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Cleric + Thief
| <a href="index.html">Episodes</a>
| <a href="journal.html">Journal</a>
| <a href="about.html">About</a>
<header id="title-block-header">
<h1 class="title">Cleric + Thief</h1>
<p class="subtitle">About</p>
<nav id="TOC" role="doc-toc">
<h2 id="toc-title">Contents</h2>
<li><a href="#about" id="toc-about">About</a></li>
<li><a href="#contact" id="toc-contact">Contact</a></li>
<li><a href="#cleric" id="toc-cleric">Cleric</a></li>
<li><a href="#thief" id="toc-thief">Thief</a></li>
<li><a href="#setting" id="toc-setting">Setting</a></li>
<h2 id="about">About</h2>
<p>This is a fantasy story about a cleric and a thief embroiled in a web
of politics, intrigue, religion, and justice.</p>
<p>It is kind of a serialized novelization of a solo roleplaying game
Im playing using <a
href="">Brighter Worlds</a>
and the <a
href="">One Page
Solo Engine</a>.</p>
<h2 id="contact">Contact</h2>
<p>Please reach out and say hello!</p>
<li>mastodon: <span class="citation"
data-cites="dozens">@dozens</span><span class="citation"
<li>irc: dozens @,</li>
<li>discord: dozens#5497</li>
- Entropic Drain: Siphon 1d6 Grit from one target to another.
- Kinetic Blast: Unleash a cone of force in a d6 damage blast in front of you. Any who suffer Direct Damage are knocked down.
- Perfect Divination - [beasts heart] Consume the still warm heart of a beast to be granted a perfect vision of the next day. Once, at any point during the next 24 hours, you may declare that what has happened was not reality, but actually part of your vision of the future. “Rewind” to a point of your choosing between your performance of the ritual and now.
<h2 id="cleric">Cleric</h2>
<p>Iofi (she/her)</p>
<p>“How do we know what is good?”</p>
<p>A scholar cleric questioning what is right.</p>
<p>tags: white blue structure order reason group order knowledge peace
Spoilers: Character Sheet
<li>STR d6</li>
<li>DEX d6</li>
<li>WIL d8</li>
<li>GRIT 4</li>
<li>DOMAIN d8</li>
<li>Janice, A two-headed turtle, Tiny God of Doors and Tides</li>
<li>Ceremonial Hammer (d6)</li>
<li>Eulogy (XP: 2)
<li>Suvive a deadly encounter with Cleaver and the Gang, landing some
smashing blows with your glass hammer</li>
<li>Get through Madam Walkers Supper Club and convince her to help find
<li>Bring somebody back to life! (Ep. 5)</li>
<li>Trapped somebody in a labrynth of doors (Ep. 6)</li>
<p>When you attempt to make something true by speaking with the words of
your god, you risk the universe rejecting your statement.</p>
<p>Adjust your Domain Die based on your intended outcome. If the Die
would step below a d4 the statement is impossible, if it would step
above a d12 it happens without a roll. Otherwise, roll it as a normal
<li>Win: The statement takes effect.</li>
<li>Tie: Making the statement true saps your gods power, your Domain
die steps down.</li>
<li>Lose: The statement fails and your Domain die steps down.</li>
<p>Domain Die loss is restored through offerings or religious rites for
your God.</p>
<p>Step down your Domain Die if the statement: - Impacts things outside
of your line of sight. - Directly contradicts the natural working of the
world. - Describes a long lasting effect (step down twice if permanent).
- Is a poor fit for your gods Domain.</p>
<p>Step up your Domain Die if the statement: - Impacts only things you
are touching. - Is copacetic with the natural working of the world. -
Describes a fleeting effect. - Is a perfect fit for your gods
<ol type="1">
<li><p>Gemini: Your god has a second Domain, complementary in some way
to the first.</p></li>
<li><p>Offerings: Make offerings to step up the Domain Die. Minor
offerings last for a single statement, significant ones last for a day,
and major offerings like establishing a church and congregation last
<h2 id="thief">Thief</h2>
<p>Maddox (they/them)</p>
<p>“How do I get what I want?”</p>
<p>A sneaky bastard who always gets what he wants.</p>
<p>tags: black red independence chaos emotion individual ruthlesness
action satisfaction freedom</p>
Spoilers: Character Sheet
<li>STR d6</li>
<li>DEX d8</li>
<li>WIL d6</li>
<li>GRIT 4</li>
<li>Daggers (d6), you always manage to have another one secreted about
your person.</li>
<li>Ring of 6 Bump Keys, roll a d6 to open a lock: (1: the lock and key
break, 2-3: the lock or key breaks, 4-6: nothing breaks).</li>
<li>A Dramatic Looking Cloak</li>
<li>Eulogy (XP: 1)
<li>Survive a deadly encounter with Cleaver and the Gang, snapping
everybody out of harms way at the last moment</li>
<li>Get through Madam Walkers Supper Club and convince her to help find
<li>Immmure the Dead Ringer in the tunnels of Melior Abbey (Ep. 6)</li>
<p>Illusory Self: Create a number of illusory clones up to the number of
advanced abilities you have. Your clones are insubstantial and
intangible but are otherwise indistinguishable from your real self. You
do not have to declare which of you is real until it matters, and you
share the senses of all clones simultaneously. When attacking with
clones if you would deal Direct Damage you must either declare the clone
is actually you or reveal it as an illusion.</p>
<ol type="1">
<li><p>Snap: Recall your clone to yourself, or yourself to your clone
from any distance. Anyone touching you while you do so is carried
<li><p>Multifarious Copies: When you create your clone you may change
its physical appearance.</p></li>
<h2 id="setting">Setting</h2>
<p>The world of Aulia is divided into the western continent, the eastern
continent, and the middle continent.</p>
<p>Our story takes in the city of Kriteach, a key port in the middle
continent, part of the Kingdom of Sahtorlarath, whose monarch rules in
the east.</p>