# -*- fill-column: 72 -*- """ If you're looking for help on how to use the program, just press ? while its running. This mess will not help you. Urwid aint my speed. Hell, making complex, UI-oriented programs aint my speed. So some of this code is pretty messy. I stand by it though, and it seems to be working rather well. Most of the functionality is crammed in the App() class. Key handling is found in the other subclasses for urwid widgets. An instantiation of App() is casted as `app` globally and the keypress methods will call into this global `app` object. There are few additional functions that are defined outside of the App class. They are delegated to the very bottom of this file. Please mail me (~desvox) for feedback and for any of your "OH MY GOD WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS"'s or "PEP8 IS A THING"'s. """ from network import BBJ, URLError from string import punctuation from datetime import datetime from time import time, sleep from getpass import getpass from subprocess import run from random import choice from sys import argv import tempfile import urwid import json import os import re try: port_spec = argv.index("--port") port = argv[port_spec+1] except ValueError: # --port not specified port = 7099 except IndexError: # flag given but no value exit("thats not how this works, silly! --port 7099") try: network = BBJ(host="", port=port) except URLError as e: # print the connection error in red exit("\033[0;31m%s\033[0m" % repr(e)) obnoxious_logo = """ % _ * ! * % 8 888888888o % 8 888888888o . 8 8888 8 8888 `88. 8 8888 `88. _ ! 8 8888 & ^ 8 8888 `88 8 8888 `88 * 8 8888 _ 8 8888 ,88 8 8888 ,88 8 8888 * 8 8888. ,88' 8 8888. ,88' ! 8 8888 " 8 8888888888 8 8888888888 8 8888 = ! 8 8888 `88. 8 8888 `88. 88. 8 8888 8 8888 88 8 8888 88 `88. | 8 888' ' > 8 8888. ,88' 8 8888. ,88' `88o. .8 88' . 8 888888888P 8 888888888P `Y888888 ' . % %""" welcome = """>>> Welcome to Bulletin Butter & Jelly! ------------------@ | BBJ is a persistent, chronologically ordered text | | discussion board for tilde.town. You may log in, | | register as a new user, or participate anonymously. | |---------------------------------------------------------| | \033[1;31mTo go anon, just press enter. Otherwise, give me a name\033[0m | | \033[1;31m(registered or not)\033[0m | @_________________________________________________________@ """ format_help = [ "Quick reminder: \[rainbow: expressions work like this]\n\n" "BBJ supports **bolding**, __underlining__, and [rainbow: coloring] text " "using markdown-style symbols as well as tag-like expressions. Markdown " "is **NOT** fully implemented, but several of the more obvious concepts " "have been brought over. Additionally, we have chan-style greentext and " "numeric post referencing, ala >>3 for the third reply.", "[red: Whitespace]", "When you're composing, it is desirable to introduce linebreaks into the " "body to keep it from overflowing the screen. However, you __dont__ want " "that same spacing to bleed over to other people's screens, because clients " "will wrap the text themselves.", "Single line breaks in the body join into eachother to form sentences, " "putting a space where the break was. This works like html. When you want " "to split it off into a paragraph, **use two line breaks.**", "[red: Colors, Bold, Underline & Expressions]", "You can use [rainbow: rainbow], [red: red], [yellow: yellow], [green: green], " "[blue: blue], [cyan: cyan], [magenta: and magenta], **bold**, and __underline__ " "inside of your posts. **bold\nworks like this**, __and\nunderlines like this__. " "The symbolic, markdown form of these directives does NOT allow escaping, and " "can only apply to up to 20 characters on the same line. They are best used on short " "phrases. However, you can use a different syntax for it, which is also required to use " "colors: these expressions \[bold: look like this] and are much more reliable. " "The colon and the space following it are important. When you use these " "expressions, the __first__ space is not part of the content, but any characters, " "including spaces, that follow it are included in the body. The formatting will " "apply until the closing ]. You can escape such an expression \\\[cyan: like this] " "and can also \\[blue: escape \\\] other closing brackets] inside of it. Only " "closing brackets need to be escaped within an expression. Any backslashes used " "for escaping will not show in the body unless you use two slashes.", "This peculiar syntax elimiates false positives. You never have to escape [normal] " "brackets when using the board. Only expressions with **valid and defined** directives " "will be affected. [so: this is totally valid and requires no escapes] because 'so' is " "not a directive. [red this will pass too] because the colon is missing.", "The following directives may be used in this form: red, yellow, green, blue, cyan, " "magenta, bold, underline, and rainbow. Nesting expressions into eachother will " "override the parent directives until it closes. Thus, nesting is valid but doesn't produce " "layered results.", "[red: Quotes & Greentext]", "You can refer to a post number using two angle brackets pointing into a number. >>432 " "like this. You can color a whole line green by proceeding it with a '>'. Note that " "this violates the sentence structure outlined in the **Whitespace** section above, " "so you may introduce >greentext without splicing into seperate paragraphs. The '>' " "must be the first character on the line with no whitespace before it.\n>it looks like this\n" "and the paragraph doesnt have to break on either side.", "When using numeric quotes, they are highlighted and the author's name will show " "next to them in the thread. You can press enter when focused on a message to view " "the parent posts. You may insert these directives manually or use the function " "on post menus.", "Quoting directives cannot be escaped." ] general_help = [ ("bold", "use the arrow keys, j/k, or n/p to scroll down this menu\n\n"), ("bold", "use q or escape to close dialogs and menus (including this one)\n\n"), ("10", "use q, escape, or a left directional key to go back at any point" " from just about anywhere.\n\n"), ("20", "use the o key to change your settings when this dialog is closed\n\n"), "You may use the arrow keys, or use ", ("button", "jk/np/Control-n|p"), " to move up and down by " "an element. If an element is overflowing the screen, it will scroll only one line. " "To make scrolling faster, ", ("button", "hold shift"), " when using a control: it " "will repeat 5 times by default, and you can change this number in your settings.