#!/usr/bin/python import os import random import tempfile import subprocess import time #import core import chatter SOURCE = os.path.join("/home", "endorphant", "projects", "ttbp", "bin") USER = os.path.basename(os.path.expanduser("~")) PATH = os.path.join("/home", USER, ".ttbp") LIVE = "http://tilde.town/~" WWW = os.path.join(PATH, "www") CONFIG = os.path.join(PATH, "config") DATA = os.path.join(PATH, "entries") FEEDBACK = os.path.join("/home", "endorphant", "ttbp-mail") BANNER = open(os.path.join(SOURCE, "config", "banner.txt")).read() #CLOSER = "\n\tsee you later, space cowboy..." SPACER = "\n\n\n" INVALID = "please pick a number from the list of options!\n\n" DUST = "sorry about the dust, but this part is still under construction. check back later!\n\n" ## def redraw(leftover=""): os.system("clear") print(BANNER) print(SPACER) if leftover: print("> "+leftover+"\n") def start(): redraw() #print(chatter.say("greet")+", "+chatter.say("friend")) #print("(remember, you can always press ctrl-c to come home)\n") print("if you don't want to be here at any point, press ctrl-d and it'll all go away.\njust keep in mind that you might lose anything you've started here.\n") print(check_init()) try: redraw() print(main_menu()) except ValueError or SyntaxError: redraw("\n\noh no i didn't understand that") print(main_menu()) except KeyboardInterrupt: redraw("\n\neject button fired") print(main_menu()) def stop(): return "\n\t"+chatter.say("bye") def check_init(): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".ttbp")): raw_input("welcome back, "+USER+".\n\npress enter to explore your feelings.\n\n") return "" else: return init() def init(): raw_input("i don't recognize you, stranger. let's make friends someday.\n\npress enter to explore some options.\n\n") return "" ## menus def print_menu(menu): i = 0 for x in menu: line = [] line.append("\t[ ") if i < 10: line.append(" ") line.append(str(i)+" ] "+x) print("".join(line)) i += 1 def main_menu(): #os.system("clear") #print(BANNER) #redraw() menuOptions = ["record feelings", "check out neighbors","send feedback"] #print(SPACER) print("you're at ttbp home now. remember, you can always press ctrl-c to come back here.\n\n") print_menu(menuOptions) #print("how are you feeling today? ") choice = raw_input("\ntell me about your feels (enter 'none' to quit): ") if choice == '0': redraw(DUST) elif choice == '1': redraw(DUST) elif choice == '2': redraw() feedback_menu() elif choice == "none": return stop() else: redraw(INVALID) return main_menu() def feedback_menu(): print("you're about to send mail to ~endorphant about ttbp\n\n") menuOptions = ["bug report", "feature suggestion", "general comment"] print_menu(menuOptions) choice = raw_input("\npick a category for your feedback: ") cat = "" if choice in ['0', '1', '2']: cat = menuOptions[int(choice)] raw_input("\ncomposing a "+cat+" to ~endorphant.\n\npress enter to open an external text editor. mail will be sent once you save and quit.\n") redraw(send_feedback(cat)) return else: redraw(INVALID) return feedback_menu() ## handlers def write_entry(entry=os.path.join(DATA, "test.txt")): subprocess.call(["vim", entry]) return "wrote to "+entry def send_feedback(subject="none", mailbox=os.path.join(FEEDBACK, USER+"-"+str(int(time.time()))+".msg")): mail = "" temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() subprocess.call(['vim', temp.name]) mail = open(temp.name, 'r').read() outfile = open(mailbox, 'w') outfile.write("from:\t\t~"+USER+"\n") outfile.write("subject:\t"+subject+"\n\n") outfile.write(mail) outfile.close() return "mail sent. thanks for writing! i'll try to respond to you soon." ##### start()