from time import time, sleep, localtime from random import choice, randrange from string import punctuation from subprocess import run from network import BBJ import urwid network = BBJ(host="", port=8080) obnoxious_logo = """ OwO 8 888888888o 8 888888888o 8 8888 1337 % 8 8888 `88. 8 8888 `88. ! 8 8888 >><> !! 8 8888 `88 8 8888 `88 * 8 8888 $ 8 8888 ,88 8 8888 ,88 8 8888 <><><><> <3 8 8888. ,88' 8 8888. ,88' ! 8 8888 ^ >| ^ 8 8888888888 8 8888888888 8 8888 ----|| ( 8 8888 `88. 8 8888 `88. 88. 8 8888 | 8 8888 88 8 8888 88 `88. | 8 888' !??! g ? 8 8888. ,88' 8 8888. ,88' `88o. .8 88' ----_ 8 888888888P 8 888888888P `Y888888 ' | """ welcome = """ >>> Welcome to Bulletin Butter & Jelly! ---------------------------------------@ | BBJ is a persistent, chronologically ordered discussion board for| | You may log in, register as a new user, or participate anonymously. | | \033[1;31mTo go anon, just press enter. Otherwise, give me a name (registered or not)\033[0m | @______________________________________________________________________________@ """ colors = [ "\033[1;31m", "\033[1;33m", "\033[1;33m", "\033[1;32m", "\033[1;34m", "\033[1;35m" ] class App: def __init__(self): self.mode = None colors = [ ("bar", "light magenta", "default"), ("button", "light red", "default"), ("dim", "dark gray", "default"), # map the bbj api color values for display ("0", "default", "default"), ("1", "light red", "default"), ("2", "yellow", "default"), ("3", "light green", "default"), ("4", "light blue", "default"), ("5", "light cyan", "default"), ("6", "light magenta", "default") ] self.loop = urwid.MainLoop(urwid.Frame( urwid.LineBox(ActionBox(urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([])), title="> > T I L D E T O W N < <", tlcorner="@", tline="=", lline="|", rline="|", bline="_", trcorner="@", brcorner="@", blcorner="@" )), colors) self.date_format = "{1}/{2}/{0}" self.index() def set_header(self, text, *format_specs): self.loop.widget.header = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text( ("%s@bbj | " % (network.user_name or "anonymous")) + text.format(*format_specs) ), "bar") def set_footer(self, *controls): text = str() for control in controls: text += "[{}]{} ".format(control[0], control[1:]) self.loop.widget.footer = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(text), "bar") def readable_delta(self, modified): delta = time() - modified hours, remainder = divmod(delta, 3600) if hours > 48: return self.date_format.format(*localtime(modified)) elif hours > 1: return "%d hours ago" % hours elif hours == 1: return "about an hour ago" minutes, remainder = divmod(remainder, 60) if minutes > 1: return "%d minutes ago" return "less than a minute ago" def index(self): self.mode = "index" threads, usermap = network.thread_index() self.set_header("{} threads", len(threads)) self.set_footer("Refresh", "Compose", "/Search", "?Help") walker = self.loop.widget.body.base_widget.body walker.clear() for thread in threads: button = cute_button(">>", self.thread_load, thread["thread_id"]) title = urwid.Text(thread["title"]) last_mod = thread["last_mod"] created = thread["created"] infoline = "by ~{} @ {} | last active {}".format( usermap[thread["author"]]["user_name"], self.date_format.format(*localtime(created)), self.readable_delta(last_mod) ) [walker.append(element) for element in [ urwid.Columns([(3, urwid.AttrMap(button, "button")), title]), urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(infoline), "dim"), urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Divider("-"), "dim") ]] def thread_load(self, button, thread_id): self.mode = "thread" thread, usermap = network.thread_load(thread_id) walker = self.loop.widget.body.base_widget.body walker.clear() self.set_header("~{}: {}", usermap[thread["author"]]["user_name"], thread["title"]) for message in thread["messages"]: name = urwid.Text("~{}".format(usermap[message["author"]]["user_name"])) info = "@ " + self.date_format.format(*localtime(message["created"])) if message["edited"]: info += " [edited]" head = urwid.Columns([ (3, urwid.AttrMap(cute_button(">>"), "button")), (len(name._text) + 1, urwid.AttrMap(name, str(usermap[message["author"]]["color"]))), urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(info), "dim") ]) [walker.append(element) for element in [ head, urwid.Divider(), urwid.Text(message["body"]), urwid.Divider(), urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Divider("-"), "dim") ]] class