\n\n" "In threads, The ", ("button", "<"), " and ", ("button", ">"), " keys will jump by " "a chosen number of post headers. You can see the count inside of the footer line at " "the far right side: press ", ("button", "x"), " to cycle it upwards or ", ("button", "X"), " to cycle it downwards.\n\n" "In the thread index and any open thread, the ", ("button", "b"), " and ", ("button", "t "), "keys may be used to go to very top or bottom.\n\n" "To go back and forth between threads, you may also use the left/right arrow keys, " "or ", ("button", "h"), "/", ("button", "l"), " to do it vi-style.\n\n" "Aside from those, primary controls are shown on the very bottom of the screen " "in the footer line, or may be placed in window titles for other actions like " "dialogs or composers." ] colors = [ "\033[1;31m", "\033[1;33m", "\033[1;33m", "\033[1;32m", "\033[1;34m", "\033[1;35m" ] colornames = ["none", "red", "yellow", "green", "blue", "cyan", "magenta"] editors = ["nano", "vim", "emacs", "vim -u NONE", "emacs -Q", "micro", "ed", "joe"] default_prefs = { # using default= is not completely reliable, sadly... "editor": os.getenv("EDITOR") or "nano", "jump_count": 1, "shift_multiplier": 5, "integrate_external_editor": True, "index_spacing": False, "dramatic_exit": True, "date": "%Y/%m/%d", "time": "%H:%M", "frame_title": "> > T I L D E T O W N < <", "max_text_width": 80 } bars = { "index": "[RET]Open [C]ompose [R]efresh [O]ptions [?]Help [Q]uit", "thread": "[C]ompose [^R]eply [R]efresh [RET]Menu [0-9]Goto [B/T]End []Jump[X]%d" } colormap = [ ("default", "default", "default"), ("bar", "light magenta", "default"), ("button", "light red", "default"), ("quote", "brown", "default"), ("opt_prompt", "black", "light gray"), ("opt_header", "light cyan", "default"), ("hover", "light cyan", "default"), ("dim", "dark gray", "default"), ("bold", "default,bold", "default"), ("underline", "default,underline", "default"), # map the bbj api color values for display ("0", "default", "default"), ("1", "dark red", "default"), # sounds ugly but brown is as close as we can get to yellow without being bold ("2", "brown", "default"), ("3", "dark green", "default"), ("4", "dark blue", "default"), ("5", "dark cyan", "default"), ("6", "dark magenta", "default"), # and have the bolded colors use the same values times 10 ("10", "light red", "default"), ("20", "yellow", "default"), ("30", "light green", "default"), ("40", "light blue", "default"), ("50", "light cyan", "default"), ("60", "light magenta", "default") ] rcpath = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".bbjrc") markpath = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".bbjmarks") class App(object): def __init__(self): self.prefs = bbjrc("load") self.mode = None self.thread = None self.usermap = {} self.window_split = False self.last_pos = None # these can be changed and manipulated by other methods self.walker = urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([]) self.box = ActionBox(self.walker) self.body = urwid.AttrMap( urwid.LineBox( self.box, title=self.prefs["frame_title"], **frame_theme()), "default" ) self.loop = urwid.MainLoop( urwid.Frame(self.body), palette=colormap, handle_mouse=False) def set_header(self, text, *format_specs): """ Update the header line with the logged in user, a seperator, then concat text with format_specs applied to it. Applies bar formatting to it. """ header = ("{}@bbj | " + text).format( (network.user_name or "anonymous"), *format_specs ) self.loop.widget.header = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(header), "bar") def set_footer(self, string): """ Sets the footer to display `string`, applying bar formatting. Other than setting the color, `string` is shown verbatim. """ self.loop.widget.footer = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(string), "bar") def set_default_header(self): """ Sets the header to the default for the current screen. """ if self.mode == "thread": name = self.usermap[self.thread["author"]]["user_name"] self.set_header("~{}: {}", name, self.thread["title"]) else: self.set_header("{} threads", len(self.walker)) def set_default_footer(self, clobber_composer=False): """ Sets the footer to the default for the current screen. """ if self.window_split and not clobber_composer: return elif self.mode == "thread": footer = bars["thread"] % self.prefs["jump_count"] else: footer = bars["index"] self.set_footer(footer) def set_bars(self, clobber_composer=False): """ Sets both the footer and header to their default values for the current mode. """ self.set_default_header() self.set_default_footer(clobber_composer) def close_editor(self): """ Close whatever editing widget is open and restore proper state back the walker. """ if self.window_split: self.window_split = False self.loop.widget.focus_position = "body" self.set_footer(bars["thread"]) else: self.loop.widget = self.loop.widget[0] self.set_default_header() def overlay_p(self): """ Return True or False if the current widget is an overlay. """ return isinstance(self.loop.widget, urwid.Overlay) def remove_overlays(self, *_): """ Remove ALL urwid.Overlay objects which are currently covering the base widget. """ while True: try: self.loop.widget = self.loop.widget[0] except: break def switch_editor(self): """ Switch focus between the thread viewer and the open editor """ pos = self.loop.widget.focus_position attr = ["bar" if pos == "body" else "30", "dim"] if not self.window_split: return elif pos == "body": self.loop.widget.focus_position = "footer" focus = "[focused on editor]" else: self.loop.widget.focus_position = "body" focus = "[focused on thread]" attr.reverse() self.loop.widget.footer[0].set_text( "[F1]Abort [F2]Swap [F3]Formatting Help [save/quit to send] " + focus) # HACK WHY WHY WHY WHYW HWY # this sets the focus color for the editor frame self.loop.widget.footer.contents[1][0].original_widget.attr_map = \ self.loop.widget.footer.contents[0][0].attr_map = {None: attr[0]} self.loop.widget.header.attr_map = {None: attr[1]} self.body.attr_map = {None: attr[1]} def readable_delta(self, modified): """ Return a human-readable string representing the difference between a given epoch time and the current time. """ delta = time() - modified hours, remainder = divmod(delta, 3600) if hours > 48: return self.timestring(modified) elif hours > 1: return "%d hours ago" % hours elif hours == 1: return "about an hour ago" minutes, remainder = divmod(remainder, 60) if minutes > 1: return "%d minutes ago" % minutes return "less than a minute ago" def quote_view_action(self, button, message): """ Callback function to view a quote from the message object menu. """ widget = OptionsMenu( ActionBox( urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([ *self.make_message_body(message) ])), title=">>%d" % message["post_id"], **frame_theme() ) self.