#!/usr/bin/python import os import random import tempfile import subprocess import time import json from email.mime.text import MIMEText; import core import chatter import inflect import util ## system globals SOURCE = os.path.join("/home", "endorphant", "projects", "ttbp", "bin") LIVE = "http://tilde.town/~" FEEDBACK = os.path.join("/home", "endorphant", "ttbp-mail") FEEDBOX = "endorphant@tilde.town" USERFILE = os.path.join("/home", "endorphant", "projects", "ttbp", "users.txt") p = inflect.engine() ## user globals USER = os.path.basename(os.path.expanduser("~")) PATH = os.path.join("/home", USER, ".ttbp") PUBLIC = os.path.join("/home", USER, "public_html") WWW = os.path.join(PATH, "www") CONFIG = os.path.join(PATH, "config") TTBPRC = os.path.join(CONFIG, "ttbprc") DATA = os.path.join(PATH, "entries") SETTINGS = { "editor": "none", "publish dir": False } ## ui globals BANNER = util.attach_rainbow()+open(os.path.join(SOURCE, "config", "banner.txt")).read()+util.attach_reset() SPACER = "\n\n\n" INVALID = "please pick a number from the list of options!\n\n" DUST = "sorry about the dust, but this part is still under construction. check back later!\n\n" QUITS = ['exit', 'quit', 'q', 'x'] BACKS = ['back', 'b', 'q'] EJECT = "eject button fired! going home now." ## ref EDITORS = ["vim", "vi", "emacs", "pico", "nano"] SUBJECTS = ["help request", "bug report", "feature suggestion", "general comment"] ## def redraw(leftover=""): os.system("clear") print(BANNER) print("DEV NOTE: want to see more color? try ~endorphant/bin/ttbp-beta and let me know what you think!") print(SPACER) if leftover: print("> "+leftover+"\n") def start(): redraw() #print(chatter.say("greet")+", "+chatter.say("friend")) #print("(remember, you can always press ctrl-c to come home)\n") print(""" if you don't want to be here at any point, press and it'll all go away. just keep in mind that you might lose anything you've started here.\ """) try: print(check_init()) except EOFError: print(stop()) return redraw() while 1: try: print(main_menu()) except EOFError: print(stop()) break except KeyboardInterrupt: redraw(EJECT) else: break def stop(): return "\n\n\t"+chatter.say("bye")+"\n\n" def check_init(): global SETTINGS print("\n\n") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".ttbp")): print(chatter.say("greet")+", "+USER+".") while not os.path.isfile(TTBPRC): setup_handler() try: SETTINGS = json.load(open(TTBPRC)) except ValueError: setup_handler() raw_input("\n\npress to explore your feels.\n\n") core.load() return "" else: return init() def init(): try: raw_input(""" i don't recognize you, stranger. let's make friends. press to begin, or to get out of here. """) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n\nthanks for checking in! i'll always be here.\n\n") quit() users = open(USERFILE, 'a') users.write(USER+"\n") users.close() subprocess.call(["mkdir", PATH]) subprocess.call(["mkdir", CONFIG]) subprocess.call(["mkdir", DATA]) header = gen_header() headerfile = open(os.path.join(CONFIG, "header.txt"), 'w') for line in header: headerfile.write(line) headerfile.close() subprocess.call(["cp", os.path.join(SOURCE, "config", "defaults", "footer.txt"), CONFIG]) setup() subprocess.call(["cp", os.path.join(SOURCE, "config", "defaults", "style.css"), WWW]) core.load() raw_input("\nyou're all good to go, "+chatter.say("friend")+"! hit to continue.\n\n") return "" def gen_header(): #header = [] #header.append("") #header.append("\n") #header.append("\n\t") #header.append("\n\t\t~"+USER+" on TTBP") #header.append("\n\t\t") #header.append("\n\t") #header.append("\n\t") #header.append("\n\t\t
") #header.append("\n\t\t\t


") #header.append("\n\t\t
\n") #header.append("\n\t\t\n\n\n\n") #header.append("\n\t\t\n") #header.append("\n\t\t
\n") header =""" ~"""+USER+""" on TTBP
\ """ return header def setup_handler(): print("\nyour ttbp configuration doesn't look right. let's make you a fresh copy.\n\n") try: setup() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n\nsorry, trying again.\n\n") setup() def setup(): global SETTINGS # editor selection print_menu(EDITORS) choice = raw_input("\npick your favorite text editor: ") while choice not in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']: choice = raw_input("\nplease pick a number from the list: ") SETTINGS["editor"] = EDITORS[int(choice)] redraw("text editor set to: "+SETTINGS["editor"]) # publish directory selection if SETTINGS["publish dir"]: print("\tcurrent publish dir:\t"+os.path.join(PUBLIC, SETTINGS["publish dir"])+"\n\n") choice = raw_input("\nwhere do you want your blog published? (leave blank to use default \"blog\") ") if not choice: choice = "blog" publishing = os.path.join(PUBLIC, choice) while os.path.exists(publishing): second = raw_input("\n"+publishing+" already exists!\nif you're sure you want to use it, hit to confirm. otherwise, pick another location: ") if second == "": break choice = second publishing = os.path.join(PUBLIC, choice) SETTINGS["publish dir"] = choice # set up publish directory if not os.path.exists(publishing): subprocess.call(["mkdir", publishing]) subprocess.call(["touch", os.path.join(publishing, "index.html")]) index = open(os.path.join(publishing, "index.html"), "w") index.write("

