from socketserver import StreamRequestHandler, TCPServer from src import endpoints from src import schema from src import db import json class RequestHandler(StreamRequestHandler): """ Receieves and processes json input; dispatches input to the requested endpoint, or responds with error objects. """ def reply(self, obj): self.wfile.write(bytes(json.dumps(obj), "utf8")) def handle(self): try: request = json.loads(str(, "utf8")) endpoint = request.get("method") if endpoint not in endpoints.endpoints: return self.reply(schema.error(2, "Invalid endpoint")) # check to make sure all the arguments for endpoint are provided elif any([key not in request for key in endpoints.endpoints[endpoint]]): return self.reply(schema.error(3, "{} requires: {}".format( endpoint, ", ".join(endpoints.endpoints[endpoint])))) elif endpoint not in endpoints.authless: if not request.get("user"): return self.reply(schema.error(4, "No username provided.")) user = db.user_resolve(request["user"]) request["user"] = user if not user: return self.reply(schema.error(5, "User not registered")) elif endpoint != "check_auth" and not \ db.user_auth(user, request.get("auth_hash")): return self.reply(schema.error(6, "Authorization failed.")) # post_ids are always returned as integers, but for callers who # provide them as something else, try to convert them. if isinstance(request.get("post_id"), (float, str)): try: request["post_id"] = int(request["post_id"]) except Exception: return schema.error(3, "Non-numeric post_id") # exception handling is now passed to the endpoints; # anything unhandled beyond here is a code 1 self.reply(eval("endpoints." + endpoint)(request)) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as E: return self.reply(schema.error(0, str(E))) except Exception as E: return self.reply(schema.error(1, str(E))) def run(host, port): server = TCPServer((host, port), RequestHandler) try: server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("bye") server.server_close()