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Cleric + Thief
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<h1 class="title">00005. Dead Ringer</h1>
<p>The Index sits alone at the round, stone table. They skim over the
lines of a large book with the aide of with a small wand, a pointer
tapering into the shape of a small closed hand with an extended
<p>They are dressed for the meeting in voluminous, jet-black robes lined
with fur. And a black velvet mask with gold trim. The face depicted on
the mask has large, owl-like eyes, and no mouth: they see all, and keep
all the Hands secrets.</p>
<p>They look up as the door opens and the other four file into the small
room beneath the wine cellar. All wear the same robes, and each wears a
unique mask.</p>
<p>The masks are mostly for ceremonial purposes at this point. The true
identities of the Hand are a fairly well-known secret within the inner
<p>Except for the Dead Ringer, of course. The current spymaster, nor
their predecessor, have ever been unmasked.</p>
<p>The sit in order around the stone table. The Thumb to his right, the
Tall Man to his left, then the Dead Ringer and the Pinky.</p>
<p>The Index marks their place in the book, closes it and sets it aside.
They then produce another book from a bag under the table and opens it
<p>“We can begin,” they intone after finding their place.</p>
<p>Pinky has been compromised again,” rumbles Tall Man. His mask depicts
a face twisted by anger, or in anguish. He is an imposing figure. Many
enemies have assumed that his large physique must mean a lack of smarts.
They were wrong.</p>
<p>Pinkys mask has hooded eyes and a smile, a face of indulgence and
merriment. “Its to be expected,” she retorts. “Im the most public
member of this organization. My businesses operate in the open.”</p>
<p>“When they come back,” interrupts the Thumb. “They can contend with
the Ringer.”</p>
<p>The Thumb is a fat man. His mask has plain, straight lines for the
eyes, mouth, and nose. A study in neutrality.</p>
<p>Dead Ringer sits back in their chair, half in the shadows. Their mask
is unique in that it has no facial features. It is blank, with gold trim
only around the neckline, uncomfortably like a noose. They dont speak
in meetings.</p>
<p>They nod to the Thumb.</p>
<p>It is settled.</p>
<p>“Well up your protection in the meantime,” the Thumb says, turning
to Tall Man, who grunts and agrees to allocate some muscle.</p>
<p>The Index makes some notes in their ledger. “Very good. I think that
concludes unfinished business, yes? Very good, on to new business…”</p>
<pre><code> ~ * ~</code></pre>
<p>Iofi makes herself busy building little shrines to Janice. Small
altars with incense and dried flowers and tiny stone carvings of
two-headed turtles. She leaves little offerings of brass hinges, keys
with no locks, locks with no keys, bits of shell, small vials of colored
sand, and bits of dried seaweed. She is fasting in preparation for the
first of the month and the rites she will perform.</p>
<p>There seems to be a perpetual secret scrum of Maddoxes in this corner
or that, whispering intently amongst themselves.</p>
<p>Meadowgloom has given up on trying to serve them tea after they keep
emphatically passing their illusory hands through the cup. He almost
spilled the entire tea set once, expecting some of the weight to shift
from the tray to them. “Let them just come and get the tea if they want
it,” he grumbles to himself. “Assuming they can even lift the cup and
<p>Soon it is time to return to Madam Walkers Supper Club.</p>
<pre><code> ~ * ~</code></pre>
<p>Her information network is comprehensive.</p>
<p>Even if one doesnt actually use her services, it is possible to
construct a basic profile based on the “you” shaped hole in the
information provided by her existing customers and her runners and
<p>Nothing is really private.</p>
<p>It doesnt take long to build a basic profile on Blackguard. He is an
importer of goods, and an investor in trades and ventures. Which can
mean good money in a busy port city like Kriteach. He doesnt frequent
any of the brothels. Never married. No children. Has a cousin in Coopers
Kettle that he writes. Usually takes supper at the Yeomans Club.</p>
<p>Recently gone missing. House recently burned down.</p>
<p>She puzzles over that last detail, not for the first time. Each of
her colleagues has assured her that they played no part in the arson.