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay( widget, self.loop.widget, align=("relative", 50), valign=("relative", 50), width=("relative", 98), height=("relative", 60) ) def quote_view_menu(self, button, post_ids): """ Receives a list of quote ids and makes a frilly menu to pick one to view. It retrieves messages objects from the thread and attaches them to a callback to `quote_view_action` """ buttons = [] for pid in post_ids: try: message = self.thread["messages"][pid] if len(post_ids) == 1: return self.quote_view_action(button, message) author = self.usermap[message["author"]] label = [ ("button", ">>%d " % pid), "(", (str(author["color"]), author["user_name"]), ")" ] buttons.append(cute_button(label, self.quote_view_action, message)) except IndexError: continue # users can submit >>29384234 garbage references widget = OptionsMenu( urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker(buttons)), title="View a Quote", **frame_theme() ) self.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay( widget, self.loop.widget, align=("relative", 50), valign=("relative", 50), height=len(buttons) + 3, width=30 ) def edit_post(self, button, message): post_id = message["post_id"] thread_id = message["thread_id"] # first we need to get the server's version of the message # instead of our formatted one try: message = network.edit_query(thread_id, post_id) except UserWarning as e: self.remove_overlays() return self.temp_footer_message(e.description) self.remove_overlays() self.compose(init_body=message["body"], edit=message) def reply(self, button, message): self.remove_overlays() self.compose(init_body=">>%d\n\n" % message["post_id"]) def deletion_dialog(self, button, message): """ Prompts the user to confirm deletion of an item. This can delete either a thread or a post. """ op = message["post_id"] == 0 buttons = [ urwid.Text(("bold", "Delete this %s?" % ("whole thread" if op else "post"))), urwid.Divider(), cute_button(("10" , ">> Yes"), lambda _: [ network.message_delete(message["thread_id"], message["post_id"]), self.remove_overlays(), self.index() if op else self.refresh() ]), cute_button(("30", "<< No"), self.remove_overlays) ] # TODO: create a central routine for creating popups. this is getting really ridiculous popup = OptionsMenu( urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker(buttons)), **frame_theme()) self.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay( popup, self.loop.widget, align=("relative", 50), valign=("relative", 50), width=30, height=6) def toggle_formatting(self, button, message): self.remove_overlays() raw = not message["send_raw"] network.set_post_raw(message["thread_id"], message["post_id"], raw) return self.refresh() def on_post(self, button, message): quotes = self.get_quotes(message) author = self.usermap[message["author"]] buttons = [] if not self.window_split: buttons.append(urwid.Button("Reply", self.reply, message)) if quotes and message["post_id"] != 0: buttons.append(urwid.Button( "View %sQuote" % ("a " if len(quotes) != 1 else ""), self.quote_view_menu, quotes)) if network.can_edit(message["thread_id"], message["post_id"]) \ and not self.window_split: if message["post_id"] == 0: msg = "Thread" else: msg = "Post" raw = message["send_raw"] buttons.insert(0, urwid.Button("Delete %s" % msg, self.deletion_dialog, message)) buttons.insert(0, urwid.Button( "Enable Formatting" if raw else "Disable Formatting", self.toggle_formatting, message)) buttons.insert(0, urwid.Button("Edit Post", self.edit_post, message)) if not buttons: return widget = OptionsMenu( urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker(buttons)), title=str(">>%d (%s)" % (message["post_id"], author["user_name"])), **frame_theme() ) size = self.loop.screen_size self.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay( urwid.AttrMap(widget, str(author["color"]*10)), self.loop.widget, align=("relative", 50), valign=("relative", 50), width=30, height=len(buttons) + 2 ) def get_quotes(self, msg_object, value_type=int): """ Returns the post_ids that msg_object is quoting. Is a list, may be empty. ids are ints by default but can be passed `str` for strings. """ quotes = [] if msg_object["send_raw"]: return quotes for paragraph in msg_object["body"]: # yes python is lisp fuck you [quotes.append(cdr) for car, cdr in paragraph if car == "quote"] return [value_type(q) for q in quotes] def make_thread_body(self, thread): """ Returns the pile widget that comprises a thread in the index. """ button = cute_button(">>", self.thread_load, thread["thread_id"]) title = urwid.Text(thread["title"]) user = self.usermap[thread["author"]] dateline = [ ("default", "by "), (str(user["color"]), "~%s " % user["user_name"]), ("dim", "@ %s" % self.timestring(thread["created"])) ] infoline = "%d replies; active %s" % ( thread["reply_count"], self.timestring(thread["last_mod"], "delta")) pile = [ urwid.Columns([(3, urwid.AttrMap(button, "button", "hover")), title]), urwid.Text(dateline), urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(infoline), "dim"), urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Divider("-"), "dim") ] if self.prefs["index_spacing"]: pile.insert(3, urwid.Divider()) pile = urwid.Pile(pile) pile.thread = thread return pile def make_message_body(self, message, no_action=False): """ Returns the widgets that comprise a message in a thread, including the text body, author info and the action button """ info = "@ " + self.timestring(message["created"]) if message["edited"]: info += " [edited]" if no_action: callback = ignore name = urwid_rainbows("~SYSTEM", True) color = "0" else: callback = self.on_post name = urwid.Text("~{}".format(self.usermap[message["author"]]["user_name"])) color = str(self.usermap[message["author"]]["color"]) post = str(message["post_id"]) head = urwid.Columns([ (2 + len(post), urwid.AttrMap( cute_button(">" + post, callback, message), "button", "hover")), (len(name._text) + 1, urwid.AttrMap(name, color)), urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(info), "dim") ]) head.message = message return [ head, urwid.Divider(), urwid.Padding( MessageBody(message), width=self.prefs["max_text_width"]), urwid.Divider(), urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Divider("-"), "dim") ] def