local util = {} function util.split_str(str, sep) local tbl = {} local n = 0 if sep == nil then sep = "%S+" end for sub in string.gmatch(str, sep) do n = n + 1 tbl[n] = sub end return tbl end function util.split_lines(str) local tbl = {} local si = 1 for i = 1, #str do if string.find(string.sub(str, i, i), "\n") ~= nil then tbl[#tbl + 1] = string.sub(str, si, i - 1) si = i + 1 end end return tbl end function util.extract_str(full_str, find_str, end_str) local fi1, fi2 = string.find(full_str, find_str, 1) local ei1, ei2 = string.find(full_str, end_str, fi2) return string.sub(full_str, fi2 + 1, ei1 - 1) end function util.to_bool(str) local bool = { ["true"] = true, ["false"] = false } return bool(str) end function util.table_keys(tbl) local keys = {} local n = 0 for k, v in pairs(tbl) do n = n + 1 keys[n] = k end return keys end function util.has_key(tbl, str) local keys = util.table_keys(tbl) for k = 1, #keys do if str == keys[k] then do return true end end end return false end function util.replace_vars(str, vars, vals) local text = str for k, v in pairs(vars) do text = string.gsub(text, v, vals[k]) end return text end function util.replace_feed_entities(str, mode) -- Pre-processing before replacing feed variables -- "%" is a special character for string.gsub() and similar functions, and -- will cause an error if not escaped. local ents = { percent = { "%%", "%" }, } -- Used post-processing of feed variables, remove empty log metadata tags if mode == "post" then ents = { percent = { "%", "%%" }, author = { " \n \n \n", "" }, subtitle = { "\n", "" }, title = { "\n", "" }, } end local text = str for e, c in pairs(ents) do text = string.gsub(text, c[1], c[2]) end return text end function util.make_dir(dir) os.execute("test -d " .. dir .. " || mkdir -p " .. dir) end function util.ls_grep(dir, str) local ls_cmd = io.popen("ls " .. dir .. " | grep " .. str) return ls_cmd:read("*a") end function util.get_shell_var(str) local var = os.getenv(str) if var == "" then return nil else return var end end function util.replace_shell_vars(str) -- Replace common shell variable paths if string.find(str, "%$") ~= nil then local shell_vars = { "HOME", "USER" } for v = 1, #shell_vars do str = string.gsub(str, "$" .. shell_vars[v], util.get_shell_var(shell_vars[v])) end end return str end function util.extract_file_date(dir, file) -- Atom feed date format: 2022-01-15T00:00:00+00:00 local ls_cmd = io.popen("ls -l --time-style=\"+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z\" " .. dir .. " | grep " .. file .. " | awk '{print $6}'") return ls_cmd:read("*a") end function util.module_exists(mod) local check, err = pcall(require, mod) if check then do return true end else return false end end function util.read_file(file) local fh = io.open(file, "r") local text = "" if fh ~= nil then text = fh:read("*a") fh:close() end return text end function util.write_file(file, str) local fh = io.open(file, "w") fh:write(str) fh:close() end return util