#!/usr/bin/python ''' util.py: frequently used terminal and text processing utilities copyright (c) 2016 ~endorphant (endorphant@tilde.town) GNU GPL BOILERPLATE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import inflect import time import random import colorama ## misc globals BACKS = ['back', 'b', 'q'] ## color stuff colorama.init() textcolors = [ colorama.Fore.RED, colorama.Fore.GREEN, colorama.Fore.YELLOW, colorama.Fore.BLUE, colorama.Fore.MAGENTA, colorama.Fore.WHITE, colorama.Fore.CYAN] lastcolor = colorama.Fore.RESET p = inflect.engine() def set_rainbow(): ''' prints a random terminal color code ''' global lastcolor color = lastcolor while color == lastcolor: color = random.choice(textcolors) lastcolor = color print(color) def reset_color(): ''' prints terminal color code reset ''' print(colorama.Fore.RESET) def attach_rainbow(): ''' returns a random terminal color code, presumably to be 'attached' to a string ''' global lastcolor color = lastcolor while color == lastcolor: color = random.choice(textcolors) lastcolor = color return color def attach_reset(): ''' returns terminal color code reset, presumably to be 'attached' to a string ''' return colorama.Style.RESET_ALL def hilight(text): ''' takes a string and highlights it on return ''' return colorama.Style.BRIGHT+text+colorama.Style.NORMAL def pretty_time(time): ''' human-friendly time formatter takes an integer number of seconds and returns a phrase that describes it, using the largest possible figure, rounded down (ie, time=604 returns '10 minutes', not '10 minutes, 4 seconds' or '604 seconds') ''' m, s = divmod(time, 60) if m > 0: h, m = divmod(m, 60) if h > 0: d, h = divmod(h, 24) if d > 0: w, d = divmod(d, 7) if w > 0: mo, w = divmod(w, 4) if mo > 0: return p.no("month", mo) else: return p.no("week", w) else: return p.no("day", d) else: return p.no("hour", h) else: return p.no("minute", m) else: return p.no("second", s) def genID(digits=5): ''' returns a string-friendly string of digits, which can start with 0 ''' id = "" x = 0 while x < digits: id += str(random.randint(0,9)) x += 1 return id def print_menu(menu, rainbow=False): ''' A pretty menu handler that takes an incoming lists of options and prints them nicely. Set rainbow=True for colorized menus. ''' i = 0 for x in menu: line = [] if rainbow: line.append(attach_rainbow()) line.append("\t[ ") if i < 10: line.append(" ") line.append(str(i)+" ] "+x) line.append(attach_reset()) print("".join(line)) i += 1 def list_select(options, prompt): ''' Given a list and query prompt, returns either False as an eject flag, or an integer index of the list Catches cancel option from list defined by BACKS; otherwise, retries on ValueError or IndexError. ''' ans = "" invalid = True choice = raw_input("\n\n"+prompt) if choice in BACKS: return False try: ans = int(choice) except ValueError: return list_select(options, prompt) try: options[ans] except IndexError: return list_select(options, prompt) return ans def input_yn(query): ''' Given a query, returns boolean True or False by processing y/n input ''' try: ans = raw_input(query+" [y/n] ") except KeyboardInterrupt: input_yn(query) while ans not in ["y", "n"]: ans = raw_input("'y' or 'n' please: ") if ans == "y": return True else: return False