from src import formatting from uuid import uuid1 from src import schema from time import time from os import path import json PATH = "/home/desvox/bbj/" if not path.isdir(PATH): path.os.mkdir(PATH, mode=0o744) if not path.isdir(path.join(PATH, "threads")): path.os.mkdir(path.join(PATH, "threads"), mode=0o744) try: with open(path.join(PATH, "userdb"), "r") as f: USERDB = json.loads( except FileNotFoundError: USERDB = dict(namemap=dict()) with open(path.join(PATH, "userdb"), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(USERDB)) path.os.chmod(path.join(PATH, "userdb"), 0o600) ### THREAD MANAGEMENT ### def thread_index(key="lastmod", markup=True): result = list() for ID in path.os.listdir(path.join(PATH, "threads")): thread = thread_load(ID, markup) thread.pop("replies") result.append(thread) return sorted(result, key=lambda i: i[key], reverse=True) def thread_create(author, body, title, tags): ID = uuid1().hex if tags: tags = [tag.strip() for tag in tags.split(",")] else: # make sure None, False, and empty arrays are always repped consistently tags = [] scheme = schema.thread(ID, author, body, title, tags) thread_dump(ID, scheme) return scheme def thread_load(ID, markup=True): try: with open(path.join(PATH, "threads", ID), "r") as f: return json.loads( except FileNotFoundError: return False def thread_dump(ID, obj): with open(path.join(PATH, "threads", ID), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(obj)) def thread_reply(ID, author, body): thread = thread_load(ID) if not thread: return schema.error(7, "Requested thread does not exist.") thread["reply_count"] += 1 thread["lastmod"] = time() if thread["replies"]: lastpost = thread["replies"][-1]["post_id"] else: lastpost = 1 reply = schema.reply(lastpost + 1, author, body) thread["replies"].append(reply) thread_dump(ID, thread) return reply def index_reply(reply_list, post_id): for index, reply in enumerate(reply_list): if reply["post_id"] == post_id: return index else: raise IndexError def edit_handler(json, thread=None): try: target_id = json["post_id"] if not thread: thread = thread_load(json["thread_id"]) if not thread: return False, schema.error(7, "Requested thread does not exist.") if target_id == 1: target = thread else: target = thread["replies"][ index_reply(thread["replies"], target_id)] if not user_is_admin(json["user"]): if json["user"] != target["author"]: return False, schema.error(10, "non-admin attempt to edit another user's message") elif (time() - target["created"]) > 86400: return False, schema.error(9, "message is too old to edit (24hr limit)") return True, target except IndexError: return False, schema.error(3, "post_id out of bounds for requested thread") ### USER MANAGEMENT ### def user_dbdump(dictionary): with open(path.join(PATH, "userdb"), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(dictionary)) def user_resolve(name_or_id): check = USERDB.get(name_or_id) try: if check: return name_or_id else: return USERDB["namemap"][name_or_id] except KeyError: return False def user_register(auth_hash, name, quip, bio): if USERDB["namemap"].get(name): return schema.error(4, "Username taken.") for ok, error in [ user_namecheck(name), user_authcheck(auth_hash), user_quipcheck(quip), user_biocheck(bio)]: if not ok: return error ID = uuid1().hex scheme = schema.user_internal(ID, auth_hash, name, quip, bio, False) USERDB.update({ID: scheme}) USERDB["namemap"].update({name: ID}) user_dbdump(USERDB) return scheme def user_get(ID): user = USERDB[ID] return schema.user_external( ID, user["name"], user["quip"], user["bio"], user["admin"]) def user_auth(ID, auth_hash): return auth_hash == USERDB[ID]["auth_hash"] def user_is_admin(ID): return USERDB[ID]["admin"] def user_update(ID, **params): USERDB[ID].update(params) return USERDB[ID] ### SANITY CHECKS ### def contains_nonspaces(string): return any([char in string for char in "\t\n\r\x0b\x0c"]) def user_namecheck(name): if not name: return False, schema.error(4, "Username may not be empty.") elif contains_nonspaces(name): return False, schema.error(4, "Username cannot contain whitespace chars besides spaces.") elif not name.strip(): return False, schema.error(4, "Username must contain at least one non-space character") elif len(name) > 24: return False, schema.error(4, "Username is too long (max 24 chars)") return True, True def user_authcheck(auth_hash): if not auth_hash: return False, schema.error(3, "auth_hash may not be empty") elif len(auth_hash) != 64: return False, schema.error(4, "Client error: invalid SHA-256 hash.") return True, True def user_quipcheck(quip): if not quip: return True, True elif contains_nonspaces(quip): return False, schema.error(4, "Quip cannot contain whitespace chars besides spaces.") elif len(quip) > 120: return False, schema.error(4, "Quip is too long (max 120 chars)") return True, True def user_biocheck(bio): if not bio: return True, True elif len(bio) > 4096: return False, schema.error(4, "Bio is too long (max 4096 chars)") return True, True