timestring(self, epoch, mode="both"): """ Returns a string of time representing a given epoch and mode. """ if mode == "delta": return self.readable_delta(epoch) date = datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch) if mode == "time": directive = self.prefs["time"] elif mode == "date": directive = self.prefs["date"] else: directive = "%s %s" % ( self.prefs["time"], self.prefs["date"]) return date.strftime(directive) def index(self, *_): """ Browse or return to the index. """ if self.mode == "thread": # mark the current position in this thread before going back to the index mark() self.body.attr_map = {None: "default"} self.mode = "index" self.thread = None self.window_split = False threads, usermap = network.thread_index() self.usermap.update(usermap) self.walker.clear() try: target_id, pos = self.last_pos except: target_id = pos = 0 for index, thread in enumerate(threads): self.walker.append(self.make_thread_body(thread)) if thread["thread_id"] == target_id: pos = index self.set_bars(True) try: self.box.change_focus(self.loop.screen_size, pos) self.box.set_focus_valign("middle") except: pass def thread_load(self, button, thread_id): """ Open a thread. """ if app.mode == "index": pos = app.get_focus_post() self.last_pos = (self.walker[pos].thread["thread_id"], pos) if not self.window_split: self.body.attr_map = {None: "default"} self.mode = "thread" thread, usermap = network.thread_load(thread_id, format="sequential") self.usermap.update(usermap) self.thread = thread self.walker.clear() for message in thread["messages"]: self.walker += self.make_message_body(message) self.set_default_header() self.set_default_footer() self.goto_post(mark(thread_id)) def refresh(self): self.remove_overlays() if self.mode == "index": return self.index() mark() thread = self.thread["thread_id"] self.thread_load(None, thread) self.goto_post(mark(thread)) def back(self, terminate=False): if app.mode == "index" and terminate: frilly_exit() elif self.overlay_p(): self.loop.widget = self.loop.widget[0] elif self.window_split: # display a confirmation dialog before killing off an in-progress post buttons = [ urwid.Text(("bold", "Discard current post?")), urwid.Divider(), cute_button(("10" , ">> Yes"), lambda _: [ self.remove_overlays(), self.index() ]), cute_button(("30", "<< No"), self.remove_overlays) ] # TODO: create a central routine for creating popups. this is getting really ridiculous popup = OptionsMenu( urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker(buttons)), **frame_theme()) self.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay( popup, self.loop.widget, align=("relative", 50), valign=("relative", 25), width=30, height=6) else: mark() self.index() def get_focus_post(self): pos = self.box.get_focus_path()[0] if self.mode == "thread": return (pos - (pos % 5)) // 5 return pos def header_jump_next(self): if self.mode == "index": return self.box.keypress(self.loop.screen_size, "down") for x in range(self.prefs["jump_count"]): post = self.get_focus_post() if post != self.thread["reply_count"]: self.goto_post(post + 1) else: break def header_jump_previous(self): if self.mode == "index": return self.box.keypress(self.loop.screen_size, "up") for x in range(self.prefs["jump_count"]): post = self.get_focus_post() if post != 0: self.goto_post(post - 1) else: break def goto_post(self, number): if self.mode != "thread": return size = self.loop.screen_size new_pos = number * 5 cur_pos = self.box.get_focus_path()[0] try: self.box.change_focus( size, new_pos, coming_from= "below" if (cur_pos < new_pos) else "above") except IndexError: self.temp_footer_message("OUT OF BOUNDS") def goto_post_prompt(self, init): if self.mode != "thread": return count = self.thread["reply_count"] live_display = urwid.Text("") edit = JumpPrompt(count, lambda x: self.goto_post(x)) items = [ urwid.Text(("button", " Jump to post")), urwid.AttrMap(edit, "opt_prompt"), urwid.Text(("bold", ("(max %d)" % count).center(18, " "))), live_display ] urwid.connect_signal(edit, "change", self.jump_peek, live_display) if init.isdigit(): edit.keypress((self.loop.screen_size[0],), init) popup = OptionsMenu( urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker(items)), **frame_theme()) self.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay( popup, self.loop.widget, align=("relative", 50), valign=("relative", 25 if self.window_split else 50), width=20, height=6) def jump_peek(self, editor, value, display): if not value: return display.set_text("") msg = self.thread["messages"][int(value)] author = self.usermap[msg["author"]] display.set_text((str(author["color"]), ">>%s %s" % (value, author["user_name"]))) def set_new_editor(self, button, value, arg): """ Callback for the option radio buttons to set the the text editor. """ if value == False: return elif isinstance(value, str): [button.set_state(False) for button in arg] self.prefs["editor"] = value bbjrc("update", **self.prefs) return key, widget = arg widget.set_edit_text(key) self.prefs.update({"editor": key}) bbjrc("update", **self.prefs) def set_editor_mode(self, button, value): """ Callback for the editor mode radio buttons in the options. """ self.prefs["integrate_external_editor"] = value bbjrc("update", **self.prefs) def toggle_thread_pin(self, thread_id): pass def relog(self, *_, **__): """ Options menu callback to log the user in again. Drops back to text mode because im too lazy to write a responsive urwid thing for this. """ self.loop.widget = self.loop.widget[0] self.loop.stop() run("clear", shell=True) print(welcome) try: log_in() except (KeyboardInterrupt, InterruptedError): pass self.loop.start() self.set_default_header() self.options_menu() def unlog(self, *_, **__): """ Options menu callback to anonymize the user and then redisplay the options menu. """ network.user_name = network.user_auth = None self.loop.widget = self.loop.widget[0] self.set_default_header() self.options_menu() def general_help(self): """ Show a general help dialog. In all honestly, its not very useful and will only help people who have never really used terminal software before =) """ widget = OptionsMenu( urwid.ListBox( urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([ urwid_rainbows( "This is BBJ, a client/server textboard made for tilde.town!", True), urwid.Text(("dim", "...by ~desvox")), urwid.Divider("-"), urwid.Button("Post Formatting Help", self.formatting_help), urwid.Divider("-"), urwid.Text(general_help) ])), title="?????", **frame_theme() ) app.