from src.exceptions import BBJException, BBJParameterError from src import db, schema, endpoints from functools import wraps import cherrypy import sqlite3 import json dbname = "data.sqlite" with sqlite3.connect(dbname) as _c: if not db.user_resolve(_c, "anonymous"): db.user_register(_c, *db.anonymous) # creates a database connection for each thread def connect(_): cherrypy.thread_data.db = sqlite3.connect(dbname) cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start_thread', connect) def bbjapi(function): """ A wrapper that handles encoding of objects and errors to a standard format for the API, resolves and authorizes users from header data, and prepares thread data to handle the request. In addition, all BBJException's will return their attached schema, and unhandled exceptions return a code 1 error schema. """ @wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): headers = cherrypy.request.headers username = headers.get("User") auth = headers.get("Auth") anon = False if not username and not auth: user = db.user_resolve(cherrypy.thread_data.db, "anonymous") anon = True elif not username or not auth: return json.dumps(schema.error(5, "User or Auth was given without the other.")) if not anon: user = db.user_resolve(cherrypy.thread_data.db, username) if not user: return json.dumps(schema.error(4, "Username is not registered.")) elif auth != user["auth_hash"]: return json.dumps(schema.error(5, "Invalid authorization key for user.")) cherrypy.thread_data.user = user cherrypy.thread_data.anon = anon try: value = function(*args, **kwargs) except BBJException as e: value = e.schema except Exception as e: value = schema.error(1, str(e)) return json.dumps(value) return wrapper def create_usermap(connection, obj): """ Creates a mapping of all the user_ids that occur in OBJ to their full user objects (names, profile info, etc). Can be a thread_index or a messages object from one. """ if isinstance(obj, dict): # this is a message object for a thread, unravel it obj = [value for key, value in obj.items()] return { user_id: db.user_resolve( connection, user_id, externalize=True, return_false=False) for user_id in { item["author"] for item in obj } } def validate(json, args): """ Ensure the json object contains all the keys needed to satisfy its endpoint. """ for arg in args: if arg not in json.keys(): raise BBJParameterError( "Required parameter %s is " "absent from the request." % arg) APICONFIG = { "/": { "tools.response_headers.on": True, "tools.response_headers.headers": [ ("Content-Type", "application/json") ], } } class API(object): @bbjapi @cherrypy.expose def thread_index(self): threads = db.thread_index(cherrypy.thread_data.db) usermap = create_usermap(cherrypy.thread_data.db, threads) return schema.response({ "data": threads, "usermap": usermap }) @bbjapi @cherrypy.expose def thread_create(self): args = cherrypy.request.json validate(args, ["body", "title"]) thread = db.thread_create( cherrypy.thread_data.db, cherrypy.thread_data.user["user_id"], args["body"], args["title"]) usermap = { cherrypy.thread_data.user["user_id"]: cherrypy.thread_data.user } return schema.response({ "data": thread, "usermap": usermap }) @bbjapi @cherrypy.expose def thread_reply(self): args = cherrypy.request.json validate(args, ["thread_id", "body"]) return schema.response({ "data": db.thread_reply( cherrypy.thread_data.db, cherrypy.thread_data.user["user_id"], args["thread_id"], args["body"]) }) @bbjapi @cherrypy.expose def thread_load(self): args = cherrypy.request.json validate(args, ["thread_id"]) thread = db.thread_get( cherrypy.thread_data.db, args["thread_id"]) usermap = create_usermap( cherrypy.thread_data.db, thread["messages"]) return schema.response({ "data": thread, "usermap": usermap }) @bbjapi @cherrypy.expose def user_register(self): args = cherrypy.request.json validate(args, ["user_name", "auth_hash"]) return schema.response({ "data": db.user_register( cherrypy.thread_data.db, args["user_name"], args["auth_hash"]) }) @bbjapi @cherrypy.expose def edit_query(self): args = cherrypy.request.json validate(args, ["thread_id", "post_id"]) return schema.response({ "data": message_edit_query( cherrypy.thread_data.db, cherrypy.thread_data.user["user_id"], args["thread_id"], args["post_id"]) }) def run(): cherrypy.quickstart(API(), "/api") if __name__ == "__main__": print("wew")