ActionBox(urwid.ListBox): def keypress(self, size, key): super(ActionBox, self).keypress(size, key) if key.lower() in ["j", "n"]: self._keypress_down(size) elif key.lower() in ["k", "p"]: self._keypress_up(size) elif key.lower() == "q": if app.mode == "index": app.loop.stop() # run("clear", shell=True) width, height = urwid.raw_display.Screen().get_cols_rows() for x in range(height - 1): line = str() for x in range(width): line += choice([" ", choice(punctuation)]) motherfucking_rainbows(line) sleep(0.008) exit() else: app.index() def cute_button(label, callback=None, data=None): """ Urwid's default buttons are shit, and they have ugly borders. This function returns buttons that are a bit easier to love. """ button = urwid.Button("", callback, data) super(urwid.Button, button).__init__( urwid.SelectableIcon(label)) return button def motherfucking_rainbows(string, inputmode=False, end="\n"): """ I cANtT FeELLE MyYE FACECsEE ANYrrMOROeeee """ for character in string: print(choice(colors) + character, end="") print('\033[0m', end="") if inputmode: return input("") return print(end, end="") def paren_prompt(text, positive=True, choices=[]): """ input(), but riced the fuck out. Changes color depending on the value of positive (blue/green for good stuff, red/yellow for bad stuff like invalid input), and has a multiple choice system capable of rejecting unavailable choices and highlighting their first characters. """ end = text[-1] if end != "?" and end in punctuation: text = text[0:-1] mood = ("\033[1;36m", "\033[1;32m") if positive \ else ("\033[1;31m", "\033[1;33m") if choices: prompt = "%s{" % mood[0] for choice in choices: prompt += "{0}[{1}{0}]{2}{3} ".format( "\033[1;35m", choice[0], mood[1], choice[1:]) formatted_choices = prompt[:-1] + ("%s}" % mood[0]) else: formatted_choices = "" try: response = input("{0}({1}{2}{0}){3}> \033[0m".format( *mood, text, formatted_choices)) if not choices: return response elif response == "": response = " " char = response.lower()[0] if char in [c[0] for c in choices]: return char return paren_prompt("Invalid choice", False, choices) except EOFError: print("") return "" except KeyboardInterrupt: exit("\nNevermind then!") def sane_value(key, prompt, positive=True, return_empty=False): response = paren_prompt(prompt, positive) if return_empty and response == "": return response try: network.validate(key, response) except AssertionError as e: return sane_value(key, e.description, False) return response def log_in(): """ Handles login or registration using the oldschool input() method. The user is run through this before starting the curses app. """ name = sane_value("user_name", "Username", return_empty=True) if name == "": motherfucking_rainbows("~~W3 4R3 4n0nYm0u5~~") else: # ConnectionRefusedError means registered but needs a # password, ValueError means we need to register the user. try: network.set_credentials(name, "") # make it easy for people who use an empty password =) motherfucking_rainbows("~~welcome back {}~~".format(network.user_name)) except ConnectionRefusedError: def login_loop(prompt, positive): try: password = paren_prompt(prompt, positive) network.set_credentials(name, password) except ConnectionRefusedError: login_loop("// R E J E C T E D //.", False) login_loop("Enter your password", True) motherfucking_rainbows("~~welcome back {}~~".format(network.user_name)) except ValueError: motherfucking_rainbows("Nice to meet'cha, %s!" % name) response = paren_prompt( "Register as %s?" % name, choices=["yes!", "change name"] ) if response == "c": def nameloop(prompt, positive): name = sane_value("user_name", prompt, positive) if network.user_is_registered(name): return nameloop("%s is already registered" % name, False) return name name = nameloop("Pick a new name", True) def password_loop(prompt, positive=True): response1 = paren_prompt(prompt, positive) if response1 == "": confprompt = "Confirm empty password" else: confprompt = "Confirm it" response2 = paren_prompt(confprompt) if response1 != response2: return password_loop("Those didnt match. Try again", False) return response1 password = password_loop("Enter a password. It can be empty if you want") network.user_register(name, password) motherfucking_rainbows("~~welcome to the party, %s!~~" % network.user_name) def main(): run("clear", shell=True) motherfucking_rainbows(obnoxious_logo) print(welcome) log_in() sleep(0.6) # let that confirmation message shine if __name__ == "__main__": global app main() app = App()