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3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
2b2f86d164 Merge branch 'master' of 2021-04-08 14:16:12 +00:00
85b3fe1e30 remove fezbot.scm 2021-04-08 14:15:49 +00:00
9625aea82d rename to anna, add .eval command 2021-04-08 14:15:14 +00:00
2 changed files with 94 additions and 73 deletions

anna.scm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim)
(ice-9 textual-ports)
(ice-9 format))
(define +channel+ "#bots")
(define (scdr lst)
"Safe CDR which will return the empty list if it is passed the empty list instead of throwing an error."
(if (null? lst)
(cdr lst)))
(define (slist-ref lst index)
"Safe list-ref, see scdr"
(if (< (length lst) (+ index 1))
(list-ref lst index)))
(define (slist-tail lst index)
"Safe list-tail, see scdr"
(if (< (length lst) (+ index 1))
(list-tail lst index)))
(define (string-tail str index)
"List-tail for strings."
(list->string (list-tail (string->list str) index)))
(define (intersperse sep lst)
"Returns a new list with sep between each element of lst."
((or (null? lst)
(null? (cdr lst))) lst)
(else (cons (car lst)
(cons sep
(intersperse sep (cdr lst)))))))
(define (make-connection host port)
"Connect to irc server on host:port, returns a socket for reading and writing."
(let* ((sock (socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0))
(con (connect sock
(car (vector-ref (gethost host) 4))
(define (pong stream)
(format stream "PONG :anna\r\n"))
(define (send-nick stream)
(format stream "NICK anna\r\n"))
(define (send-user stream)
(format stream "USER anna anna :Anna\r\n"))
(define (join-channel stream)
(format stream "JOIN ~a\r\n" +channel+))
(define (send-message stream chn msg)
(format stream "PRIVMSG ~a :~a\r\n" chn msg))
(define (send-action stream chn action)
(format stream "PRIVMSG ~a :\x01ACTION ~a\x01\r\n" chn action))
(define (main-loop stream)
(let* ((inl (read-line stream))
(data (string-tokenize inl)))
;; debug print
(format #t "~s~%" data)
((equal? (car data) "PING")
(pong stream))
((equal? ":.hello" (slist-ref data 3))
(send-message stream +channel+ "hello, world"))
((equal? ":.eval" (slist-ref data 3))
(let* ((expr (string-concatenate (intersperse " " (cdr (member ":eval" data))))))
(send-message stream +channel+ (eval (read (open-input-string expr))
((and (= 7 (length data))
(equal? (list-tail data 4) '("ACTION" "shoots" "anna")))
(send-action stream +channel+ "dies")
(close-port stream)
(main-loop stream)))
(let* ((io (make-connection "" 6667)))
(send-nick io)
(send-user io)
(join-channel io)
(main-loop io))

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim)
(ice-9 textual-ports))
(define *channel* "#bots")
(define (scdr lst)
"Safe CDR which will return the empty list if it is passed the empty list instead of throwing an error."
(if (null? lst)
(cdr lst)))
(define (slist-ref lst index)
"Safe list-ref, see scdr"
(if (< (length lst) (+ index 1))
(list-ref lst index)))
(define (slist-tail lst index)
"Safe list-tail, see scdr"
(if (< (length lst) (+ index 1))
(list-tail lst index)))
(define (make-connection host port)
"Connect to irc server on host:port, returns a socket for reading and writing."
(let* ((sock (socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0))
(con (connect sock
(car (vector-ref (gethost host) 4))
(define (send-nick stream)
(put-string stream "NICK fezbot\r\n"))
(define (send-user stream)
(put-string stream "USER fezbot fezbot :Fez Bottingson\r\n"))
(define (join-channel stream)
(put-string stream (string-append "JOIN " *channel* "\r\n")))
(define (send-message stream chn msg)
(put-string stream (string-append "PRIVMSG " chn " :" msg "\r\n")))
(define (send-action stream chn action)
(put-string stream (string-append "PRIVMSG " chn " :\x01ACTION " action "\x01\r\n")))
(define (main-loop stream)
(let* ((inl (read-line stream))
(data (string-tokenize inl)))
(display data)
((equal? (car data) "PING")
(send-message stream *channel* "PONG :foo"))
((equal? ":hello" (slist-ref data 3))
(send-message stream *channel* "hello, world"))
((and (= 7 (length data))
(equal? (list-tail data 4) '("ACTION" "shoots" "fezbot")))
(send-action stream *channel* "dies")
(close-port stream)
(main-loop stream)))
(let* ((io (make-connection "" 6667)))
(send-nick io)
(send-user io)
(join-channel io)
(main-loop io))