ttbp blog placeholder

") index.close() if os.path.exists(WWW): subprocess.call(["rm", WWW]) subprocess.call(["ln", "-s", publishing, WWW]) print("\n\tpublishing to "+LIVE+USER+"/"+SETTINGS["publish dir"]+"/\n\n") # save settings ttbprc = open(TTBPRC, "w") ttbprc.write(json.dumps(SETTINGS, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',',':'))) ttbprc.close() return SETTINGS ## menus def print_menu(menu): i = 0 for x in menu: line = [] line.append("\t[ ") if i < 10: line.append(" ") line.append(str(i)+" ] "+x) print("".join(line)) i += 1 def main_menu(): menuOptions = [ "record your feels", "review your feels", "check out your neighbors", "browse global feels", "change your settings", "send some feedback", "see credits"] print("you're at ttbp home. remember, you can always press to come back here.\n\n") #print("you're at ttbp home.\n\n") print_menu(menuOptions) try: choice = raw_input("\ntell me about your feels (or 'quit' to exit): ") except KeyboardInterrupt: redraw(EJECT) return main_menu() if choice == '0': redraw() today = time.strftime("%Y%m%d") write_entry(os.path.join(DATA, today+".txt")) www_neighbors(find_ttbps()) elif choice == '1': redraw("here are your recorded feels, listed by date:\n\n") view_own() elif choice == '2': users = find_ttbps() redraw("the following "+p.no("user", len(users))+" "+p.plural("is", len(users))+" recording feels on ttbp:\n\n") view_neighbors(users) elif choice == '3': redraw("now viewing most recent entries\n\n") view_feed() elif choice == '4': pretty_settings = "\n\ttext editor:\t" +SETTINGS["editor"] pretty_settings += "\n\tpublish dir:\t" +os.path.join(PUBLIC, SETTINGS["publish dir"]) redraw("now changing your settings. press if you didn't mean to do this.\n\ncurrent settings "+pretty_settings+"\n") try: setup() except KeyboardInterrupt(): redraw(EJECT) raw_input("\nyou're all good to go, "+chatter.say("friend")+"! hit to continue.\n\n") redraw() elif choice == '5': redraw() feedback_menu() elif choice == '6': redraw() show_credits() elif choice in QUITS: return stop() else: redraw(INVALID) return main_menu() ### def feedback_menu(): print("you're about to send mail to ~endorphant about ttbp\n\n") print_menu(SUBJECTS) choice = raw_input("\npick a category for your feedback: ") cat = "" if choice in ['0', '1', '2', '3']: cat = SUBJECTS[int(choice)] entered = raw_input(""" composing a """+cat+""" to ~endorphant. press to open an external text editor. mail will be sent once you save and quit. """) redraw(send_feedback(entered, cat)) return else: redraw(INVALID) return feedback_menu() def view_neighbors(users): userList = [] for user in users: userRC = json.load(open(os.path.join("/home", user, ".ttbp", "config", "ttbprc"))) url = LIVE+user+"/"+userRC["publish dir"] count = 0 lastfile = "" files = os.listdir(os.path.join("/home", user, ".ttbp", "entries")) files.sort() for filename in files: if core.valid(filename): count += 1 lastfile = os.path.join("/home", user, ".ttbp", "entries", filename) ago = "never" if lastfile: last = os.path.getctime(lastfile) since = time.time()-last ago = util.pretty_time(int(since)) + " ago" else: last = 0 pad = "" if len(user) < 8: pad = "\t" user = "~"+user if len(user) < 8: user += "\t" userList.append(["\t"+user+"\t"+url+pad+"\t("+ago+")", last]) # sort user by most recent entry userList.sort(key = lambda userdata:userdata[1]) userList.reverse() sortedUsers = [] for user in userList: sortedUsers.append(user[0]) print_menu(sortedUsers) raw_input("\n\npress to go back home.