This suggests there may be another player with stakes in this game. She
taps a pencil pensively on her desk.</p>
<p>Early last year Blackguard appeared to divest himself of most of his
portfolio. It is assumed that he subsequently focused his full attenion
and all of his capital in a single venture, but it remains to be known
what that venture is. He went completely below ground around the same
time. Stopped going out. Ceased correspondance. Refused visitors.</p>
<p>Some things, after all, do remain secret.</p>
<p>Madam Walker sits at the desk in her library trying in vain to
concentrate on the memo in her hands. She keeps glancing up at the door
and resisting the urge to get up and look out into the hall.</p>
<p>As an experiment, she kept the door open. Light from the reading
lamps in the library spills out into the hall on the other side. Until
suddenly it doesnt.</p>
<p>The hallway goes dark, as though a curtain has been drawn across the
doorway. Walker stiffens. The darkness recedes and she catches a glimpse
of an unfurnished room on the other side as the short thief walks in,
closing the door behind themself.</p>
<p>“You have the information we were promised?” they ask in a quiet
<p>Walker nods and slides a folder across the desk to them. They glance
at it but make no move to pick it up.</p>
<p>“Will you read it to me?” they ask.</p>
<p>Walker raises an eyebrow and smirks a little, and tells them a
<p>“Hes not one of my customers,” Walker concludes. “As I told you when
we first met, I dont know him. And I dont know where he is.”</p>
<p>“Is that true for the rest of the Hand? None of you know where he
<p>Walker presses her lips together and smiles. “I dont know what the
rest of the Hand does and doesnt know. Thats not how we operate.”</p>
<p>Maddox grunts. “Sure, I” but the they cut themself off abruptly with
a sudden intense look, and they snap out of existence.</p>
<p>Madam Walker blinks a few times in surprise at the abrupt departure.
She stands up and crosses the library and opens the door to the hallway,
only to see the hallway.</p>
<pre><code> ~ * ~</code></pre>
<p>Meadowgloom is walking back from the grocer clutching a bag of bread
and fruit for dinner.</p>
<p>He passes under the etched wooden sign of the Bone and Feather
bookstore and cafe: a rook perching on top of a skull. He turns the
corner of the shop into the alley and walks up to the side entrance, the
stairway that goes up to the apartment above the bookstore where hes
been living with the cleric and the thief.</p>
<p>He reaches into his coat pocket and fumbles around for the key. It
took a while to even get him a key to the place. Not because they didnt
trust him, but because neither of them uses the front door. Iofi seems
to be able to connect arbitrary doors, so she can walk into the upstairs
closet and arrive at her destination. Maddox either uses Iofis doors,
or else they just teleport around between their different illusory
<p>“Meadowgloom?” a voice from behind him asks.</p>
<p>Meadowgloom startles, and fumbles and drops the key just as he pulls
it out of his pocket.</p>
<p>Standing behind him, between him and the entrance to the alley, is a
backlit figure wearing a coat and scarf and a flat crown hat with a
brim. The figure is backlit, its face hidden in shadow.</p>
<p>“Yes? Whos there?” Meadowgloom answers, and stoops down to fetch the
<p>The figure steps forward out of the shadow revealing a lined,
determined face wearing glasses and a mustache and goatee.</p>
<p>Still crouched down, Meadowgloom stops with his hand hovering over
the key. He says in surprise, “Mister Blackguard?”</p>
<p>Blackguards seems about to break into a smile, but instead raises
his hand in alarm and shouts, “Meadowgloom!”</p>
<p>For when Meadowgloom bent down to retrieve the dropped key,
Blackguard was able to see a shadowy figure clad all in black with a
black mask over their face step out of the gloom. It lifts an arm up
over its head, a long bladed dagger gripped in its hand.</p>
<p>When it hears Blackguards name spoken out loud, it pauses for a
fraction of a second, blade suspended in air, and tilts its head
slightly. And then it plunges the blade into Meadowglooms back.</p>
<pre><code> ~ * ~</code></pre>
<p>Upstairs in the apartment Iofi and Maddox hear a man scream in
anguish outside in the alley. They look at each other and leap up and
rush toward the stairs. Two other Maddoxes appear at their side as they
go, running alongside them.</p>
<p>Iofi quickly unlocks the door and throws it open and a bunch of
Maddoxes flow through the opening out into the alley.</p>
<p>They find a man sitting hunched over on the ground cradling
Meadowgloom in his arms, rocking back and forth, both of them in a pool
of blood.</p>
<p>Two Maddoxes dash away toward either end of the alley as the third
steps forward, daggers in hand, surveying the immediate area. There is
no assailant to be found.</p>
<p>Iofi stoops down and touches Meadowgloom. His face is frozen in one
of curious surprise. He doesnt respond or react. He doesnt breathe.
There is no pulse.</p>
<p>The man is crying. He looks up at Iofi and takes a couple breaths to
compose himself.</p>
<p>Iofi squeezes her eyes shut and, hands on Meadowglooms chest,
whispers forcefully, “<span class="smallcaps">The tide goes in, the tide
goes out. All things come to an end, but not for you. Not here, not now.
Your story isnt over yet. Come back to us.</span></p>
<p>She opens her eyes and peers expectantly at Meadowglooms face. Her
countenance falls in defeat when nothing happens. But then his eyes go
wide and he takes a violent gasp of air.</p>
<p>She sighs with relief. “Get him upstairs,” she commands the strange
man. “Hes still gravely injured. We must tend to him if he is to
<p>The man nods and together the two of them lift Meadowgloom up to his
<p>“Who are you?” Iofi asks.</p>
<p>“My name is Dedric Blackguard. I heard you were looking for me. I
need your help. Im in danger and theres nobody I can trust.”</p>