import astar def read_input(f): map = [] for line in f: map.append([int(x) for x in line.strip()]) return map def solve(map,part=1): start = (0,0,(0,0),0) goal = (len(map)-1,len(map[-1])-1) def is_goal(x): return x[:2] == goal def heuristic(state): # manhattan distance. this is correct because the cost # at every point is >= 1 and we can only move one square # at a time NSEW. if part == 2 and state[3] < 4: y,x,d,count = state # account for forced moves away from the goal if d[0] < 0 or d[1] < 0: return (4-count)*2 + abs(y-goal[0]) + abs(x-goal[1]) return abs(state[0]-goal[0]) + abs(state[1]-goal[1]) def neighbors(state): y,x,dir,count = state next = [] def go(dx,dy): if (-dx,-dy) == dir: # no turning back return newx = x + dx newy = y + dy if (dx,dy) == dir: newcount = count+1 else: newcount = 1 if part == 1: if newcount > 3: return if part == 2: if newcount > 10: return if newcount <= count < 4: return if (0 <= newy < len(map)) and (0 <= newx < len(map[newy])): next.append((map[newy][newx], (newy, newx, (dx,dy), newcount))) go(-1,0) go(+1,0) go(0,-1) go(0,+1) return next # turns out it's actually faster to not use the heuristic, so don't cost, node, path =, is_goal, neighbors) print(cost) print([(x,y) for (y,x,_,_) in path]) print(''.join(dir2s(d) for (_,_,d,_) in path)) def dir2s(d): if d == (0,1): return "v" if d == (0,-1): return "^" if d == (1,0): return ">" if d == (-1,0): return "<" return "?" import sys map = read_input(sys.stdin) solve(map, part=1) solve(map, part=2)