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay( widget, app.loop.widget, align=("relative", 50), valign=("relative", 50), width=30, height=("relative", 60) ) def formatting_help(self, *_): """ Pops a help window with formatting directives. """ message = network.fake_message("\n\n".join(format_help)) widget = OptionsMenu( urwid.ListBox( urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([ *app.make_message_body(message, True) ])), title="Formatting Help", **frame_theme() ) app.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay( widget, app.loop.widget, align=("relative", 50), valign=("relative", 50), width=("relative", 98), height=("relative", 60) ) def set_color(self, button, value, color): if value == False: return network.user_update(color=color) def toggle_exit(self, button, value): self.prefs["dramatic_exit"] = value bbjrc("update", **self.prefs) def toggle_spacing(self, button, value): self.prefs["index_spacing"] = value bbjrc("update", **self.prefs) def change_username(self, *_): self.loop.stop() run("clear", shell=True) try: name = nameloop("Choose a new username", True) network.user_update(user_name=name) motherfucking_rainbows("~~hello there %s~~" % name) sleep(0.8) self.loop.start() self.loop.widget = self.loop.widget[0] self.index() self.options_menu() except (KeyboardInterrupt, InterruptedError): self.loop.start() def change_password(self, *_): self.loop.stop() run("clear", shell=True) try: password = password_loop("Choose a new password. Can be empty", True) network.user_update(auth_hash=network._hash(password)) motherfucking_rainbows("SET NEW PASSWORD") sleep(0.8) self.loop.start() self.loop.widget = self.loop.widget[0] self.index() self.options_menu() except (KeyboardInterrupt, InterruptedError): self.loop.start() def live_time_render(self, editor, text, args): widget, key = args try: rendered = datetime.fromtimestamp(time()).strftime(text) self.prefs[key] = text bbjrc("update", **self.prefs) except: rendered = ("1", "Invalid Input") widget.set_text(rendered) def edit_width(self, editor, content): value = int(content) if content else 0 if value < 10: value = 10 self.prefs["max_text_width"] = value bbjrc("update", **self.prefs) def edit_shift(self, editor, content): self.prefs["shift_multiplier"] = \ int(content) if content else 0 bbjrc("update", **self.prefs) def incr_jump(self): if self.mode != "thread": return value = self.prefs["jump_count"] * 2 if value > 64: value = 1 self.prefs["jump_count"] = value self.set_default_footer() bbjrc("update", **self.prefs) def decr_jump(self): if self.mode != "thread": return value = self.prefs["jump_count"] // 2 if value < 1: value = 64 self.prefs["jump_count"] = value self.set_default_footer() bbjrc("update", **self.prefs) def options_menu(self): """ Create a popup for the user to configure their account and display settings. """ editor_buttons = [] edit_mode = [] if network.user_auth: account_message = "Logged in as %s." % network.user_name user_colors = [] for index, color in enumerate(colornames): urwid.RadioButton( user_colors, color.title(), network.user["color"] == index, self.set_color, index) account_stuff = [ urwid.Button("Relog", on_press=self.relog), urwid.Button("Go anonymous", on_press=self.unlog), urwid.Button("Change username", on_press=self.change_username), urwid.Button("Change password", on_press=self.change_password), urwid.Divider(), urwid.Text(("button", "Your color:")), urwid.Text(("default", "This color will show on your " "post headers and when people quote you.")), urwid.Divider(), *user_colors ] else: account_message = "You're browsing anonymously, and cannot set account preferences." account_stuff = [urwid.Button("Login/Register", on_press=self.relog)] time_box = urwid.Text(self.timestring(time(), "time")) time_edit = Prompt(edit_text=self.prefs["time"]) urwid.connect_signal(time_edit, "change", self.live_time_render, (time_box, "time")) date_box = urwid.Text(self.timestring(time(), "date")) date_edit = Prompt(edit_text=self.prefs["date"]) urwid.connect_signal(date_edit, "change", self.live_time_render, (date_box, "date")) time_stuff = [ urwid.Text(("button", "Time Format")), time_box, urwid.AttrMap(time_edit, "opt_prompt"), urwid.Divider(), urwid.Text(("button", "Date Format")), date_box, urwid.AttrMap(date_edit, "opt_prompt"), ] width_edit = urwid.IntEdit(default=self.prefs["max_text_width"]) urwid.connect_signal(width_edit, "change", self.edit_width) shift_edit = urwid.IntEdit(default=self.prefs["shift_multiplier"]) urwid.connect_signal(shift_edit, "change", self.edit_shift) editor_display = Prompt(edit_text=self.prefs["editor"]) urwid.connect_signal(editor_display, "change", self.set_new_editor, editor_buttons) for editor in editors: urwid.RadioButton( editor_buttons, editor, state=self.prefs["editor"] == editor, on_state_change=self.set_new_editor, user_data=(editor, editor_display)) urwid.RadioButton( edit_mode, "Integrate", state=self.prefs["integrate_external_editor"], on_state_change=self.set_editor_mode) urwid.RadioButton( edit_mode, "Overthrow", state=not self.prefs["integrate_external_editor"]) widget = OptionsMenu( urwid.ListBox( urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([ urwid.Text(("opt_header", "Account"), 'center'), urwid.Text(account_message), urwid.Divider(), *account_stuff, urwid.Divider("-"), urwid.Text(("opt_header", "App"), 'center'), urwid.Divider(), urwid.CheckBox( "Dump rainbows on exit", state=self.prefs["dramatic_exit"], on_state_change=self.toggle_exit ), urwid.CheckBox( "Increase index padding", state=self.prefs["index_spacing"], on_state_change=self.toggle_spacing ), urwid.Divider(), *time_stuff, urwid.Divider(), urwid.Text(("button", "Max message width:")), urwid.AttrMap(width_edit, "opt_prompt"), urwid.Divider(), urwid.Text(("button", "Scroll multiplier when holding shift:")), urwid.AttrMap(shift_edit, "opt_prompt"), urwid.Divider(), urwid.Text(("button", "Text editor:")), urwid.Text("You can type in your own command or use one of these presets."), urwid.Divider(), urwid.AttrMap(editor_display, "opt_prompt"), *editor_buttons, urwid.Divider(), urwid.Text(("button", "External text editor mode:")), urwid.Text("If you have problems using an external text editor, " "set this to Overthrow."), urwid.Divider(), *edit_mode, urwid.Divider("-"), ]) ), title="Options", **frame_theme()) self.