- Parse service codes if they are sent as `!code` or `nick: !code` in channels and private messages (where `!code` is an example code prefix and service code, and `nick` is the bot's nick). If the service code is not provided at the start of the message body, it will be treated as a message without a service code and passed to the target handler. - If a target handler is defined, both messages in the form `nick: message` in a channel and `message` in a private message will be sent to the handler. The `nick:` at the start of `nick: message` will no longer be filtered out. The default name of the target handler is `target`, as in `itte_handlers.target(cxt, msg)`. This can be changed in the config by setting a new `itte_config.target_handler` value.
Mini IRC bot module in Lua.
Currently supported:
- Authentication via SASL (plain) or Nickserv
- Joining multiple servers
- Ad-hoc connecting to servers and joining channels
- Config reload
- Scheduled tasks
Please see the docs.
Luarocks rockspec from Will Sinatra