# itte Mini IRC bot module in Lua. Currently supported: - Authentication via SASL (plain) or Nickserv - Joining multiple servers - Config reload ## Requirements - [Lua 5.x](https://www.lua.org/) - [luasocket](https://w3.impa.br/~diego/software/luasocket/) - [luasec](https://github.com/brunoos/luasec) ## Usage See the bot files in the `examples/` directory for usage notes. ## Example: ramenkan - Install Lua and other dependencies, e.g. for Alpine: `apk add lua-socket lua-sec` - Copy the `itte*.lua` files to the `examples/` directory. Copy the `examples/sample.servers.lua` as `ramenkan.servers.lua` and change the server settings as applicable. - Run: `nohup lua /path/to/examples/ramenkan.lua >/dev/null 2>&1 &` ## License BSD-3.0