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay( widget, self.loop.widget, align="center", valign="middle", width=30, height=("relative", 75) ) def footer_prompt(self, text, callback, *callback_args, extra_text=None): text = "(%s)> " % text widget = urwid.Columns([ (len(text), urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(text), "bar")), FootPrompt(callback, *callback_args) ]) if extra_text: widget = urwid.Pile([ urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(extra_text), "2"), widget ]) self.loop.widget.footer = widget self.loop.widget.focus_position = "footer" def reset_footer(self, _, from_temp): if from_temp and self.window_split: return try: self.set_default_footer(True) self.loop.widget.focus_position = "body" except: # just keep trying until the focus widget can handle it self.loop.set_alarm_in(0.5, self.reset_footer) def temp_footer_message(self, string, duration=3): self.loop.set_alarm_in(duration, self.reset_footer, True) self.set_footer(string) def overthrow_ext_edit(self, init_body=""): """ Opens the external editor, but instead of integreating it into the app, stops the mainloop and blocks until the editor is killed. Returns the body of text the user composed. """ self.loop.stop() descriptor, path = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(path, "w") as _: _.write(init_body) run("%s %s" % (self.prefs["editor"], path), shell=True) with open(path) as _: body = _.read() os.remove(path) self.loop.start() return body.strip() def compose(self, title=None, init_body="", edit=False): """ Dispatches the appropriate composure mode and widget based on application context and user preferences. """ if self.mode == "index" and not title: return self.footer_prompt("Title", self.compose) elif title: try: network.validate("title", title) except AssertionError as e: return self.footer_prompt( "Title", self.compose, extra_text=e.description) if not self.prefs["integrate_external_editor"]: body = self.overthrow_ext_edit(init_body) if not body: return self.temp_footer_message("EMPTY POST DISCARDED") params = {"body": body} if self.mode == "thread" and not edit: endpoint = "thread_reply" params.update({"thread_id": self.thread["thread_id"]}) elif edit: endpoint = "edit_post" params.update({ "thread_id": self.thread["thread_id"], "post_id": edit["post_id"] }) else: endpoint = "thread_create" params.update({"title": title}) network.request(endpoint, **params) return self.refresh() if self.mode == "index": self.set_header('Composing "{}"', title) self.set_footer("[F1]Abort [F3]Formatting Help [Save and quit to submit your thread]") self.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay( urwid.LineBox( ExternalEditor("thread_create", title=title), title=self.prefs["editor"] or "", **frame_theme()), self.loop.widget, align="center", valign="middle", width=("relative", 90), height=("relative", 80)) return params = {"thread_id": self.thread["thread_id"]} if edit: _id = edit["post_id"] params.update({"post_id": _id}) header = ["Editing your post; >>{}", _id] endpoint = "edit_post" else: header = ['Replying to "{}"', self.thread["title"]] endpoint = "thread_reply" self.loop.widget.footer = urwid.Pile([ urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(""), "bar"), urwid.BoxAdapter( urwid.AttrMap( urwid.LineBox( ExternalEditor(endpoint, init_body=init_body, **params), **frame_theme() ), "bar"), self.loop.screen_size[1] // 2)]) self.set_header(*header) self.window_split=True self.switch_editor() class MessageBody(urwid.Text): """ An urwid.Text object that works with the BBJ formatting directives. """ def __init__(self, message): if message["send_raw"]: return super(MessageBody, self).__init__(message["body"]) text_objects = message["body"] result = [] last_directive = None for paragraph in text_objects: for directive, body in paragraph: if directive in colornames: color = str(colornames.index(directive)) result.append((color, body)) elif directive in ["underline", "bold"]: result.append((directive, body)) elif directive == "linequote": try: # this /naughty/ hack is supposed to keep spacing consistent....needs tweaking if directive != last_directive and result[-1][-1][-1] != "\n": result.append(("default", "\n")) except IndexError: pass result.append(("3", "%s\n" % body.strip())) elif directive == "quote": if message["post_id"] == 0: # Quotes in OP have no meaning, just insert them plainly result.append(("default", ">>%s" % body)) continue elif body == "0": # quoting the OP, lets make it stand out a little result.append(("50", ">>OP")) continue color = "2" try: # we can get this quote by its index in the thread message = app.thread["messages"][int(body)] user = app.usermap[message["author"]] # try to get the user's color, if its default use the normal one _c = user["color"] if _c != 0: color = str(_c) if user != "anonymous" and user["user_name"] == network.user_name: display = "[You]" # bold it color += "0" else: display = "[%s]" % user["user_name"] except: # the quote may be garbage and refer to a nonexistant post display = "" result.append((color, ">>%s%s" % (body, display))) elif directive == "rainbow": color = 1 for char in body: if color == 7: color = 1 result.append((str(color), char)) color += 1 else: result.append(("default", body)) last_directive = directive result.append("\n\n") result.pop() # lazily ensure \n\n between paragraphs but not at the end super(MessageBody, self).__init__(result) class Prompt(urwid.Edit): """ Supports basic bashmacs keybinds. Key casing is ignored and ctrl/alt are treated the same. Only character-wise (not word-wise) movements are implemented. """ def keypress(self, size, key): if not super(Prompt, self).keypress(size, key): return elif key[0:4] not in ["meta", "ctrl"]: return key column = self.get_cursor_coords((app.loop.screen_size[0],))[0] text = self.get_edit_text() key = key[-1].lower() if key == "u": self.set_edit_pos(0) self.set_edit_text(text[column:]) elif key == "k": self.set_edit_text(text[:column]) elif key == "f": self.keypress(size, "right") elif key == "b": self.keypress(size, "left") elif key == "a": self.set_edit_pos(0) elif key == "e": self.set_edit_pos(len(text)) elif key == "d": self.set_edit_text(text[0:column] + text[column+1:]) return key class FootPrompt(Prompt): def __init__(self, callback, *callback_args): super(FootPrompt, self).__init__() self.callback = callback self.args = callback_args def keypress(self, size, key): super(FootPrompt, self).keypress(size, key) if key == "enter": app.loop.widget.focus_position = "body" app.set_default_footer() self.callback(self.get_edit_text(), *self.args) elif key.lower() in ["esc", "ctrl g", "ctrl c"]: app.loop.widget.focus_position = "body" app.set_default_footer() class JumpPrompt(Prompt, urwid.IntEdit): def __init__(self, max_length, callback, *callback_args): super(JumpPrompt, self).