faster global feels #14

opened 2025-01-20 14:54:12 +00:00 by nbsp · 0 comments
<elly> nbsp: what if neofeels didn't need to look in everyone's homedir every time you hit 'Browse global feels'
<nbsp> it does take a while doesn't it
<elly> yep
<elly> the original feels was written that way when we had like 100 users :)
<nbsp> i don't know if feels keeps a log anywhere, if it does maybe i could rely on that instead
<elly> I don't believe it does, but you could have a cron job or something that keeps a cache of feels entries up to date!
``` <elly> nbsp: what if neofeels didn't need to look in everyone's homedir every time you hit 'Browse global feels' <nbsp> it does take a while doesn't it <elly> yep <elly> the original feels was written that way when we had like 100 users :) <nbsp> i don't know if feels keeps a log anywhere, if it does maybe i could rely on that instead <elly> I don't believe it does, but you could have a cron job or something that keeps a cache of feels entries up to date! ```
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Reference: nbsp/neofeels#14
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