day 7 part 2
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,5 +71,4 @@ def part2(data):
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
#source ../prelude.tcl
proc {#} args {}
proc parse input {
return [join [split [read $input] "\n"]]
@ -7,21 +8,26 @@ proc parse input {
proc solve hands {
foreach {hand bid} $hands {
puts $hand\ [type $hand]
puts "$hand: [type $hand] [typeJ $hand]"
set sorted [lsort -index 0 -stride 2 -decreasing -command beats $hands]
#puts $sorted
set i 0
set t 0
foreach {hand bid} $sorted {
incr i
incr t [expr {$i*$bid}]
set result {}
foreach cmp {beats beatsJ} {
set sorted [lsort -index 0 -stride 2 -decreasing -command $cmp $hands]
#puts $sorted
set i 0
set t 0
foreach {hand bid} $sorted {
incr i
incr t [expr {$i*$bid}]
#puts [lmap {a b} $sorted {list $b}]
lappend result $t
#puts [lmap {a b} $sorted {list $b}]
return $t
return $result
proc index {c} { return [lsearch {A K Q J T 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2} $c] }
proc indexJ {c} { return [lsearch {A K Q T 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 J} $c] }
proc type hand {
@ -32,12 +38,43 @@ proc type hand {
set groups [lsort -decreasing -stride 2 -index 1 -integer [array get n]]
#puts $groups
return [switch -glob $groups {
{? 5} {list 1}
{? 4 *} {list 2}
{? 3 ? 2} {list 3}
{? 3 *} {list 4}
{? 2 ? 2 *} {list 5}
{? 2 *} {list 6}
{? 5} {{#} Five of a kind; list 1}
{? 4 *} {{#} Four of a kind; list 2}
{? 3 ? 2} {{#} Full house; list 3}
{? 3 *} {{#} Three of a kind; list 4}
{? 2 ? 2 *} {{#} Two pair; list 5}
{? 2 *} {{#} One pair; list 6}
default {list 7}
proc typeJ hand {
# type of hand, but with jokers replaced by the best card
if {$hand eq "JJJJJ"} {
# all jokers!
return 1
array set n {}
set j 0
foreach c [split $hand ""] {
if {$c ne "J"} {
incr n($c)
} else {
incr j
set groups [lsort -decreasing -stride 2 -index 1 -integer [array get n]]
# more of the same card is always better,
# so add the jokers to the most frequent card
lset groups 1 [expr {$j + [lindex $groups 1]}]
#puts $groups
return [switch -glob $groups {
{? 5} {{#} Five of a kind; list 1}
{? 4 *} {{#} Four of a kind; list 2}
{? 3 ? 2} {{#} Full house; list 3}
{? 3 *} {{#} Three of a kind; list 4}
{? 2 ? 2 *} {{#} Two pair; list 5}
{? 2 *} {{#} One pair; list 6}
default {list 7}
@ -52,10 +89,13 @@ proc xbeats {hand1 hand2} {
return $x
proc beats {hand1 hand2} {
proc beats {hand1 hand2} { return [generic_beats type index $hand1 $hand2]}
proc beatsJ {hand1 hand2} { return [generic_beats typeJ indexJ $hand1 $hand2]}
proc generic_beats {typef indexf hand1 hand2} {
#puts "cmp $hand1 $hand2"
set r1 [type $hand1]
set r2 [type $hand2]
set r1 [$typef $hand1]
set r2 [$typef $hand2]
if {$r1 != $r2} {
return [cmp $r1 $r2]
@ -63,8 +103,8 @@ proc beats {hand1 hand2} {
foreach c1 [split $hand1 ""] c2 [split $hand2 ""] {
#puts "c=$c1 $c2"
if {$c1 ne $c2} {
set i1 [index $c1]
set i2 [index $c2]
set i1 [$indexf $c1]
set i2 [$indexf $c2]
#puts "i=$i1 $i2"
return [cmp $i1 $i2]
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