day 17 fix cost calculation

i was accidentally using the previous coordinates to calculate the cost
for each node, which means the A* search was effectively calculating the
cost of the return trip instead of the forward path.
doesn't affect the path at all - the start and end nodes are fixed, so
it doesn't matter whether their costs are included or not - but it does
mean that the cost being returned at the end was off by ((value at end
point) - (value at start point)) compared to the expected value.
magical 2023-12-17 06:42:34 +00:00
parent 14ef33326e
commit fe76e83e98
1 changed files with 3 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ def solve(map,part=1):
start = (0,0,(0,0),0)
goal = (len(map)-1,len(map[-1])-1)
def is_goal(x):
return (x[1],x[0]) == goal
return x[:2] == goal
def neighbors(state):
y,x,dir,count = state
next = []
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def solve(map,part=1):
if newcount <= count < 4:
if (0 <= newy < len(map)) and (0 <= newx < len(map[newy])):
next.append((map[y][x], (newy, newx, (dx,dy), newcount)))
next.append((map[newy][newx], (newy, newx, (dx,dy), newcount)))
@ -41,12 +41,9 @@ def solve(map,part=1):
return next
cost, node, path =, is_goal, neighbors)
print(cost) # TODO: off by one somehow?
print([(x,y) for (y,x,_,_) in path])
print(''.join(dir2s(d) for (_,_,d,_) in path))
costs = [map[y][x] for (y,x,_,_) in path[1:]]
def dir2s(d):
if d == (0,1): return "v"