
63 lines
2.7 KiB

-- Source: based loosely on interpretations by Bev G
grammar = {
origin = {
-- Spades: thought, communication
"♠ A — yes, knowing the truth",
"♠ 2 — no, truth as yet unknown",
"♠ 3 — no, lacking communication",
"♠ 4 — maybe, needing time to recover",
"♠ 5 — maybe, be direct about intentions",
"♠ 6 — yes, proceed slowly, path of least resistance",
"♠ 7 — yes, if convinced; no, if attempting deception",
"♠ 8 — maybe, wait and try hard",
"♠ 9 — no, getting one's affairs in order first",
"♠ 10 — no, most likely not happening",
"♠ J — yes, focusing on the goal",
"♠ Q — yes, if knowing the truth beforehand",
"♠ K — likely, weighing all options objectively",
-- Clubs: inspiration, action
"♣ A — yes, seize the momentum",
"♣ 2 — no, no more to be done besides reorganising plans",
"♣ 3 — yes, with patience",
"♣ 4 — yes, all is well so far",
"♣ 5 — no, push through the current situation first",
"♣ 6 — yes, definitely",
"♣ 7 — maybe, if others can be convinced",
"♣ 8 — yes, do it now",
"♣ 9 — yes, slowly",
"♣ 10 — no, hang on and wait for the situation to improve",
"♣ J — yes, if safe; no, if risky",
"♣ Q — yes, with any encouragement you can find",
"♣ K — yes, without losing sight of the bigger picture",
-- Diamonds: material, money
"♦ A — yes, all is favourable",
"♦ 2 — yes, if organised and in control",
"♦ 3 — yes, for work-related matters",
"♦ 4 — yes, after reallocating resources",
"♦ 5 — no, risks cannot be taken",
"♦ 6 — yes, if giving; unlikely, if receiving",
"♦ 7 — maybe, if ready to initiate change",
"♦ 8 — yes, check the details first",
"♦ 9 — yes, to be done alone",
"♦ 10 — yes, if having family support or blessings",
"♦ J — yes, with hard work",
"♦ Q — yes, while handling the practical aspects",
"♦ K — yes, with studious determination",
-- Hearts: love, emotions
"♥ A — yes, enjoy the moment",
"♥ 2 — yes, welcome it",
"♥ 3 — yes, have fun",
"♥ 4 — no, not in a good emotional state",
"♥ 5 — no, with a heavy heart",
"♥ 6 — yes, possibly related to the past",
"♥ 7 — maybe, there are multiple potential paths",
"♥ 8 — yes, although slowly or reluctantly",
"♥ 9 — yes, it is fine",
"♥ 10 — yes, a good time to aspire towards fulfillment",
"♥ J — yes, though short-lived",
"♥ Q — yes, be attentive to others' needs",
"♥ K — likely, with restraint"