from src import schema def ordered_keys(subscriptable_object, *keys): """ returns a list with the values for KEYS in the order KEYS are provided, from SUBSCRIPTABLE_OBJECT. Useful for working with dictionaries when parameter ordering is important. Used for sql transactions """ return tuple([subscriptable_object[key] for key in keys]) def schema_values(scheme, obj): """ Returns the values in the database order for a given schema. Used for sql transactions """ if scheme == "user": return ordered_keys(obj, "user_id", "user_name", "auth_hash", "quip", "bio", "color", "is_admin", "created") elif scheme == "thread": return ordered_keys(obj, "thread_id", "author", "title", "last_mod", "created", "reply_count", "pinned") elif scheme == "message": return ordered_keys(obj, "thread_id", "post_id", "author", "created", "edited", "body")