givziean id: 7 name: Givziean deck: Goblin empire in the west note: Longtime peace with Onq note: Recently entered into a secret trade agreement with Sahtorlarath (via the count, via Blackguard) to strain relations with Onq and provoke them..