Little Celery {{verb}} a myrtle, who was named Tomato and lived in her garden. Little Celery {{verb}} a basket with turtles, and visited Tomato often like a {{adjective}} warden. One day, Little Celery and Tomato went {{verb -ing}}, to watch the neighborhood {{noun}} play. They stopped at a {{place}} for food amid their wandering There were plantains and buttered consommé, and cola that swirled in time to {{adjective}} fizzling, but they didn't {{verb}} any blueberries, to Tomato's dismay. "Don't worry!" Celery assured her companion {{adverb -ly}} They got seeds from the next {{place}} across the fence, and {{verb}} them in a big plot that bloomed heartily, Now every year they shared the {{noun}} with all their friends.