__init__() self.max_length = max_length self.callback = callback self.args = callback_args def valid_char(self, char): if not (len(char) == 1 and char in "0123456789"): return False elif int(self.get_edit_text() + char) <= self.max_length: return True try: # flash the display text to indicate bad value text = app.loop.widget.top_w.original_widget.body[2] body = text.get_text()[0] for attr in ("button", "20", "button", "bold"): text.set_text((attr, body)) app.loop.draw_screen() sleep(0.05) except: # fuck it who cares pass return False def keypress(self, size, key): if key == "enter": app.remove_overlays() self.callback(self.value(), *self.args) elif key.lower() in ["q", "esc", "ctrl g", "ctrl c"]: app.remove_overlays() else: # dont use super because we want to allow zeros in this box urwid.Edit.keypress(self, (size[0],), key) class ExternalEditor(urwid.Terminal): def __init__(self, endpoint, **params): self.file_descriptor, self.path = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(self.path, "w") as _: if params.get("init_body"): init_body = params.pop("init_body") else: init_body = "" _.write(init_body) self.endpoint = endpoint self.params = params env = os.environ # barring this, programs will happily spit out unicode chars which # urwid+python3 seem to choke on. This seems to be a bug on urwid's # behalf. Users who take issue to programs trying to supress unicode # should use the options menu to switch to Overthrow mode. env.update({"LANG": "POSIX"}) command = ["bash", "-c", "{} {}; echo Press any key to kill this window...".format( app.prefs["editor"], self.path)] super(ExternalEditor, self).__init__(command, env, app.loop, "f1") urwid.connect_signal(self, "closed", self.exterminate) def exterminate(self, *_): app.close_editor() with open(self.path) as _: body = _.read().strip() os.remove(self.path) if body and not re.search("^>>[0-9]+$", body): self.params.update({"body": body}) network.request(self.endpoint, **self.params) app.refresh() if app.mode == "thread": app.goto_post(app.thread["reply_count"]) else: app.box.keypress(app.loop.screen_size, "t") else: app.temp_footer_message("EMPTY POST DISCARDED") def keypress(self, size, key): """ The majority of the things the parent keypress method will do is either erroneous or disruptive to my own usage. I've plucked out the necessary bits and, most importantly, have changed from ASCII encoding to utf8 when writing to the child process. """ if self.terminated: return self.term.scroll_buffer(reset=True) keyl = key.lower() if keyl == "ctrl l": # always do this, and also pass it to the terminal wipe_screen() elif key == "f1": self.terminate() app.close_editor() return app.refresh() elif key == "f2": return app.switch_editor() elif key == "f3": return app.formatting_help() elif keyl == "ctrl z": return os.killpg(os.getpgid(os.getpid()), 19) if key.startswith("ctrl "): if key[-1].islower(): key = chr(ord(key[-1]) - ord('a') + 1) else: key = chr(ord(key[-1]) - ord('A') + 1) else: if self.term_modes.keys_decckm and key in urwid.vterm.KEY_TRANSLATIONS_DECCKM: key = urwid.vterm.KEY_TRANSLATIONS_DECCKM.get(key) else: key = urwid.vterm.KEY_TRANSLATIONS.get(key, key) # ENTER transmits both a carriage return and linefeed in LF/NL mode. if self.term_modes.lfnl and key == "\x0d": key += "\x0a" os.write(self.master, key.encode('utf8')) def __del__(self): """ Make damn sure we scoop up after ourselves here... """ try: os.remove(self.path) except FileNotFoundError: pass class OptionsMenu(urwid.LineBox): def keypress(self, size, key): keyl = key.lower() if key == "esc": app.loop.widget = app.loop.widget[0] # try to let the base class handle the key, if not, we'll take over elif not super(OptionsMenu, self).keypress(size, key): return elif key in ["shift down", "J", "N"]: for x in range(app.prefs["shift_multiplier"]): self.keypress(size, "down") elif key in ["shift up", "K", "P"]: for x in range(app.prefs["shift_multiplier"]): self.keypress(size, "up") elif key in ["ctrl n", "j", "n"]: return self.keypress(size, "down") elif key in ["ctrl p", "k", "p"]: return self.keypress(size, "up") elif keyl in ["left", "h", "q"]: app.loop.widget = app.loop.widget[0] elif keyl in ["right", "l"]: return self.keypress(size, "enter") elif keyl == "ctrl l": wipe_screen() class ActionBox(urwid.ListBox): """ The listwalker used by all the browsing pages. Most of the application takes place in an instance of this box. Handles many keybinds. """ def keypress(self, size, key): super(ActionBox, self).keypress(size, key) overlay = app.overlay_p() keyl = key.lower() if key in ["j", "n", "ctrl n"]: self._keypress_down(size) elif key in ["k", "p", "ctrl p"]: self._keypress_up(size) elif key in ["shift down", "J", "N"]: for x in range(app.prefs["shift_multiplier"]): self._keypress_down(size) elif key in ["shift up", "K", "P"]: for x in range(app.prefs["shift_multiplier"]): self._keypress_up(size) elif keyl in ["l", "right"]: self.keypress(size, "enter") elif keyl in ["esc", "h", "left", "q"]: app.back(keyl == "q") elif keyl == "b": offset = 5 if (app.mode == "thread") else 1 self.change_focus(size, len(self.body) - offset) elif keyl == "t": self.change_focus(size, 0) elif key == "ctrl l": wipe_screen() elif keyl == "o": app.options_menu() elif key == "?": app.general_help() elif key == "f2" and not overlay: app.switch_editor() elif key == ">" and not overlay: app.header_jump_next() elif key == "<" and not overlay: app.header_jump_previous() elif key == "x" and not overlay: app.incr_jump() elif key == "X" and not overlay: app.decr_jump() elif keyl in "1234567890g" and not overlay: app.goto_post_prompt(keyl) elif keyl in "c+" and not overlay: app.compose() elif keyl in ["r", "f5"] and not overlay: app.refresh() elif key == "~": # sssssshhhhhhhh app.loop.stop() try: run("sl", shell=True) except: pass app.loop.start() elif app.mode == "thread" and not app.window_split and not overlay: message = app.thread["messages"][app.get_focus_post()] if keyl == "ctrl e": app.edit_post(None, message) elif keyl == "ctrl r": app.reply(None, message) # elif keyl == '"': # quotes = app.get_quotes(message) # if quotes: # app.quote_view_menu(None, quotes) # else: # app.temp_footer_message("This message has no quotes.") def frilly_exit(): """ Exit with some flair. Will fill the screen with rainbows and shit, or just say bye, depending on the user's bbjrc setting, `dramatic_exit` """ # sometimes this gets called before the loop is set up properly try: app.loop.stop() except: pass if app.prefs["dramatic_exit"] and app.loop.screen_size: width, height = app.loop.screen_size for x in range(height - 1): motherfucking_rainbows( "".join([choice([" ", choice(punctuation)]) for x in range(width)] )) out = " ~~CoMeE BaCkK SooOn~~ 0000000" motherfucking_rainbows(out.zfill(width)) else: run("clear", shell=True) motherfucking_rainbows("Come back soon! <3") exit() def cute_button(label, callback=None, data=None): """ Urwid's default buttons are shit, and they have ugly borders. This function returns buttons that are a bit easier to love. """ button = urwid.Button("", callback, data) super(urwid.Button, button).