hello A* my old friend
magical 2024-12-16 05:31:07 +00:00
parent 89b317c60d
commit 96f25dee8b
5 changed files with 329 additions and 0 deletions

day16/astar.py 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
from heapq import heappush, heappop
def search(start, is_goal, neighbors, heuristic=None, worst=None):
if heuristic == None:
def heuristic(x):
return 0
if not callable(is_goal):
goal = is_goal
def is_goal(this):
return this == goal
if not isinstance(start, list):
start = [start]
i = 0 # tiebreaker
q = []
for s in start:
i += 1
heappush(q, (heuristic(s), i, s, None))
done = {}
if worst:
best_worst = min(worst(s) for s in start)
while q:
z, _, this, prev = heappop(q)
if this in done:
z -= heuristic(this)
if z == done[this][0]:
done[this] = (z, done[this][1]+[prev])
cost_so_far = z - heuristic(this)
#print(this,z, cost_so_far)
done[this] = (cost_so_far, [prev])
if is_goal(this):
print("astar: visited", len(done), "nodes")
print("astar: pending", len(q), "nodes")
# find all nodes on a best path
Q = [this]
path = set()
while Q:
n = Q.pop()
if n not in path and n != None:
return cost_so_far, this, path
for c, n in neighbors(this):
c = cost_so_far + c
if n not in done or c < done[n][0]:
h = heuristic(n)
if worst:
if c+h > best_worst:
# if the best possible cost for this node
# is worse than the lowest worst-case cost we've seen
# then don't even bother exploring it
w = worst(n)
if c+w < best_worst:
best_worst = c+w
i += 1
heappush(q, (c+h, i, n, this))
elif n in done:
if c == done[n][0]:
done[n] = (c, done[n][1]+[n])
return float('inf'), None, []
def test():
data = [
#data = [
# "aabbaaba",
# "abcbaaba",
# "accabcbb",
# "accbbbba",
# "abbbabab",
start = (0,0)
goal = (5,2)
def get(x,y):
return ord(data[y][x])
def neighbors(src):
x,y = src
here = get(x,y)
n = []
def push(x,y):
if 0 <= y < len(data):
if 0 <= x < len(data[y]):
if get(x,y) <= here+1:
n.append((1, (x,y)))
push(x-1, y)
push(x, y-1)
push(x, y+1)
return n
def heuristic(n):
return abs(goal[0] - n[0]) + abs(goal[1] - n[1])
c, _, path = search(start, goal, neighbors, heuristic)
print(*data, sep="\n")
print(*path, sep="\n")
assert c == 31, c
if __name__ == '__main__':

day16/input 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@

day16/sample1.in 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@

day16/sample3.in 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@

day16/sol.py 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import astar
def solve(file):
map = [line.strip() for line in file]
for y in range(len(map)):
for x,c in enumerate(map[y]):
if c == 'S':
start = (x,y,'>')
elif c == 'E':
end = (x,y)
def isgoal(n):
x,y,_ = n
#print("isgoal", n)
return (x,y) == end
def get(x,y):
return map[y][x]
print(start, end)
def neighbors(src):
x,y,dir = src
n = []
def push(x,y, newdir):
if 0 <= y < len(map):
if 0 <= x < len(map[y]):
if get(x,y) != '#':
cost = 1 if dir == '.' or newdir == dir else 1001
n.append((cost, (x,y,newdir)))
push(x-1, y, '<')
push(x+1,y, '>')
push(x, y-1, '^')
push(x, y+1, 'v')
return n
cost, _, nodes = astar.search(start, isgoal, neighbors)
print(len(set((x,y) for x,y,_ in nodes)))