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2 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
3477b81b21 | |
f20eb10586 |
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
FFLAGS:=-Wall -Wno-maybe-uninitialized
FFLAGS:=-Wall -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -O2
BINS:=./bin/day01.bin ./bin/day01b.bin ./bin/day02.bin ./bin/day03.bin ./bin/day04.bin ./bin/day05.bin ./bin/day05b.bin ./bin/day06.bin ./bin/day07.bin ./bin/day07b.bin ./bin/day08.bin ./bin/day08b.bin ./bin/day09.bin ./bin/day10.bin ./bin/day11.bin
BINS:=./bin/day01.bin ./bin/day01b.bin ./bin/day02.bin ./bin/day03.bin ./bin/day04.bin ./bin/day05.bin ./bin/day05b.bin ./bin/day06.bin ./bin/day07.bin ./bin/day07b.bin ./bin/day08.bin ./bin/day08b.bin ./bin/day09.bin ./bin/day10.bin ./bin/day11.bin ./bin/day12.bin
all: aoc19
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
???.### 1,1,3
.??..??...?##. 1,1,3
?#?#?#?#?#?#?#? 1,3,1,6
????.#...#... 4,1,1
????.######..#####. 1,6,5
?###???????? 3,2,1
@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
program day12
implicit none
integer, parameter :: max_chars = 300
integer, parameter :: max_rows = 2000
integer, parameter :: b_kind = selected_int_kind(15)
character(200) :: fname
character(max_chars) :: fline
character(max_chars) :: springs, spt
integer :: tn_spr, n_springs
integer :: n_arguments
integer :: n_repeats
integer :: istat
integer :: strlen
integer, allocatable :: tspec(:), specifiers(:)
integer :: tn_spec, n_specifiers
integer :: i, i2, i3
integer :: s_pos
integer :: num_wc
integer(kind=b_kind) :: val, total_valid
n_arguments = command_argument_count()
if (n_arguments .eq. 2) then
call get_command_argument(1, fname)
print *, "File: ", trim(fname)
call get_command_argument(2, fline)
read(fline, *) n_repeats
print *, "Number of repeats: ", n_repeats
print *, "Wrong number of arguments: ", n_arguments
end if
open(10, file=fname)
total_valid = 0
do i=1,max_rows
read(10, "(a)", iostat=istat) fline
strlen = len_trim(fline)
if ((strlen .eq. 0) .or. (is_iostat_end(istat))) then
end if
s_pos = scan(fline, " ")
tn_spr = s_pos - 1
spt = fline(1:tn_spr)
tn_spec = 1
do i2 = s_pos+1, strlen
if (fline(i2:i2) .eq. ',') then
tn_spec = tn_spec + 1
end if
end do
n_specifiers = tn_spec * (1 + n_repeats)
read(fline((s_pos + 1):strlen), *) tspec
do i2=0,n_repeats
do i3=1,tn_spec
specifiers(i2 * tn_spec + i3) = tspec(i3)
end do
end do
springs = spt
if (n_repeats .ge. 1) then
do i2=1,n_repeats
springs = trim(springs) // '?' // trim(spt)
end do
end if
n_springs = (n_repeats + 1) * tn_spr + n_repeats
print *, "Row: ", i
print *, "Original: ", trim(spt)
print *, "Original specifiers: "
print "(20i2)", tspec
print *, "Expanded: ", trim(springs)
print *, "Expanded specifiers: "
print "(20i2)", specifiers
num_wc = numstr(trim(springs), '?')
print *, "Length: ", n_springs
print *, "Number of wildcards: ", num_wc
val = nvalid(springs, n_springs, specifiers, n_specifiers, .true.)
print *, "Valid: ", val
print *
total_valid = total_valid + val
end do
print *
print *, "Total valid: ", total_valid
function consistent(springs, n_spr, specs, n_specs)
implicit none
character(*), intent(in) ::springs
integer, intent(in) :: specs(:)
integer, intent(in) :: n_spr, n_specs
logical :: consistent
integer :: c1, c2, c3, i, speccur, clen
consistent = .true.
c1 = 1
speccur = 0
do i = 1, n_spr
if (c1 .gt. n_spr) then
consistent = speccur .eq. n_specs
! We've run out of springs
end if
c2 = scan(springs(c1:n_spr), '#')
if (c2 .eq. 0) then
consistent = speccur .eq. n_specs
! Also run out of springs
end if
c2 = c1 + c2 - 1
c3 = verify(springs(c2:n_spr), '#')
if (c3 .eq. 0) then
! Ends at end of string
c3 = n_spr
c3 = c2 + c3 - 2
end if
speccur = speccur + 1
if (speccur .gt. n_specs) then
consistent = .false.
end if
clen = c3 - c2 + 1
if (clen .ne. specs(speccur)) then
consistent = .false.
end if
c1 = c3 + 1
end do
print *, '???'
end function consistent
function numstr(springs, str)
implicit none
character(*), intent(in) :: springs, str
integer :: numstr
integer :: sprlen, i
sprlen = len_trim(springs)
numstr = 0
do i=1,sprlen
if (scan(springs(i:i), str) .ne. 0) then
numstr = numstr + 1
end if
end do
end function numstr
function viable(springs, n_spr, specs, n_specs)
implicit none
character(*), intent(in) ::springs
integer, intent(in) :: specs(:)
integer, intent(in) :: n_spr, n_specs
logical :: viable
character(len=1) :: ch
integer :: i, i2, spi, spc, nrq, remt
logical :: ch1v, ch2v
spi = 0
spc = 0
viable = .true.
ch2v = .false.
do i=1,n_spr
ch1v = ch2v
ch = springs(i:i)
if (ch .eq. '?') then
nrq = numstr(springs(i:n_spr), '?#')
remt = 0
do i2=spi,n_specs
remt = remt + specs(i2)
end do
remt = remt - spc
viable = (nrq .ge. remt)
end if
ch2v = scan(ch, '#') .ne. 0
if (ch2v) then
if (ch1v) then
spc = spc + 1
if (spc .gt. specs(spi)) then
viable = .false.
end if
spc = 1
spi = spi + 1
if (spi .gt. n_specs) then
viable = .false.
end if
end if
end if
end do
end function viable
recursive function nvalid(springs, n_spr, specs, n_specs, r_branch) result(nv)
implicit none
character(len=max_chars), intent(in) ::springs
integer, intent(in) :: specs(:)
integer, intent(in) :: n_spr, n_specs
logical, intent(in) :: r_branch
integer :: nv
integer :: s_pos
character(len=max_chars) :: test_spr
nv = 0
s_pos = scan(springs, '?')
if (r_branch) then
print *, "Right branch depth: ", s_pos
end if
if (s_pos .eq. 0) then
if (consistent(springs, n_spr, specs, n_specs)) then
nv = nv + 1
end if
end if
test_spr = springs
test_spr(s_pos:s_pos) = '#'
if (viable(test_spr, n_spr, specs, n_specs)) then
nv = nv + nvalid(test_spr, n_spr, specs, n_specs, .false.)
end if
test_spr(s_pos:s_pos) = '.'
if (viable(test_spr, n_spr, specs, n_specs)) then
nv = nv + nvalid(test_spr, n_spr, specs, n_specs, r_branch)
end if
end function nvalid
end program day12
Reference in New Issue