__init__( urwid.SelectableIcon(label)) return button def urwid_rainbows(string, bold=False): """ Same as below, but instead of printing rainbow text, returns a markup list suitable for urwid's Text contructor. """ colors = [str(x) for x in range(1, 7)] if bold: colors = [(c + "0") for c in colors] return urwid.Text([(choice(colors), char) for char in string]) def motherfucking_rainbows(string, inputmode=False, end="\n"): """ I cANtT FeELLE MyYE FACECsEE ANYrrMOROeeee """ for character in string: print(choice(colors) + character, end="") print('\033[0m', end="") if inputmode: return input("") return print(end, end="") def paren_prompt(text, positive=True, choices=[], function=input): """ input(), but riced the fuck out. Changes color depending on the value of positive (blue/green for good stuff, red/yellow for bad stuff like invalid input), and has a multiple choice system capable of rejecting unavailable choices and highlighting their first characters. """ end = text[-1] if end != "?" and end in punctuation: text = text[0:-1] mood = ("\033[1;36m", "\033[1;32m") if positive \ else ("\033[1;31m", "\033[1;33m") if choices: prompt = "%s{" % mood[0] for choice in choices: prompt += "{0}[{1}{0}]{2}{3} ".format( "\033[1;35m", choice[0], mood[1], choice[1:]) formatted_choices = prompt[:-1] + ("%s}" % mood[0]) else: formatted_choices = "" try: response = function("{0}({1}{2}{0}){3}> \033[0m".format( *mood, text, formatted_choices)) if not choices: return response elif response == "": response = " " char = response.lower()[0] if char in [c[0] for c in choices]: return char return paren_prompt("Invalid choice", False, choices, function) except EOFError: print("") return "" def sane_value(key, prompt, positive=True, return_empty=False): response = paren_prompt(prompt, positive) if return_empty and response == "": return response try: network.validate(key, response) except AssertionError as e: return sane_value(key, e.description, False) return response def password_loop(prompt, positive=True): response1 = paren_prompt(prompt, positive, function=getpass) if response1 == "": confprompt = "Confirm empty password" else: confprompt = "Confirm it" response2 = paren_prompt(confprompt, function=getpass) if response1 != response2: return password_loop("Those didnt match. Try again", False) return response1 def nameloop(prompt, positive): name = sane_value("user_name", prompt, positive) if network.user_is_registered(name): return nameloop("%s is already registered" % name, False) return name def log_in(): """ Handles login or registration using an oldschool input() chain. The user is run through this before starting the curses app. """ name = sane_value("user_name", "Username", return_empty=True) if name == "": motherfucking_rainbows("~~W3 4R3 4n0nYm0u5~~") else: # ConnectionRefusedError means registered but needs a # password, ValueError means we need to register the user. try: network.set_credentials(name, "") # make it easy for people who use an empty password =) motherfucking_rainbows("~~welcome back {}~~".format(network.user_name)) except ConnectionRefusedError: def login_loop(prompt, positive): try: password = paren_prompt(prompt, positive, function=getpass) network.set_credentials(name, password) except ConnectionRefusedError: login_loop("// R E J E C T E D //.", False) login_loop("Enter your password", True) motherfucking_rainbows("~~welcome back {}~~".format(network.user_name)) except ValueError: motherfucking_rainbows("Nice to meet'cha, %s!" % name) response = paren_prompt( "Register as %s?" % name, choices=["yes!", "change name", "nevermind!"] ) if response == "c": name = nameloop("Pick a new name", True) elif response == "n": raise InterruptedError password = password_loop("Enter a password. It can be empty if you want") network.user_register(name, password) motherfucking_rainbows("~~welcome to the party, %s!~~" % network.user_name) sleep(0.8) # let that confirmation message shine def frame_theme(mode="default"): """ Return the kwargs for a frame theme. """ if mode == "default": return dict( tlcorner="@", trcorner="@", blcorner="@", brcorner="@", tline="=", bline="=", lline="|", rline="|" ) def bbjrc(mode, **params): """ Maintains a user a preferences file, setting or returning values depending on `mode`. """ try: with open(rcpath, "r") as _in: values = json.load(_in) # update it with new keys if necessary for key, default_value in default_prefs.items(): # HACK: checking if they == None should not be necessary, as the program # should never store a preference value as a NoneType. However ~vilmibm # encountered the editor being stored as None, so there is a misstep somewhere # and this will at least keep the program from continuing to crash should # anyone else ever run into it if key not in values or values[key] == None: values[key] = default_value # else make one except FileNotFoundError: values = default_prefs values.update(params) # we always write with open(rcpath, "w") as _out: json.dump(values, _out) return values def mark(directive=True): """ Set and retrieve positional marks for threads. This uses a seperate file from the preferences to keep it free from clutter. """ try: with open(markpath, "r") as _in: values = json.load(_in) except FileNotFoundError: values = {} if directive == True and app.mode == "thread": pos = app.get_focus_post() values[app.thread["thread_id"]] = pos with open(markpath, "w") as _out: json.dump(values, _out) return pos elif isinstance(directive, str): try: return values[directive] except KeyError: return 0 def ignore(*_, **__): """ The blackness of my soul. """ pass def wipe_screen(*_): """ A crude hack to repaint the whole screen. I didnt immediately see anything to acheive this in the MainLoop methods so this will do, I suppose. """ app.loop.stop() run("clear", shell=True) app.loop.start() def main(): global app app = App() run("clear", shell=True) motherfucking_rainbows(obnoxious_logo) print(welcome) try: log_in() app.index() app.loop.run() except (InterruptedError, KeyboardInterrupt): frilly_exit() if __name__ == "__main__": main()