\n\n") redraw() return def view_own(): filenames = [] for entry in os.listdir(DATA): filenames.append(os.path.join(DATA, entry)) metas = core.meta(filenames) entries = [] for entry in metas: entries.append(""+entry[4]+" ("+p.no("word", entry[2])+") ") return view_entries(metas, entries, "here are your recorded feels, listed by date: \n\n") def show_credits(): print(""" ttbp was written by ~endorphant in python. the codebase is publicly available on github at https://github.com/modgethanc/ttbp if you have ideas for ttbp, you are welcome to fork the repo and work on it. i'm only a neophyte dev, so i apologize for any horrendously ugly coding habits i have. i'd love to hear about your ideas and brainstorm about new features! thanks to everyone who reads, listens, writes, and feels.\ """) raw_input("\n\npress to go back home.\n\n") redraw() return ## handlers def write_entry(entry=os.path.join(DATA, "test.txt")): entered = raw_input(""" """+util.hilight("new feature!")+""" you can now use standard markdown in your entry text! raw html is still valid, and you can mix them together. feels will be recorded for today, """+time.strftime("%d %B %Y")+""". if you've already started recording feels for this day, you can pick up where you left off. press to begin recording your feels. """) if entered: entryFile = open(entry, "a") entryFile.write("\n"+entered+"\n") entryFile.close() subprocess.call([SETTINGS["editor"], entry]) core.load_files() core.write("index.html") redraw("posted to "+LIVE+USER+"/"+SETTINGS["publish dir"]+"/index.html\n\nthanks for sharing your feels!") return def send_feedback(entered, subject="none", mailbox=os.path.join(FEEDBACK, USER+"-"+time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M")+".msg")): message = "" temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() if entered: msgFile = open(temp.name, "a") msgFile.write(entered+"\n") msgFile.close() subprocess.call([SETTINGS["editor"], temp.name]) message = open(temp.name, 'r').read() id = "#"+util.genID(3) mail = MIMEText(message) mail['To'] = FEEDBOX mail['From'] = USER+"@tilde.town" mail['Subject'] = " ".join(["[ttbp]", subject, id]) m = os.popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -oi", 'w') m.write(mail.as_string()) m.close() return """\ thanks for writing! for your reference, it's been recorded > as """+ " ".join([subject, id])+""". i'll try to respond to you soon.\ """ def view_entries(metas, entries, prompt): print_menu(entries) choice = list_select(entries, "pick an entry from the list, or type 'back' to go home: ") if choice is not False: redraw("now reading ~"+metas[choice][5]+"'s feels on "+metas[choice][4]+"\n> press to return to feels list.\n\n") show_entry(metas[choice][0]) redraw(prompt) return view_entries(metas, entries, prompt) else: redraw() return def show_entry(filename): subprocess.call(["less", filename]) return def view_feed(): feedList = [] for townie in find_ttbps(): entryDir = os.path.join("/home", townie, ".ttbp", "entries") filenames = os.listdir(entryDir) for entry in filenames: if core.valid(entry): feedList.append(os.path.join(entryDir, entry)) metas = core.meta(feedList) metas.sort(key = lambda entry:entry[3]) metas.reverse() entries = [] for entry in metas[0:10]: pad = "" if len(entry[5]) < 8: pad = "\t" entries.append("~"+entry[5]+pad+"\ton "+entry[3]+" ("+p.no("word", entry[2])+") ") #print_menu(entries) view_entries(metas, entries, "most recent ten entries: \n\n") redraw() return ##### def find_ttbps(): # looks for users with a valid ttbp config and returns a list of them users = [] for townie in os.listdir("/home"): if os.path.exists(os.path.join("/home", townie, ".ttbp", "config", "ttbprc")): users.append(townie) return users def www_neighbors(users): # takes a raw list of valid users and formats for www view userList = [] for user in users: userRC = json.load(open(os.path.join("/home", user, ".ttbp", "config", "ttbprc"))) url = LIVE+user+"/"+userRC["publish dir"] lastfile = "" files = os.listdir(os.path.join("/home", user, ".ttbp", "entries")) files.sort() for filename in files: if core.valid(filename): lastfile = os.path.join("/home", user, ".ttbp", "entries", filename) ago = "never" if lastfile: last = os.path.getctime(lastfile) since = time.time()-last ago = util.pretty_time(int(since)) + " ago" else: last = 0 userList.append(["~"+user+" ("+ago+")", last]) # sort user by most recent entry userList.sort(key = lambda userdata:userdata[1]) userList.reverse() sortedUsers = [] for user in userList: sortedUsers.append(user[0]) core.write_global_feed(sortedUsers) def list_select(options, prompt): # runs the prompt for the list until a valid index is imputted ans = "" invalid = True while invalid: choice = raw_input("\n\n"+prompt) if choice in BACKS: return False try: ans = int(choice) except ValueError: return list_select(options, prompt) invalid = False if ans >= len(options): return list_select(options, prompt) return ans ##### start()