add qotd support

This commit is contained in:
opfez 2021-10-09 00:26:38 +02:00
parent 00c8f6d5d9
commit 6ee089a1a2

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@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ tokenDispatch (Just userName) (Just chn) ts = if elem "PRIVMSG" ts
| otherwise = case head tokens of
-- TODO: make reader monad for this? passing chn is a little tedious
"!greets" -> greets chn
"!qotd" -> qotd chn
"!rollcall" -> rollcall chn
"!anna" -> anna chn
_ -> return ()
@ -106,14 +107,20 @@ greets chn = do
displayLine = "o/ - " ++ (head contentLines) ++ " vs \\o - " ++ (head $ tail contentLines)
sendMessage chn displayLine
rollcall :: String -> Net ()
rollcall chn = sendMessage chn "Hello! I respond to !anna and !greets. My source code is available at"
anna = rollcall
qotd :: String -> Net ()
qotd chn = do
handle <- liftIO $ connectTo "" 1717
text <- liftIO $ hGetContents handle
sendMessage chn text
return ()
timezone :: String -> String -> Net ()
timezone chn username = undefined
rollcall :: String -> Net ()
rollcall chn = sendMessage chn "Hello! I respond to !anna and !greets. My source code is available at"
anna = rollcall
-- Basic commands
write :: String -> String -> Net ()