day 17 python refactor

magical 2022-12-16 21:45:42 -08:00
parent 40b9f86f4c
commit db649d4a56
1 changed files with 33 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -16,39 +16,46 @@ a = 0b11111111
wall = 0b10000000_10000000_10000000_10000000_10000000
stopped = 0
r = 0
while stopped < 2022:
if r == 0:
# start falling
r = next(rocki)
h = a.bit_length() + 8*3
if h % 8 != 0:
h += 8 - h%8
#for i in reversed(range(0,a.bit_length(),8)):
# print("{:08b}".format((a>>i)&0xff))
def drop(a, r, jets):
# start falling
h = a.bit_length() + 8*3
if h % 8 != 0:
h += 8 - h%8
while True:
j = next(jets)
if j == '<':
x = (r<<1)
if x & wall == 0:
if x & (a>>h) == 0:
r = x
elif j == '>':
x = (r<<7)
if x & wall == 0:
x >>= 8
if x & (a>>h) == 0:
r = x
# continue falling?
if r & (a>>(h-8)) == 0:
h -= 8
assert h > 0
# stop
a |= (r<<h)
r = 0
stopped += 1
return a
j = next(jets)
if j == '<':
x = (r<<1)
if x & wall == 0:
if x & (a>>h) == 0:
r = x
elif j == '>':
x = (r<<7)
if x & wall == 0:
x >>= 8
if x & (a>>h) == 0:
r = x
a = 0b11111111
wall = 0b10000000_10000000_10000000_10000000_10000000
stopped = 0
while stopped < 2022:
r = next(rocki)
a = drop(a,r,jets)
stopped += 1
#for i in reversed(range(0,a.bit_length(),8)):
# print("{:08b}".format((a>>i)&0xff))
import math