-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Itte Util -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ -- A collection of helper functions used by Itte. --]] local itteutil = {} itteutil.docs = {} itteutil.docs.get_docs = [===[ (docstring_table [, func_str [, printd_bool]]) Given a table of docstrings and a function name, return the description for the function name. If `name` is unspecified, return descriptions for all functions. If `printd` is unspecified, print to stdout, or if set to false, return results as a string. ]===] function itteutil.get_docs(docstr, name, printd) local docs = "" if name ~= nil then -- 2nd-level nested objects, e.g. x.y.func() if itteutil.is_substr(name, "%.") then local sep, _ = string.find(name, "%.") local dk = name:sub(1, sep - 1) local nk = name:sub(sep + 1) docs = "\n" .. name .. " " .. string.gsub(docstr[dk][nk]:sub(3), " ", "") .. "\n" else docs = "\n" .. name .. " " .. string.gsub(docstr[name]:sub(3), " ", "") .. "\n" end else -- Sort on-site since associative arrays have no fixed order local dk = itteutil.table_keys(docstr) docs = "\n" for c = 1, #dk do -- 2nd-level nested objects, e.g. x.y.func() if type(docstr[dk[c]]) == "table" then local n_dk = itteutil.table_keys(docstr[dk[c]]) for nc = 1, #n_dk do docs = docs .. dk[c] .. "." .. n_dk[nc] .. " " .. string.gsub(docstr[dk[c]][n_dk[nc]]:sub(3), " ", "") .. "\n" end else docs = docs .. dk[c] .. " " .. string.gsub(docstr[dk[c]]:sub(3), " ", "") .. "\n" end end end if printd == false then return docs else print(docs) end end itteutil.docs.help = [[ ([func_str]) Given a function name, print a corresponding description. ]] function itteutil.help(name) itteutil.get_docs(itteutil.docs, name) end itteutil.docs.is_substr = [[ (str, find_str) Check if a string is a substring of another string. Return true if it is a substring, or false otherwise. ]] function itteutil.is_substr(str, search) if (string.find(str, search) ~= nil) then return true else return false end end itteutil.docs.first_upper = [[ (str) Return a string with the first character in uppercase. ]] function itteutil.first_upper(str) return str:sub(1, 1):upper() .. str:sub(2) end itteutil.docs.first_lower = [[ (str) Return a string with the first character in lowercase. ]] function itteutil.first_lower(str) return str:sub(1, 1):lower() .. str:sub(2) end itteutil.docs.split_str = [[ (str, [, pattern_str]) Split a string on a pattern separator and return a table of string values, e.g. split_str("Hello world", "%S+"). If no pattern is specified, split string on the space character. ]] function itteutil.split_str(str, sep) local tbl = {} local n = 0 -- Other patterns: https://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html if sep == nil then sep = "%S+" end for sub in string.gmatch(str, sep) do n = n + 1 tbl[n] = sub end return tbl end itteutil.docs.a_or_an = [[ (str) Return the corresponding indefinite article for a word. Does *not* apply to acronyms, e.g. FTP. ]] function itteutil.a_or_an(str) local article = "a" if itteutil.is_substr("a e i o u", str:sub(1, 1)) or itteutil.is_substr("ho", str:sub(1, 2)) then article = "an" end if (str == "one") or (itteutil.is_substr("eu", str:sub(1, 2))) or (itteutil.is_substr("uni usa use usi usu", str:sub(1, 3))) then article = "a" end return article end itteutil.docs.table_keys = [[ (table) Return a sorted table of keys for an associative table. ]] function itteutil.table_keys(tbl) local keys = {} local n = 0 for k, v in pairs(tbl) do n = n + 1 keys[n] = k end table.sort(keys) return keys end itteutil.docs.has_key = [[ (table, find_str) Given a table and string, check whether the string is a key in the table. Return true if found, or false otherwise. ]] function itteutil.has_key(tbl, str) local keys = itteutil.table_keys(tbl) -- Primitive check for array-like table with numerical keys if (keys[1] == 1) and (keys[#keys] == #keys) then for k = 1, #keys do if str == tbl[k] then do return true end end end -- Associative table else for k = 1, #keys do if str == keys[k] then do return true end end end end return false end itteutil.docs.find_key = [[ (table, find_str) Given a table and string, check whether the string is a key in the table. Return the key if found, or nil otherwise. ]] function itteutil.find_key(tbl, str) local keys = itteutil.table_keys(tbl) -- Primitive check for array-like table with numerical keys if (keys[1] == 1) and (keys[#keys] == #keys) then for k = 1, #keys do if str == tbl[k] then do return k end end end -- Associative table else for k = 1, #keys do if str == keys[k] then do return k end end end end return nil end itteutil.docs.is_entry = [[ (table, key_str, val_str) Given an associative table, a key and value pair as strings, check whether the pair is in the table. Return true if it exists in the table, or false otherwise. ]] function itteutil.is_entry(tbl, key, val) for k, v in pairs(tbl) do if (key == k) and (val == v) then do return true end end end return false end itteutil.docs.pick = [===[ (table [, num_int [, unique_bool ]]) Pseudo-randomly pick entries from a non-associative table and return the entries in a table. If `num` is unspecified, it will return one entry. If `unique` is unspecified, it will return non-recurring values. ]===] function itteutil.pick(tbl, num, unique) local picks = {} if num == nil then num = 1 end if unique == nil then unique = true end picks[1] = tbl[math.random(1, #tbl)] if (num > 1) and (num <= #tbl) then for n = 2, num do local p = tbl[math.random(1, #tbl)] -- Check for duplicate if unique then local c = 1 -- Avoid endless loop if all values in the table are identical while (itteutil.has_key(picks, p)) and (c <= #tbl) do p = tbl[math.random(1, #tbl)] c = c + 1 end end picks[n] = p end end return picks end itteutil.docs.sleep = [[ (seconds_int) Set a delay in seconds. ]] function itteutil.sleep(s) local timer = os.clock() while (os.clock() - timer < s) do end end itteutil.docs.debug = [[ (tag_str, debug_str [, enabled_bool]) Format and print debug output if `enabled` is true. ]] function itteutil.debug(tag, str, enabled) if enabled then print("[" .. tag .. "] " .. str) end end itteutil.docs.source_file = [[ (filename_str) Load a source file. ]] function itteutil.source_file(str) local func, err = loadfile(str) if func then return func() else itteutil.debug("source_file", "Error: " .. err, true) do return end end end itteutil.docs.read_file = [[ (filename_str) Open a file and return the contents as a string. ]] function itteutil.read_file(str) local file = io.open(str) if io.type(file) == "file" then local contents = file:read("*a") file:close() return contents else itteutil.debug("read_file", "Error: cannot read file.", true) end end return itteutil