
109 lines
3.5 KiB

program day2
implicit none
integer, parameter :: max_games = 100
integer, parameter :: max_subgames = 100
integer, parameter :: max_cdraws = 3
integer, parameter :: max_chars = 10000
integer, parameter :: max_red = 12
integer, parameter :: max_green = 13
integer, parameter :: max_blue = 14
integer :: game, subgame, cdraw
integer :: game_red, game_green, game_blue
integer :: ca_1, ca_2
integer :: cb_1, cb_2
integer :: n_arguments
character(max_chars) :: GameLine
integer :: tLLen
character(200) :: fname
logical :: f_col, game_poss
integer :: cubes
integer :: sum_games, game_power, sum_power
n_arguments = command_argument_count()
if (n_arguments .eq. 1) then
call get_command_argument(1, fname)
print *, "File: ", fname
print *, "Wrong number of arguments: ", n_arguments
end if
open(10, file=fname)
sum_games = 0
sum_power = 0
do game=1,max_games
read(10, "(a)") GameLine
tLLen = len_trim(GameLine)
if (tLLen .eq. 0) then
end if
f_col = .false.
ca_2 = index(GameLine, ':')
if ((ca_2 .eq. 0) .or. (ca_2 .ge. tLLen)) then
end if
game_poss = .true.
game_red = 0
game_green = 0
game_blue = 0
do subgame=1,max_subgames
ca_1 = ca_2
if (ca_1 .ge. tLLen) then
end if
ca_2 = index(GameLine((ca_1 + 1):tLLen), ';')
if (ca_2 .eq. 0) then
ca_2 = tLLen
ca_2 = ca_1 + ca_2
end if
cb_2 = ca_1
do cdraw=1,max_cdraws
cb_1 = cb_2
if (cb_1 .eq. ca_2) then
end if
cb_2 = index(GameLine(cb_1 + 1:ca_2), ',')
if (cb_2 .eq. 0) then
cb_2 = ca_2
cb_2 = cb_1 + cb_2
end if
read(GameLine((cb_1 + 1):cb_2), *) cubes
if (index(GameLine((cb_1 + 1):cb_2), "red") .ne. 0) then
if (cubes .gt. max_red) then
game_poss = .false.
end if
if (cubes .gt. game_red) then
game_red = cubes
end if
else if (index(GameLine((cb_1 + 1):cb_2), "green") .ne. 0) then
if (cubes .gt. max_green) then
game_poss = .false.
end if
if (cubes .gt. game_green) then
game_green = cubes
end if
if (cubes .gt. max_blue) then
game_poss = .false.
end if
if (cubes .gt. game_blue) then
game_blue = cubes
end if
end if
end do
end do
game_power = game_red * game_green * game_blue
sum_power = sum_power + game_power
if (game_poss) then
print *, "Possible game! ", game, " Power = ", game_power
sum_games = sum_games + game
print *, "Not possible. Power = ", game_power
end if
end do
print *, "Sum of possible games: ", sum_games
print *, "Sum of game powers: ", sum_power
end program day2