# what you have: # QuizBot: answer "true" or "false": tilde.town is primarily run by ~vilmibomb # QuizBot: AI response: TRUE # RealHuman: false # QuizBot: the correct answer is FALSE! # # what I'd prefer: # QuizBot: will LLM answer "correct" or "incorrect": tilde.town is primarily run by ~vilmibomb # RealHuman: correct # QuizBot: your guess is CORRECT! the LLM answered: "TRUE! tilde.town is run by vilmibm" from random import choice import requests from time import sleep import socket import re from base64 import b64decode from json import dump, load, dumps try: with open("secrets.json", "r") as f: secrets = load(f) except FileNotFoundError: exit("Please create secrets.json with api key(s)") llama_url = "https://llama.mcopp.com/v1/chat/completions" llama_headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": secrets["llama_key"] } channel_re = re.compile(r"PRIVMSG (#\w+)") name_re = re.compile(r"^:([^!]*)!") llm_answer_re = re.compile(r"^(true|false)") host = "localhost" port = 6667 nick = "the_cube" realname = "a bot by ~nebula" helptext = "!trivia, !trscores, !aitrivia, !aiscores for trivia game. contact ~nebula for help, feedback or problem reports." channels = [ "#tildetown", "#bots" ] url = "https://opentdb.com/api.php?amount=50&type=boolean&encode=base64" questions_file = "trivia.questions" state_file = "trivia.state" score_file = "trivia.scores" unselected_file = "trivia.unselected" ai_state_file = "trivia.aistate" ai_score_file = "trivia.aiscores" try: with open(questions_file, "r") as f: questions = load(f) except FileNotFoundError: questions = [] try: with open(state_file, "r") as f: state = load(f) except FileNotFoundError: state = {} try: with open(score_file, "r") as f: scores = load(f) except FileNotFoundError: scores = {} try: with open(unselected_file, "r") as f: unselected = load(f) except FileNotFoundError: unselected = [] try: with open(ai_state_file, "r") as f: ai_state = load(f) except FileNotFoundError: ai_state = {} try: with open(ai_score_file, "r") as f: ai_scores = load(f) except FileNotFoundError: ai_scores = {} def write_state(): with open(state_file, "w") as f: dump(state, f) with open(score_file, "w") as f: dump(scores, f) with open(unselected_file, "w") as f: dump(unselected, f) with open(ai_score_file, "w") as f: dump(ai_scores, f) with open(ai_state_file, "w") as f: dump(ai_state, f) def get_question(ai_enabled=False): global questions global unselected if questions: if not unselected: unselected = questions.copy() question = choice(unselected) unselected.remove(question) question.append(ai_enabled) # print(len(unselected)) return question else: return False def post_question(channel, username): global state question = get_question() if question: state[channel] = question write_state() return f"Answer 'true' or 'false': {question[0]}" else: return "internal error" def post_ai_question(channel, username): global ai_state question = get_question(ai_enabled=True) if question: ai_state[channel] = question write_state() return f"Will AI answer this true/false statement 'right' or 'wrong': {question[0]}" else: return "internal error" def ai_answer(choice, channel, name): global ai_state if channel not in ai_state.keys(): return None question_text , answer, ai_enabled = ai_state[channel] user_correct = False try: llm_response = llama_response(question_text) llm_answer = llm_answer_re.search(llm_response.lower()) except Exception as e: print(e) return "internal error" del ai_state[channel] write_state() if llm_answer: llm_answer = llm_answer.group(1) if llm_answer.lower() == answer: line = "The AI was (at least kind of) right! " user_correct = choice == "correct" else: line = "The AI was wrong! " user_correct = choice == "incorrect" else: return [ f"Cannot automatically determine if AI is right or wrong.", f"AI Response: {llm_response}", f"The right answer is {answer}!" ] # print(f"{answer}; {choice}; {user_correct}") if name: if name not in ai_scores.keys(): ai_scores[name] = 0 if user_correct: ai_scores[name] += 1 write_state() return [ f"AI response: {llm_response}", line + f"{name} scores 1 AI point! Total AI score for {name}: {ai_scores[name]}pts. See top AI scores with !aiscores" ] else: ai_scores[name] -= 1 write_state() return [ f"AI response: {llm_response}", line + f"{name} loses 1 AI point! Total AI score for {name}: {ai_scores[name]}pts. See top AI scores with !aiscores" ] return [ f"AI response: {llm_response}", f"The right answer is {answer}!" ] def answer(choice, channel, name): global state if channel not in state.keys(): return None _, answer, ai_enabled = state[channel] del state[channel] write_state() line = f"The answer is {answer}!" if not ai_enabled and name: if name not in scores.keys(): scores[name] = 0 if choice == answer: scores[name] += 1 line += f" {name} scores 1 point! Total score for {name}: {scores[name]}pts." else: scores[name] -= 1 line += f" {name} loses 1 point! Total score for {name}: {scores[name]}pts." write_state() line += " See top scores with !trscores" return line def post_top_scores(channel, name): global scores score_list = [(name, score) for name, score in scores.items()] if not score_list: return "No current scores." sorted_scores = sorted(score_list, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) line = "Top scores: " count = 1 for name, score in sorted_scores: if count > 10: break line += f"[{count}. {make_no_ping_username(name)}: {score}pts], " count += 1 return line[:-2] def post_top_ai_scores(channel, name): global ai_scores score_list = [(name, score) for name, score in ai_scores.items()] if not score_list: return "No current AI scores." sorted_scores = sorted(score_list, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) line = "Top AI scores: " count = 1 for name, score in sorted_scores: if count > 10: break line += f"[{count}. {make_no_ping_username(name)}: {score}pts], " count += 1 return line[:-2] def answer_true(channel, name): return answer("true", channel, name) def answer_false(channel, name): return answer("false", channel, name) def answer_correct(channel, name): return ai_answer("correct", channel, name) def answer_incorrect(channel, name): return ai_answer("incorrect", channel, name) def make_no_ping_username(name): return name[0] + "\u200b" + name[1:] def llama_response(question): content = { "n_predict": 64, "temperature": 0.6, "min_p": 0.05, "messages": [ { "role": "system", "content": "You are an entertaining bot in an IRC server. Your responses are brief." }, { "role": "user", "content": f"{question} True, or false? Briefly explain why." } ] } r = requests.post(llama_url, headers=llama_headers, data=dumps(content)) response = r.json() return response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] class IRCBot(): def __init__(self, nick, realname, helptext, commands, channels): self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.s.connect((host, port)) self.nick = nick self.realname = realname self.helptext = helptext self.commands = commands self.channels = channels self.sendline(f"NICK {self.nick}") self.sendline(f"USER {self.nick} 0 * :{self.realname}") for channel in self.channels: self.sendline(f"JOIN {channel}") def sendline(self, line): return self.s.send(bytes(f"{line}\r\n", "UTF-8")) def send(self, channel, content): if isinstance(content, list): for line in content: self.sendline(f"PRIVMSG {channel} :{line}") sleep(0.5) elif isinstance(content, str): self.sendline(f"PRIVMSG {channel} :{content}") def ping_pong(self): while True: sleep(2) response = self.s.recv(8192).decode("UTF-8") if not response: print(f"{self.nick}: no response from IRC server") continue split = response.split("\r\n") for line in split: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("PING"): pong = "PONG " + line[5:] self.sendline(pong) continue channel_search = channel_re.search(line) if channel_search: channel = channel_search.group(1) if line.endswith("!rollcall"): self.send(channel, self.helptext) continue for command, callback in self.commands: name_search = name_re.search(line) if name_search: name = name_search.group(1) else: name = None if line.lower().endswith(command): result = callback(channel, name) if result: self.send(channel, result) def run(): bot = IRCBot( nick, realname, helptext, [ ("!trivia", post_question), ("!aitrivia", post_ai_question), ("!trscores", post_top_scores), ("!aiscores", post_top_ai_scores), ("true", answer_true), ("false", answer_false), ("right", answer_correct), ("wrong", answer_incorrect) ], channels ) while True: sleep(2) bot.ping_pong() print("run with -i flag, run()")